my 2007 FS650e motor blew up on me today :(


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The norwegian dealer say 6 months warranty, and my bike is 1.5 years or so..

They seem like they understand my depression about what happened, and they are willing to help me out with cheaper parts. They are also going to try to make Husaberg help me out in one or the other way, but i cant say i`m waiting for a miracle.

My problem is that i bought as new bike i possibly could afford, to avvoid this kind of problems.

Well well, money is just some numbers on the ATM screen, right? :D (so send me all you got ;) )
Ps... I was considering buying a 2003 FE650..... After reading this... should I avoid that?

The bike I am thinking of, may already be street legal. So I was also wondering, how dooes the Husa 650 do as a dual sport? Will they cruise on the highway to your off road destination, at 70 to 80 mph, like my old 85 Yamaha XT600's and earlier 550's would do even with a passenger, without fault? Or is this considered "abuse"?

I am also wondering, why is it considered "powerful" or "impressive" when a modern, year 2008, over 600cc bike can do "100mph" with a six speed gear box and 60hp, when every 600cc dual sport I have ever owned from the 1980's could do 100mph or more (bone stock everything with a 5 speed box), and also did 13's in the quarter mile?

Also, I never feared I was "abusing" the bike by holding it wide open at 100 for short periods, and never had a problem with a motor. (yes, I blew second on one bike, but I had a habit of popping clutch speed shifting to second to ride wheelies.. but I don't think even that is an excuse to blow a gear).

Are these Husa's really so fragile that you cannot use all that they offer without fear of 2 to 3 thousand dollar tear downs????

All I ask for is something comparable to my brothers ANCIENT 1982 TT600, which wieghs 265 lbs (actual on scale), and was equal or better in power than every CR500 and KX500 I raced up Competion Hill at Dumont Dunes. The downside? Again... fear of blowing the tranny, which happened at least two or three times. But the motor NEVER failed.

Good Grief, this is the year 2008, can't anyone make a 4C 600 with 60 rwhp 265lbs or less that won't blow up??? The Husa and KTMs seem to have a bullteproof tranny, now can't they make the motor as reliable as a ancient dinasoar 82 Yamaha 600??

BTW... the 82 TT mentioned above was bored, high comp, and cam and headwork. I know a stock TT won't beat a CR500.
i race em, every time i fire one up i get terrified its gonna blow up. i change oil, even if ive just done 10 mins on it. its gonna explode one day i just know it. why do i love em tho? i dont know, they are just 'different' and the grin factor of even just firing it up in the back garden is worth it!

i think they are too fragile for you mate and not your kind of bike. a honda XR650 is the bike that will meet all your needs.


Thanks for responses...

What's the real weight of an XR650 on the scales?

I kind of liked the 650, but heard it was over 300lbs wet, and believe it or not, the local "racer" who was a salesman at the local Honda dealer, told me the XR650 only puts out about 16hp at the rear wheel!

He also said Honda is no longer running the XR at Baja, but switched to the 450. Is that true? I thought the Baja 1000 might need the top speed of the modded 650 (I heard it was around 120mph), and it's hard to believe the CRF450 can even come close to that.

Any guys on here ever had a modded XR650 and drag raced a Husa? I had a guy in NY email me that his modded XR supermoto put out 63 at the wheel. Isn't that about the same as a FE650?

The XR carries about 20-25 kgs more than the Berg.

And guess where it is??- about 13kgs of that is in the engine.....(32kgBerg vs 45 kg XR approx)

Thats why XRs have the reputation as being bulletproof and Husabergs dont.Its all in sturdier crank, mains, gears etc etc etc.But you have to pay for that robustness, and thats where the extra weght comes in.
The CRF450X that Honda races at Baja are hand made by the engineers in Japan. Other than color they have absolutely nothing in common with the bikes at the dealers. If you wanted to buy one you might as well purchase a NASCAR team the price would be about the same. Even modded up the XR 650 is still a pig
gregarious said:
All I ask for is something comparable to my brothers ANCIENT 1982 TT600, which wieghs 265 lbs (actual on scale), and was equal or better in power than every CR500 and KX500 I raced up Competion Hill at Dumont Dunes. The downside? Again... fear of blowing the tranny, which happened at least two or three times. But the motor NEVER failed.

