%@#$,look what I miss when I don't check in for a few days
I can appreciate the time,effort and success that Taffy,Dale and others have had fine tuning carburetors but to an average person,EFI is definately the way to go.Personally,I'm not really interested in stopping to change the FI settings and if the system is set up properly,you shouldn't have to.A programmable sytem is fine if engine modifications vastly deviate from stock but FI systems have the capability to adjust over a wide range of variables anyway.The 20 year old Chrysler Aries/Reliant had an exceptionaly crude and basic FI system with little more than an 02,tps,cts and map and yet,worked just fine.Injectors these days rarely plug and cause very few issues and generally the vast majority of FI issues these days are due to the miles of wiring on your average car and coonection/corrosion issues and not component issues.FI system run larger filters than the old carburetor sytems but this is due to the fact that most(though not all)use the fuel they need and circulate the rest back to the tank via a return line unlike a carburetor where it just passed through the filter once then was burned.I always curse when I have to go bring in an old carbureted vehicle in the winter(fortunately,they're few and far between these days)pump the gas pedal,hold it down 1/4 or so,cock your head to the side,lift one leg,hope for the best,start,stall,then do it again.Bah Humbug,archaic technology best round filed for good. :wink: