Replacement sub frame fuel tank is in the works!!!!


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Davo said:
Hey Pete, washed the 570 today and am getting the urge to rip it apart, chek the valves and slam the subframe tank in. :)
Well now you've done the hard part and it's nice and clean it'd be silly not to get the tank in! :mrgreen:
Installed the sub tank, went on easily and fit perfectly. The fuel levels drawn on the tanks were made with the bike always vertical, so no burping when almost full was done. The two and one-half gallon mark at the crease of the stock tank gets me enough gas for hare scrambles. Clear full to the neck was exactly three gallons. I can't see putting more than three gallons in because of venting issues. Thank you DaleEO for an excellent product!
Thanks for the pics ... and the fuel line, Motorcare! That's very helpful!

Now you need to tell us (with more pics of course) about the Fluidyne radiator and the ignition cover shield.

Cheers! E-Ticket
Yep. What's with the different colour ignition covers. Mine has been smashed twice and now has a lovely gray shade of steel putty :lol:
Well, guess what the nice FedEx man brought me today! Looks good, now I've just got to find the time to get the tank and mapping switch fitted. I thought the mapping switch wasn't there at first, but the polystyrene worms had swarmed all over it!

Sadly I have no idea yet what I'm being charged by UK customs - there's nothing marked on the documentation with the box or in the on-line tracking and when I phoned FedEx to ask they said they will have paid the customs charge and I'll receive an invoice in the post in a week or so. I asked if they can just tell me how much it's going to be but they said they have no way to find out and I can either wait for the invoice or phone UK customs. I just don't believe their system doesn't have a record of what they paid otherwise how can they invoice me? Apparently it's just too much trouble to look it up and tell me. Never mind, I thought, I'll just call UK customs and ask them - you work your way though the menu system to the right point, then you get "All our operators are busy, call back later, goodbye, CLICK". Not even a stinking call queuing system, so you have to keep redialling and going through the menu - guess who's trying to discourage you from pestering them? In one of the menus it says "you may like to use our web site instead". Go to the web site and guess what - it says "for more information, call our help line", i.e. the one I've just been calling! Ho hum.

As soon as I get an invoice from FedEx I'll post the amount so anyone else in the UK knows what they're likely to pay.
No invoice yet from FedEx, but I rode the bike today with the tank fitted. Low level light came on at 116 miles, and I refuelled at 121 miles where it took 9.68L (2.56 US gallons). That should give a tank range to empty of around 155 miles! Your mileage may of course vary, but still worth a big "well done" to all at 70 Degree Racing as the range would have been more like 100 miles until now.
:bounce3: :bounce3: :bounce3:

That made my day much easier - filled up from a fuel can before I went out, then only had to fill up at the local filling station on the way back just before I got home. Without the subframe tank I would have needed to come off our trail riding route at some point to refill, and I would have been the only one so I'd be holding everyone up. It does take a little while for the fuel to filter through into the subframe when you're refilling, but not long enough to be a problem - it only adds another minute or so to the time and it's well worth that.

I did struggle a bit to get some of the bolts to line up when fitting the tank, but I dare say that would be the same even fitting a new standard subframe and they did all go in. I actually replaced all three of the bolts that hold the lower part of the subframe to the frame with new ones, but that was only because they didn't seem in very good condition when they came out during disassembly. One other problem was that the subframe tank wouldn't hinge far enough forward to get everything in place when I first fitted it, which was due to some of the wiring around the battery ending up trapped in the wrong place, so worth watching out for that. I also put the vent pipe over the top of the frame that holds the front tank mount (near the steering head) instead of under it, but to be fair the picture did show it going underneath I just didn't spot that. It was easy to re-route once I noticed.

During the ride I did think I could smell petrol fumes a couple of times when I stopped which I haven't before, but it was hard to be sure. No signs of leaks that I could see and given the tank range I got it couldn't be losing much, if anything! Just wondering if anyone else with a subframe tank fitted has noticed any occasional smells of petrol - maybe it vents a little more than standard? (The vent pipe is connected up as per the instructions.)
Yes, I notice the fumes as well. No tank or connection leaks but I did get some fuel out of the vent hose after just filling up and riding.
Thanks for that - I can rest a little easier now without worrying about fuel leaks! :cheers:

Now I think about it, when the main tank's completely full I wouldn't be surprised at some fuel getting into the vent pipe as from memory the top of the main tank is higher than where the vent pipe attaches to the subframe tank. Not a problem if that's what it is, just useful to understand what's going on.
petem said:
Thanks for that - I can rest a little easier now without worrying about fuel leaks! :cheers:

Now I think about it, when the main tank's completely full I wouldn't be surprised at some fuel getting into the vent pipe as from memory the top of the main tank is higher than where the vent pipe attaches to the subframe tank. Not a problem if that's what it is, just useful to understand what's going on.

Hi Pete,

You are correct. The vent line from the sub tank always has some fuel in it for the exact reason that you cited. Our testing showed this not to be a problem for venting vacuum into the sub tank to allow fuel to flow into the main tank.