I guess in 1982 you musta just weighed the motor. In the 21st century we weigh the whole bike. :D I'm quite familiar with the old TT's, and they felt more like 625 pounds compared to a modern day Husaberg or any other modern four stroke.

Hey, my facts and recollections of what really went on in the 80's is obscured too. Make that the 70's AND the 80's.
gregarious said:
every 600cc dual sport I have ever owned from the 1980's could do 100mph or more (bone stock everything with a 5 speed box), and also did 13's in the quarter mile?

Highly unlikely scenario with stock 1980's dual sport bikes. Its amazing what two decades plus does to our memories.

Years ago I did build up a White Bros 621cc '86 TT600, and yes it was a real fire breather, easily attaining 105 mph.. This bike is still in my garage waiting for repairs.
shut up you lot!

the XR is just the bike.... yep, sure is.

can't go wrong, bulletproof and everything your memory says it was!


Håll er till ämnet!

For f...s sake keep to the subjekt ;-))
Who wants Ho... talk here?

RE: Håll er till ämnet!

no, i'm sorry! i think it's important that we encourage him to go and get the right bike.

to go forth and get it that is.



Okidoki Taffy.

All tricks to keep the Force clean from the heretics is allowed.

(Sorry for all my Ya....s they are from my bad youth days)
I am collecting Husabergs now, my next Husa will be a FE 350 -91 the first i Husa owned.

(Sorry for all misspelling)

Thanks everyone.....

Thanks for all your help and input. I still like the Berg, as many of you do, and still long to have one when the time comes that I can absorb a catastrophic failure without getting bummed or financially unable to have it fixed quickly. I think it's important to compare any bike with the other choices out there. This whole thing started that I might be able to quantify the reliablity of a Berg motor compared to what I had lots of hours and experience on, the old 80's 600's.

Regarding my statements about 80's 600's:

1. The 82 TT600 was wieghed complete, but my bro was a "lighten it up" freak, so was stripped as possible, including a custom made, strait down pipe which terminated right in front of the crankcase. It was weighed on a 200.00 "Mannix" professional digital scale, on which I also wieghed myself to check accuracy, and it seemed to be true to my wieght on other scales. On this scale, yes, indeed, and suprisingly, it did weigh about 265lbs, with no fuel.

2. Look up Cycle World, or other mags from the 80's I still can dig them up, my memory is not foggy, it's people's modern thinking which is foggy. Looking up the tests, XT600's and XL600's both ran mid to high 13's in the quarter, and I am fairly certain, both topped out over 100mph. Not only so, but I think I recall doing an actual high 13 on my own XT at the local track, about 2000ft elevation, here in Vegas. I have owned about 3 XT600's and never got less than 105mph indicated on the speedo out of them with stock gearing.

3. To Stoveguy, if "even a modded 650 is still a pig", then is there a better choice to win the Baja 1000? Or did it win so many times because it was still the best choice in spite of it's piggishness?

Believe me, I would like nothing better to hear that "Husaberg wins Baja 1000!" (or KTM, or Husky.. anything for a change from Asian domination! Can't you euro drunkards and tobacco addicts make anything to hold up in the great southwest? Hey... calm down, just joking, I was once a euro drunkard and tobacco addict myself)

Thank you again for putting up with my heresy and hate crimes against the almighty Berg. :) Please spare my life.

Maybe one day that yellow Austrian/Swede will squash that big, fat, reliable, red Sumo wrestler.
Re: Thanks everyone.....

gregarious said:
Thanks for all your help and input. I still like the Berg, as many of you do, and still long to have one when the time comes that I can absorb a catastrophic failure without getting bummed or financially unable to have it fixed quickly. I think it's important to compare any bike with the other choices out there. This whole thing started that I might be able to quantify the reliablity of a Berg motor compared to what I had lots of hours and experience on, the old 80's 600's.

Regarding my statements about 80's 600's:

1. The 82 TT600 was wieghed complete, but my bro was a "lighten it up" freak, so was stripped as possible, including a custom made, strait down pipe which terminated right in front of the crankcase. It was weighed on a 200.00 "Mannix" professional digital scale, on which I also wieghed myself to check accuracy, and it seemed to be true to my wieght on other scales. On this scale, yes, indeed, and suprisingly, it did weigh about 265lbs, with no fuel.

