Is the site healthy?


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At about the time of the change over, my 02 blew a stator for a second time & given that I was also coming round to the idea that it was too big a bike for me to handle at this stage, I laid it up in the garage & bought a husky wr250 smoker.

This bike is a pleasure for me to ride but I dont love it. I don't feel part of a club & if I have a problem, there are so many forums (but none specific - thumper talk seems best) that I'm not confident of the replys.

During this period; (as others mentioned above) I've watched but not joined in. No one likes change & I didn't like the new site either but now I'm used to it its fine. Everything has to change / evolve or it stagnates & dies & this is no exception & I for one think the guys who run it are doing a great job.

I have noticed low postings but doesn't that always happen summer as we're all out on our bikes.
I have noticed lots of "new" & LDC posts and like many other forums, the posts are sometimes non bike related gibberish (please keep to facebook). But I supposed that's to be expected when there's nothing wrong with their bikes. Better to keep members on the site then alienate them.

PS Keep "the lighter side" going - not many posts here recently!!

However, I can only pay £1,500.00 ($2,000.00) for a bike so I'm old school - but 3 years time I'll be buying 09 ldc's fo that price & they'll be knackered & I'll need schwin / Dale / Taffy and you all to tell me how to fix up a banger.

Recently with the help of a site member who responded to a post of mine /(sold me some wheels tyres - fenders - spaces - chain everything) I've SM'd my FE02 & Taffy / sparks supplied the extras. This was all done for about 1/2 what it would have cost in time & money if I'd done it alone the e-bay route plus I could pm or call & say..."where does that go??".

I'm so pleased with the new lease of life on my FE (was thinking of parting it at one point) that I'm going to post back the bits I did'nt use - I could put them on e-bay & make a few quid but I reckon I was helped & so I'll help back. Thats what clubs are all about.

A while back Daleo missunderstood one of my posts when I referred to my "subscription" to the UHE. Every year on the anniversory of my joining I pledge about $20.00. I reckon thats my subscription to a club that saves me £'sss in advice & parts.

Keep up the good works.

Get the classified up & running again.

Remember todays brand new is tomorrow's fixer upper.
arkley123 said:
...bought a husky wr250 smoker.

This bike is a pleasure for me to ride but I dont love it. I don't feel part of a club & if I have a problem, there are so many forums (but none specific - thumper talk seems best) that I'm not confident of the replys.
Didn't you find Cafe Husky? I doubt there's any question you could ask about a Husky of any vintage where you wouldn't get a reliable answer there and they welcome anyone with an interest in Huskys.

davo said:
Did UHE loose a bit of healthiness when all the new LDC people turned up?
... LDC riders with not much Husaberg knowledge. (growing band of noise makers and Drive Bye's)
steve said:
I recall that it was discussed here previously that an apprenticeship on a Gen 1 or Gen 2 should be compulsory to be allowed to acquire a Gen 3. :cheers:
arkley123 said:
I have noticed lots of "new" & LDC posts and like many other forums, the posts are sometimes non bike related gibberish (please keep to facebook). But I supposed that's to be expected when there's nothing wrong with their bikes.
Are these the views of the majority of members on this forum? If so, what's the solution - would you be happy with the suggestion Parsko mentioned to "Separate the models into generations" so that people could easily ignore the generations they're not interested in, or would you rather that anyone who's a newcomer to Husabergs and hasn't owned anything prior to LDC models should just leave the forum altogether because they have nothing useful or interesting to contribute?

arkley123 said:
Better to keep members on the site then alienate them.
That's true if you want to keep the site active in the long term and make sure it doesn't die, but then again if some of the activity is about things which the majority of members just find irrelevant and irritating...
MY view is still right. still hasn't changed. click on a coloured dot when naming your new thread:

yellow = > 2001
orange = 2001-2003
green = 2004-2008
turquoise can be the current generation.
and so on and so forth.

no need for catagories - just an indicator. this is the only time you should wish you're a septic tank and then you'd get your ideas gratified and ratified etc


Newby here. Laptop-6months. BMW R1100S -6 months. Husaberg- 6 days. Learning about computer and R1100S details- 4 months. Then found ADV riders. Wanted DS bike. Decided on Berg. Joined here and Thumper Talk. Enough already. This is the first sight that I totally agree with, both in content and emotion. Just the fact that the question was asked and answered is the statement that you wanted. I, of course, will go on to pick the experts brains to make my Berg the envy of all my GS friends. I hope!!!
Taffy said:
you'd get your ideas gratified and ratified etc

To be completely honest taff, this isn't true. I'd fail to implement your suggestions, just like everyone elses, regardless of your status as a non-seppo. It has less to do with your origination than my lack of time to implement the suggestions.
Has Been said:
Just the fact that the question was asked and answered is the statement that you wanted.
There have been several different questions asked on this thread so I'm not sure which one you're talking about - did you mean the original one that started the thread, about the site being healthy?
Doesn't this thread indicate a healthy site? One where we generally talk bikes, and help each other? The best forum on the net AFAIK, and I'm a member and stalker of a few others due to my eclectic tastes in machinery and other stuff.

Why is it so?
I guess that to own and operate a pre 04 model required a degree of commitment, and an ability to work through issues that once addressed allowed the breed to demonstrate its strengths. Shed time was compulsory. The new bikes, transitioning from 04 to the LDCs of today offer the reliability and generally bug free performance that we wished for in years gone by, and now some bemoan that it attracts those who just want to ride.

The UHE site/community can only ever be a function of its members, and we all have choices. I'll be back tomorrow.

steve said:
The UHE site/community can only ever be a function of its members, and we all have choices. I'll be back tomorrow.

Well put sir ! :cheers: It may sound stupid but I am looking forward to seeing the guts of my motor, and that will be very shortly if I don't get a better cam chain tensioner :lol: I know that I havent always posted relevent or useful or even coherent messages but I have taken a lot of info and advice from this site and try to put back where I can. If I am a LDC owning, noise making, drive by offender so be it, there is still plenty to learn about the new bikes and there is still plenty of shed time to be had. (in my case anyway, remember kiddies "demo" means pre-thrashed) Can't we all just get along ? :D
Real newby here. Reference Parsko comments about Jason having (or not ) all the info/maintenance/troubleshooting/detailed work info about Generation one. I just bought an old 1997 FE501E.and I would give my eye teeth for that. I would even purchase the book. I assume it would be in the neighborhood of 2000 posts. I spent about 50 hours researching the 1999-2005 BMW R1100S. and the 1990-2001 501Husaberg should be the same. (I dont know!). In answer to the basic question, I agree the site should be broken into basic engine designs. The first section should be already written and will only be added to by poor folks like myself. The second, likewise but with much to be added. The third, just starting, and IMHO would encouridgethe LDC folks to join in.
excuse my befuddled brain but the suggestion of splitting the bikes into different generations has been bandied about a few times and i though we'd tried it not that long ago and it didnt work so it went back to the way its always been.

or am i just getting my topics mixed up?
doesn't need to be split there are not enough daily posts yet

the colours for different stuff are a nice idea. I can usually tell whats in a thread by reading the title . if it was a concern all you have to do is write the bike year in the title of the thread.

I bet no one can be bothered though and then there are allways things that are common to both... for some basic stuff a crank is a crank and a fork is a fork.
here! here!

I'd like to see in a years time where all the fancy pants LDC boys are....still changing sprockets and asking questions like: 'does my bum look big in this'!

the site was nothing without lineaweavers input at the beginning. he MADE the site. I'd like to think I have more than added to his work indeed to have taken over where he left off but until I get onto the new bike I can't see anyone being GENEROUS enough with their info, mindful enough to share there opinion, or hard working enough to find out instead of bloodywell talking all day. :angry: :angry:

we tried separating the issues and the subjects became a nightmare to control. not only that but exactly as bushie says, if you know forks you know any forks and can help even if you haven't got an LDC. but can you tell them that? no! they spend all their lives doubting the genuine people and then ask you if they should buy this go-faster square wheel that is all the rage! i mean WTFiH are they like?

"if i bore out my bike by 1mm will i have to rejet the bike?'.


I know you are smorgy but it's only an asset when it's worth something by way of money saving/deep knowledge and experience/took a huge effort!

I've yet to see anything like that here for the new bike.