Please visit our web site and check out the updated instructions. One of the things we recommend is to remove the ball check valve in the stock cap ( the hard parts aluminum cap has no such check valve) and this allows there to be no pressure build up in either tank.

I'm glad to see that you got your tank, it's installed and you are having a good time with it.

You mentioned your low fuel light coming on, it's my understanding that there are two settings on this indicator, one that is higher than the other. Do you know when one yours is set on?
DaleEO said:
You mentioned your low fuel light coming on, it's my understanding that there are two settings on this indicator, one that is higher than the other. Do you know when one yours is set on?
Hi Dale,

I checked during the installation and the indicator is in the standard position with the "1" pointing upwards, which is supposed to give 2.8L of reserve on EU bikes (0.74 US Gallons). Thinking about it afterwards I did wonder if I should have turned it round to warn on the lower amount (1.8L) as I assume the amount I actually have left is now more than the Repair Manual says due to there being some fuel left in the subframe tank as well as in the main. Not really a problem though as I won't often need much more than 100 miles in one run anyway so even on "1" I won't see the warning light very often, and at least I know I've got plenty left to find a filling station when the light does come on - I think I prefer to have more warning rather than less.

Just done a quick calculation and I think I probably had very roughly 3L left when the light came on, which would make sense as it's a bit more than standard (I'm assuming the subframe holds about 1 US Gallon when it's full - I can't remember whether you ever confirmed an exact amount).

Just had a quick look at the smart new updated instructions and there's now clear pictures of which bolts go where in the fender, which is useful as that's one thing I took a while to work out! I got there in the end but the new pics will avoid any confusion. I'll read through everything in more detail tomorrow in case there's anything I need to check on or change on my bike.

Noted about the vent line, thanks. I'm not surprised it works as I can't think of any reason why the fuel in the tube wouldn't just feed back down into the tank as the level drops so there won't be any problem with a vacuum building up, and eventually the tube will be empty when the fuel level drops far enough.

Now I've actually done a decent distance on a single fill-up I have confidence that I can go at least as far as most of the people I ride with can go on a tank, which means I won't be the one delaying the ride looking for fuel! :D
I'm liking all the great reports on the new tank.
Looks like it's time to go rob another bank, eh. :(
I ran mine a bunch this weekend. I decided to fill up at 96 miles on Saturday, as the main tank looked pretty low. It only took 2.8 gallons, so I guess I could have kept going. I have noticed that my subframe tank will hold a different level than the main tank. Is that normal? I was afraid that I might run out, yet still have fuel in the subframe tank.
Serpexc said:
I ran mine a bunch this weekend. I decided to fill up at 96 miles on Saturday, as the main tank looked pretty low. It only took 2.8 gallons, so I guess I could have kept going. I have noticed that my subframe tank will hold a different level than the main tank. Is that normal? I was afraid that I might run out, yet still have fuel in the subframe tank.

The sub tank should hold the same level as the main tank, roughly as it is a gravity feed. There will always be a little bit of fuel in the sub tank below the level of the main tank, it's gravity feed and that part being lower than the main tank means that the fuel will not flow into the main tank.

Did you remove the ball check valve from your cap per the updated instructions as mentioned in the post on this page? If you are running the Hard parts aluminum cap you don't need to worry about that since it doesn't have a check valve in it.
Serpexc said:
I have noticed that my subframe tank will hold a different level than the main tank. Is that normal?
I thought that too at first, but then I realised it was only when the bike was leaned over on the side stand - as soon as I stood the bike upright and looked at it directly side-on, they were at the same level. I think it may be that the widths of the tanks where you're looking at them are slightly different and when they're sloping it makes it look like the fuel's at a different height.

Of course they really are at different heights while you're filling up until the fuel works its way through, but after that on my bike they've been level whenever I've checked with the bike upright. It'd be interesting to know why if yours really is on different levels when the bike's upright.
CrazyTed said:
Where is the adjustment for the fuel level light?
Where the sensor fits into the tank, it can be fitted in either way up. There's a "1" and a "2" marked on the sensor next to where the wires come out - if the "1" is at the top the light comes on with 2.8L left (which is how it's delivered), but if the "2" is at the top it comes on with 1.8L left. So to change it you need to take the sensor out, rotate it around so the number you want is at the top, then refit it.

I have to say I never noticed the "2" when I was looking at mine, but I didn't look for it as there was definitely a "1" at the top.
Wow, never knew that and there's nothing in my manual that says anything like that. Cool. I'd like to swap mine around as the light comes on way early in my opinion on my 2010 FX450.
Can't recall seeing it anywhere in the owner's manual but it is covered in the repair manual. Well worth getting a copy of the repair manual (on CD) if you don't have one - lots of useful info in there!
CrazyTed said:
Do you have a part number for that CD?
3803006 CD Repair Manual Husaberg 390/450/570 $23.99

On the Sub Frame Tank Subject, I was showing mine to a Bike Mechanic specialist who commented, "Looks like Husaberg made it themselves"

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