2. Look up Cycle World, or other mags from the 80's I still can dig them up, my memory is not foggy, it's people's modern thinking which is foggy. Looking up the tests, XT600's and XL600's both ran mid to high 13's in the quarter, and I am fairly certain, both topped out over 100mph. Not only so, but I think I recall doing an actual high 13 on my own XT at the local track, about 2000ft elevation, here in Vegas. I have owned about 3 XT600's and never got less than 105mph indicated on the speedo out of them with stock gearing.

3. To Stoveguy, if "even a modded 650 is still a pig", then is there a better choice to win the Baja 1000? Or did it win so many times because it was still the best choice in spite of it's piggishness?

Believe me, I would like nothing better to hear that "Husaberg wins Baja 1000!" (or KTM, or Husky.. anything for a change from Asian domination! Can't you euro drunkards and tobacco addicts make anything to hold up in the great southwest? Hey... calm down, just joking, I was once a euro drunkard and tobacco addict myself)

Thank you again for putting up with my heresy and hate crimes against the almighty Berg. :) Please spare my life.

Maybe one day that yellow Austrian/Swede will squash that big, fat, reliable, red Sumo wrestler.

At some point Ola may want his thread back, but in the meantime....

Honda's domination of Baja is mostly due to the tremendous resources ($$$$) they provide before, during, and after the race. The factory teams switched to the 450 a couple of years ago and won as usual. The pit support Honda provides (and is available to ALL Honda teams in any class) is such that for the money you would be an idiot to ride anything else. Even if you had a factory-lightened 1982 TT 600 that did 105 and 13 second quarters. (I believe you, BTW)

Before Danny Hamel's death in Baja, Kawasaki dominated the race with the KX 500. Same reasons--it was a high priority for them and they threw incredible amounts of money at that race to make sure they won.
I see. I wonder if the Berg could win with the same support and resources. I was not factoring that in.

Well, Ola, sorry for the rant, I learned a lot from your experience and wish your Berg a speedy and inexpensive a recovery as possible. Let us know the outcome. Thanks.
RE: Re: Thanks everyone.....

Well long before Honda was anything in Baja, the original Husaberg R&D boys worked for little place called Husqvarna. Baja was dominated for years by big bore two strokes and as John pointed out it was Team Green and the KX500's after that. Honda is Johnny come latelys to Baja. You want the real story of Baja contact George Erl of Uptite Husky in So. Cal. Coronaberg may correct me if I'm wrong , but I believe George has competed in every Baja 1000 ever run. I reiterate, any Honda that has won at Baja is a one off custom machine, I mean come on they are chasing those guys with a helicopter, with two way radio communication ( did someone mention NASCAR ?) do you have any idea what titanium nuts and bolts for a bike would cost. I have a freind here that makes titanium water bottle baskets for mountain bikes $125.00 each. Anything can be achieved when yoy throw $$$$$$$$ at it. He may not have won but our boy Colby(Cheeseberger) soloed Baja last year on a bone stock FE550 with out any mechanical glitches. He is somewhere in the neighborhood of 20,000 trouble free miles on Husabergs. If you take good care of them they take good care of you. The lesson here from Ola's problem is...... get those side covers off, check your nuts and bolts, keep your oil clean, tappets adjusted and carb jetted right. A modded XR650 is still a pig
RE: Re: Thanks everyone.....

Is that 20,000 miles on one machine? Or several? If that's on the 550 alone, man that's great enough to turn my fears around!
I really do want a Berg, it seems like the only bike faster and lighter than my bro's old TT, of course the suspension is better (duh), I just want the motor to hold up better as well. It would also be nice if it held up on road trips up to 50 miles each way. Seems that they higway should be easy on them, little load, just cruising. I guess it's the constant rpm and vibes that get to them? The vibes are the only other complaint I read in the mag. reviews. If it helps longevity, I would like the option and pay the wieght penalty of a counterbalancer.
I must admit, this bike is by far the most entertaining bike i`ve tried.. It`s fast, nimble and very controllable.

With a little luck, this bike will last a while now, after the full rebuild. But i`m not sure if i`m keeping it to find out...

Bikes that needs a full rebuild after 100-150 hours, and needs internal inspections after loose nuts and so every 40-50 hours, are really not made for anything else than pure racing.

I`ts hard to find a bike this cool to ride, but i am so dissapointed of the build quality of the motor (and the lack of warranty of it), that i might look around for something more reliable this spring.

This time it blew up 5km from home.. Where am i the next time it blows up?

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