Hi All. Just wanted to pop in here, say hi and introduce myself.
Kzoo and I both live in the thumb state. We got introduced to each other under fire riding the Michigan MCCCT trail safari for a week straight a few years back. Lets just say that was a fun week for all of us... :twisted:
Well Kzoo and I have kept in touch since then and recently he mentions this "force ride" thing maybe happening in Colorado and wondering if I might be interested in joinin up with him for the drive over......ummm twist twist...yea... 8O
He sends me the link and here's I am. Ive been lurking around here for a month or so seeing what is going on but thought it was time to poke my head in but good and introduce myself.
If we actually make it out there Ill be riding a 08 ...cough cough...
KTM300XC-W.....cough cough....so Ill be the odball in the group......well maybe not the only oddball as I am sure there will be plenty of oddballs in this group... but at least Ill look the part
I have rode in the Gunnison / Taylor park area like 10 years back so I am somewhat familiar with the area, but its been a long time so who knows how much I'll remember...or is it just me turning 40 that causes that...either way.
Ive been riding for the last 20 years now on a wide assortment of bikes. Started out riding MX then moved on to single track trail riding. Lately gnarly nasty single track is my playground of choice. The gnarlier the better. I also have a 12 yr old son that I am slowly corrupting to the ways of the dirt much to my wifes dismay! But he is going to be grounded for this trip.
So anyways, thats my pitch. Hopefully Kzoo and I can make this happen. Ive already started to make preperations. Moneys have been saved and parts have been bought. Hope to see all you out there....even the grumpy ol Taffy :wink: