Force Ride 2


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Stoveguy, Bring your bro and YOU can plan a long day ride for the intermediate riders . Im p;lated too and I hat to trailer from camp. ok?

Ill take any REAL mexican beer of which Ill have plenty

Senor Bobzilla,
Yo no hablo Corona, se habla Sol, Pacifico, Negra Modelo etc...... If anyone is interested I will bring a TV and we can watch moto vids at night, maybe cheeseberger will be ready to relive a little Dust to Glory, so bring your favs

Stoveguy said:
....Well I promise to have the cold beers waiting when everyone arrives at Moab in March.....

sounds great.
i am doing the same thing, almost,
you sound like you are going to share yours.
between you and several others we will have enough riders familiar with the trails to guide at least 3 or 4 groups. Thanks.

Check out the Attendance List. We have 46 riders signed up.. even if some of us bail out there will be a LOT of UHE members in Moab in March!!
46? crickey!

we only had about 24 in total last time. did we ever do an attendance list? and of those 24 i reckon only 14-16 were on huseys.

if we have 36 huseys coming and we can expect 70% more in the way of "my mate has a husky" etc etc, i think we'd better "request" that we try to bring only our "nearest and dearest" for this if they don't have a husey.

the answer of course is to go out and buy one!


Oh it's not just a "Husky" Taffy, It's a 500cc two stroke thats been worked on. With the smallest front sprocket available and the biggest rear sprocket. It will still get pretty close to 100 mph. Ah vintage weaponry.....
Stoveguy said:
..... It's a 500cc two stroke thats been worked on.... Ah vintage weaponry.....

i hear you brother!
i have never ridden that bike but i have heard some tales of it.
i ride a honda cr500 and it has some very strong points vs a 4 stroke.
if you bring it, and i can take it for a spin, i'll bring an extra pair of skibbies [shorts].
looking forward to the meet.
tuts :devil:
this 46 riders? how many on huseys? and can anyone remember how many rode and the ratio of swedish tractors last time?

it's going to be a blast this one!


Taffy said:
this 46 riders? how many on huseys? and can anyone remember how many rode and the ratio of swedish tractors last time?

it's going to be a blast this one!



I don't remember how many rode, but I remember riding and I remember you being on a couple of different Husabergs and doing a spectacular stunt crash! I wasn't on a Husaberg, though, as they were both sitting at home. :(
Brendan said:
Taffy said:
this 46 riders? how many on huseys? and can anyone remember how many rode and the ratio of swedish tractors last time?

it's going to be a blast this one!


... I remember you being on a couple of different Husabergs and doing a spectacular stunt crash! . :(

i think you are mistaken about taffy's 'stunt crash'.
i think it was a true reflection of the man himself.
a man willing to sacrifice his own safety, well being, and status
for the welfare of others.
if you remember, there was a rider/spectator [?valesapian] at the top of the climb.
as taffy approached the top of the climb, the observer was in taffy's path.
and so, taffy being the selfless bloke he is, chose to spare the observer and risk
injury and damage to himself, and bike, rather than hit the ill placed observer.
in that split second decision, the sole of the man was exposed.
if we all thought this way, what a beautiful world it would be.
so hat's off to taffy for setting the bar we should all hope to reach some day.


ps-i think i just made myself sick.
I have been behind that Husky 500 with Stoveguy as the pilot, that thing can flat get it, your skibbies best have padding and seat grip on them!! On fast Forest Service roads just say ALOHA if your not on a 550/650.

Stove/Ron when is your next trip over maybe Greg and I can hook-up with you and Bro.

H-berg P.S. I was in Moab last time for the last day, on a H-berg
Senor Dude,
I'm not sure when the next trip over to Moab is we have an enduro jackets and winter gloves discussion going on, so hopefully at least once before Christmas I'll post here and PM you with details hope all is well in ElPaso. Is that part of Mexico now?

Not officially part of Mexico, :hathat41: : but you have to push "1" for English if your lucky!! :eek:ccasion5:

P.S. Ron Happy Birthday Tomarrow! :eek:ccasion4: :evil: Turkeyday

Did anybody else see the list of attendees?????????//

Were up to 50

How are we going to have a two group ride with this many people??? Looks like we will need to split into three groups now or we will be in a 5 mile long daisychain.

T minus 3 months
we were in three groups of eight last time bob so it'll have to be 5 groups this time. at times 8 was unmanageable.

someone was 8th in line and idn't hear the instruction to "watch out for the really, really nasty drop up over yonder!" i've always thought it strange that it got to the 7th rider - the man infront of me!

his name, forever a mystery!


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tuts said:
as taffy approached the top of the climb, the observer was in taffy's path.
and so, taffy being the selfless bloke he is, chose to spare the observer and risk
injury and damage to himself, and bike, rather than hit the ill placed observer.

note that the 'ill-placed observer was 10' away from the trail and still almost got hit by the taffy-jihad suicide bombing attempt.

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