Hi have now sold my FE390 & buyer did not want the exhaust so available are the Akrapovic Titanium Header & End can to work with stock mid pipe (effectively creates a full system). Lets your berg breathe better & has a beautiful deep tone to the exhaust.
Full kit includes the Ti Headers stamped with part no SI 22014/P-200500119, Ti End can with Model # SA-001, SA-005, SA-006. Baffle is fitted to the end can. Carbon leg guard & Carbon end can brackets.
As is common one of the brackets has a piece missing from contact with the rear wheel at some point when first fitted in 2016 and has been fine since inc the last ride on 14th Dec 2024.
Fitted to 2011 FE390 and may fit other 70 Degree bikes
I’ve ordered 2 new 9mm & 40-60mm jubilee (hose band) clamps for fitting the leg guard so you will have everything you need.
Located in Luton UK
£350 + postage

Full kit includes the Ti Headers stamped with part no SI 22014/P-200500119, Ti End can with Model # SA-001, SA-005, SA-006. Baffle is fitted to the end can. Carbon leg guard & Carbon end can brackets.
As is common one of the brackets has a piece missing from contact with the rear wheel at some point when first fitted in 2016 and has been fine since inc the last ride on 14th Dec 2024.
Fitted to 2011 FE390 and may fit other 70 Degree bikes
I’ve ordered 2 new 9mm & 40-60mm jubilee (hose band) clamps for fitting the leg guard so you will have everything you need.
Located in Luton UK
£350 + postage