What's the story behind your user name?


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I used to play a lot of golf -- now I just ride during my free time and I'm too lazy to change my "handle".
My last name is folcher while in the marines my 1st sgt started calling me decafe because of folger coffee . Everyone called me decafe to the point I almost got in trouble once because they thought I was lying about my real name
I grew up on Prince Edward Island CAN.. off the coast from where i live now in Nova Scotia ... as a Kid i used to ride my Honda Z-50 through the mud on the capes coming home covered in red mud from head to toe
My last name is folcher while in the marines my 1st sgt started calling me decafe because of folger coffee . Everyone called me decafe to the point I almost got in trouble once because they thought I was lying about my real name

I can't stop laughing. I love it!
misterkaoz, as in "chaos"

everything i do ends up in chaos, im the guy who broke one mirror to much, bad luck could be my middle name! :)
I do a lot of trail riding in Oregon, it's been my name since I can remember getting on forums.....
A good 30 years ago, when I drove my MX-bike several hours a day, I liked jumping high and long, but...............thats a loooong time ago, and some kg's too. I hope.....I don't will be tempted to try that now!:eek:
Now, I'm just going to enjoy the power and do some driving for exercise with a good friend. :cool:
My first name is Tom, and in swedish it means empty, my buds were quick to start calling me TomTom...'double empty' in the head implied :eek: :)
Dont worry, they got their share returned :D
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My friends thought I was "above average" interested in the theory behind different physical phenomena and also not afraid to do some experiments of my own. So I was called "Doctor Clementz", which was shortened to "Dr_C". Very pompous and not backed up with a real hat! ;-)
People have always called me Mr Rosenberg and I have a 2008 FE 450-E Husaberg that I bought in Jul 2009.

Why I bought a 450, a mate had a 650 berg and after riding that and finding it was reliable, he pointed out that they had one berg left one day, it was the last one in the world on the floor and I did not want the new type, so it could of been a 550 or 650.

I don't think that I will ever sell it, like a lot of Husaberg people they just don't sell a masterpiece.
I made a web site for a little association with some friends and so I listed myself as the webmaster. A friend quickly joked calling me webmonstro . I just keep using it ever since
I have machines I like: 5 dirtbikes plus a 1970 Mach I road racer and 1970 Z28 & 65 Corvette project cars plus more stuff with and without motors.
For years I built agri machinery and was called Hansen Equipment Manufacturing.
I've never watched a He-man cartoon - ever. Long live Ren and Stimpy!
I was born in Poland and lived under the rule of communist regime, and during those dark days most Pols felt inferior that was misgided feeling of opressed people. After immigrating to Canada I watched many different immigrants being proudly themselves. So I realized and shook off oppressed syndrom and started being proud of my heritage too. Polish history and heritage is indeed something that I can be proud of.
In my response or possibly a dialogue I shall set some criteria governing the boundary and a st of limits of no go zone. Firstly all arguments shall be backed by actual historical facts. Otherwise shall say I think or I believe. Second, common sense and logic shall be ever present in this discussion. Third emotions and especially any derogatory nonsense is highly unwelcome. Factual information finding is highly encouraged. My memory is not the greatest but I do remember bits of information that I've come across. History has been one of my interests or hobby if you will. Your comment comes across as from a person simply not informed about the history of central Europe or Poland more specifically. There were a few nationalities living in Poland before second world war. Germans were the smallest group by percentage. Only 2.3 % of the population. They were same as others allowed many freedoms and privilages that as a former oppressors should have been denied. Especially since they lost the war and Poland was with the winning side. Indeed there was no Germans oppressed anywhere in Poland at any time by free polish Government. I know since I had German neighbor still in the 1980's! The historical fact is that Poland never invaded or attacked Germany! This is why for centuries our border was the most stable border in Europe. However in earlier times we did repell many German attacks and invasions. We beat them almost every time this is why they stopped and we had peaceful border. Polish tribes settled territory in 966 ad was similar in size and shape as today. Then through the wars we were forced eastwards. In fact What you called Gernam land that Poland "Stole"? After sirst war was actually never German in the first place. Pre-slaws settled these lands about 4-5 thousand years ago. Came from India/Iran/Pakistan areas. Went and settled west as far as Denmark and south loosely about where east and west German border was. We call them Serbs, Pulabian and Kujawian slaws. So.e slaws moved south all the way to Adriatic. Today there are still remnants of Serbs in very small groups not toofar away from Polish border in Germany. Those western slavs fought back courageously repeated Germanic attacks with some astonishing victories here and there. What territory Germany lost in the East were in fact the birth place land of Poland. Czech and Moravia took the from us by force. Then Austria took some land from the Czech. Then relatively late Germans took lots of that land from Austria by force again. Germans had that land the shortesr amount of time! It can not be claimed that it was "German land". Germans coluded with Austria and Russia in the biggest crime the world has ever heard. They agreed together to destroy the Polish-Lithuania commonwealth. None was strong enough alone. Polish people have suffered immensely under the partition. In the history of the world this has never happened! Untold millions of Polish people have perished through the years under the oppression. Do we as a nation not have the right to exist? Why were Germans and Russians thinking its OK to exterminate large Kingdom that Poland was? Why did they keep invadind so many times? After being pushed back so many times. Only logical answear is because those two nations have agressive spirit that are blood thirsty. This is why tens of millions died. In Russia from 1932 to 1938 110000 Polish people were murdered by Russians in only one so called "Polish Campain". Then Katyn and the rest. Polish people have the right to exist and to be self rulled. Our spirit is such that we'll never stop fighting for our freedom. When my country was big and strong we could Easley walk over Germany, Russia or any other neighbouring country if we wanted. But we didn't. Poland was very strong from about 13 century to about 17 century. In that time we saved Austria and probably some other west Europe country from the Ottoman Empire invasion. Battle of Viena under our hero King Jan the third Sobieski. The Austra Emperor and the Pope were pleading to our king for help. And we did. We won side by with Polish, Austrians and Germans against the Ottomans. Only about sixty some yers later in return for saving their butts they decided to destroy the Poland that save them just before. Nice thank you. In the second war again Germans were blood thirsty hungry for someone else's land. Once again in collusion with the Russians planning to annihilate my country. Germany and Russia were already big countries, wasn't it enough for them. The west didn't want to fight for Warsaw, so it had to fight for Paris And London and the rest. Our marshall Piulsudski asked France and England in 1932 to jointly go in and stop hitler, but nobody wanted to lift a finger, so in only a few years millions had to be lifted... And now. In EU the mafia run by the leftiest.. Working hard to destroy the whole of Europe. Merkel inviting millions of uncompatable culturally men. Very few children and women, then she wants to order other countries to take the people she invited! With the help of drunken commissars. Those leaders are in some kind of amok. Nobody askig in the media who is organising and paying for it. We have the right to exist in our country as we see fit and build the standard of living that we like. Those people invading Europe have their country, they have every right to build their happiness there. We are not obligated to take anybody. But Merkel and the commissars want to force some countries to take them. It will never happen!

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