Taffy said:
but until I get onto the new bike I can't see anyone being GENEROUS enough with their info, mindful enough to share there opinion, or hard working enough to find out instead of bloodywell talking all day. 😠 😠

I'd have to disagree Taffy, its been said in this topic countless times that the new gen bikes are more reliable so if it aint brike don't fix it. Search my posts and then see if there has been no one generous enough to share their experiences or opinions. Sure I'm no mechanic but I still offer up the little I know or have experienced. I feel offeneded that you can disgorge this tripe without even getting your facts straight, sure you went above and beyond to help me out when I rejetted my 550 with one of your kits. These new bikes are YOUR future so go ahead then see what you get.
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berglsmerg said:
Taffy said:
but until I get onto the new bike I can't see anyone being GENEROUS enough with their info, mindful enough to share there opinion, or hard working enough to find out instead of bloodywell talking all day. :angry: :angry:

I'd have to disagree Taffy, its been said in this topic countless times that the new gen bikes are more reliable so if it aint brike don't fix it. Search my posts and then see if there has been no one generous enough to share their experiences or opinions. Sure I'm no mechanic but I still offer up the little I know or have experienced. I feel offeneded that you can disgorge this tripe without even getting your facts straight, sure you went above and beyond to help me out when I rejetted my 550 with one of your kits, but now you are just making a ****** out of yourself and I'm starting to find myself lose my respect for you. These new bikes are YOUR future so go ahead and piss all the fancy pants LDC boys off and then see what you get. Dont know what sort of bug crawled up your arse but lighten up.... :roll:

Spoken like a true Aussie.
Been called a lot of things in my time but never a "Fancy Pants". I'm a "Tracky Dack" man :lol: Sometimes the wife wont even go for a coffee with me cause my Trackies are so daggy. Taffy must have been talking about berglsmerg , bloody Queenslanders Taffy, I know where your coming from mate there all Fancy Pants up there. :lol: :lol:

I try and help on Electrics where I can, I don't understand suspension but certainly appreciate everything people contribute. Hoping to hook up with Steve so he can teach me. Can't wait to meet him and ask, "Does my bum look big in this"
Oh, everyone relax. Taffy is just doing his UHE duty and stirring the pot with his eloquent "Taffiness". No one does it better!

Yeah, we miss Dale. He was a true force in the same sense that Husabergs original motto, "4-stroke force" was :cry: :cry: (we'll miss you Husaberg, you big fat sellout machine, wait, that's another post).

I think Schwim has spoken again. He only has so much time. Though, we can request, he has a family, and needs to feed them. I've been trying to set up a VOIP asterisk server at home, and I still can't get it working. Been working on it for weeks now. Couple hours here, couple there. There simply isn't the time to get it all right and working. I can imagine that the UHE is not much different.

I don't read enough posts these days, but I still love the banter that goes on when I do. Who cares about the "fancy pants" folks. I'm jealous, frankly. I want one. I've gotten to the point in my life where I'd just like to ride. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE working on stuff. But, it's be nice to have the primary bike just work everytime I toss my aging legs over her (yeah, I'm only 32).

In the end, it does make sense to just leave it all the way it is. People come and go. The site will keep going though (as long as we pay our dues :oops: :oops: ) I still stand behind wanting the old section, though. Jason has said it's a ton of work to bring it back, though he still has everything backed up. If anyone out there knows a thing or two, he'd love to toss the bag of garbage over the wall to see if you could help. Man, there was so much there.

Crap, I'm rambling again. Sorry.

Parsko out.
Davo said:
Taffy must have been talking about berglsmerg , bloody Queenslanders Taffy, I know where your coming from mate there all Fancy Pants up there
Easy davo ! I'm a flannie wearing, grog swilling, dirt roosting, rod burning, bike breaking, hayseed. The fanciest my pants get are my work ones coz they've got reflective stripes.

I think the point that taffy is trying to make ( I'm positive that I will be corrected if I'm wrong) is that the owners of 1st and 2nd gen bikes did the hard yards and us fancy pants LDC riders are riding on their coat tails so to speak, yes we dont have to constantly fettle our machines and yes, depending on your point of view, a new breed of idiot (sound familiar taffy) has become part of UHE but thats how the cookie crumbles. I was just riled up by the sweeping generalization that was made and I will call a spade a spade just like you taffy.

Someone once said variety is the spice of life and we have it right here, the bickering and cheap shots dont help though
Parsko said:
Oh, everyone relax
I did ask if we could all get along in a previous post.
Taffy said:
the site was nothing without lineaweavers input at the beginning. he MADE the site. I'd like to think I have more than added to his work indeed to have taken over where he left off but until I get onto the new bike I can't see anyone being GENEROUS enough with their info, mindful enough to share there opinion, or hard working enough to find out instead of bloodywell talking all day. :angry: :angry:

Dale Lineweaver is still here Mr Cranky Rude Pants :twisted:

We can abbreviate your new name to MCRP :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

My apologies to you MCRP, that I like a yack.
P.S. I'm still on standard Sprockets both back and front :wink:

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