All right! Was out at the molders yesterday to test fit the first prototype of our Sub Frame gas tank. I arrived at 1045hrs, and the tanks had arrived just before me after being overnight shipped from the rotary molding company back to the company that actually produces the mold.
This first picture is of the two prototypes that were produced for our test fitting:
After taking the rear clip off of my bike and holding one of them up to my bike, it seemed like the fit was pretty darn close. And FYI, we are not planning on producing these tanks in this color, we are planning on producing them in a shade of gray very similar to the stock sub frame color, but, should still be translucent enough to see fuel level. This will give all of you 2010 and newer FE owners a good way to check how much fuel you have left since the two tanks will be even in fuel level since they are connected at the bottom via our adapter plate.
The next four pictures are different views of the Prototype:
The next two images are of the sub frame tank in place on my bike for test fitting. What we found was that ptype was too high in the area at the back of the sub frame truss, and Tom and I set to work gradually working away the excess xlpe to get the same exacting fit that is found on the stock sub frame. This is a very time consuming practice with the use of ditto paper placed under the sub frame truss to show the high spots.
One thing this whole experience has really imparted to me is how much work had to go into the original design of this bike. To get this sub frame correct, involves a lot of work to say the least. One of the main reasons it has been so time consuming for our project is that the xlpe shrinks as it cools in the mold. While this shrink rate is constant over a given area of material, one needs to keep in mind that this is a three dimensional piece with varying angles and surface area's. So when making this sub frame tank, one might think just making a copy would be easy but I can tell you it is not. And all the hard work put in by the molding company's model makers and their years of experience really has paid off with the production of the first ptype's. Even though we are having to remove some material from one area, and will have to add a slight bit of material to a couple of other small area's, the initial fit is pretty darn good. All of the hard mounting points are very close. It's just a matter of getting the right spacing from the main tank, and the frame, marking and drilling the holes for precise placement of the inserts in the mold, and of course modifying the mold to reflect the changes that we have made to the first ptype. And that's why we have two ptype's, one to make changes to, and one to keep for a reference so that mold can be modified to reflect the changes we have made accurately.
The two pictures above were taken before we placed the spacers between the tank and the subframe to replicate the same clearance that I have on my bike. But you can see that the fit is pretty good.
I'll be returning to the shop tomorrow and finish off the modifications to the ptype with Tom, and get my bike back! I'll have a better estimate after tomorrow, but, I'm GUESSING at this point it will be about two weeks before we see a ptype with all the inserts and holes in it ready to bolt up to my bike. "IF" that next ptype fits correctly we will produce a few beta units for our testers to use and check for flaws. We really want to be sure that we don't put out a product that has any problems. If those beta units don't have any flaws then we will start production of the tanks, and those who prepaid will get the first ones.
So, we're getting pretty close!!!!