it happened to me again Saturday at a race. Very dusty conditions and tight single track. I had went around 12 miles and stopped to help a buddy who had stopped. My bike was off for about 5 - 10 minutes. When I hit the starter, it started right up, idled for about 10 seconds and died like it was out of gas. I figured, no big deal, I will wait 5 minutes and it will start again. This time it didn't. It would turn over but wouldn't fire. A sweep rider finally got to where I was at and asked it I needed help. I was trying to figure out how I was going to get my bike back to the pits. It was off for about 25 minutes and had almost completely cooled down. It still wouldn't start. I tried everything I could think of. I again tried to start it, and nothing, turned over fine just wouldn't fire. Right after that attempt to start it, I turned the idle up two clicks, hit the button, and it started up immediately. I don't know it that was my problem the whole time or not. I do know that the idle seems a bit high now though. Anyway, just thought I would share my starting issues again.