Thanks for all your help and input. I still like the Berg, as many of you do, and still long to have one when the time comes that I can absorb a catastrophic failure without getting bummed or financially unable to have it fixed quickly. I think it's important to compare any bike with the other choices out there. This whole thing started that I might be able to quantify the reliablity of a Berg motor compared to what I had lots of hours and experience on, the old 80's 600's.
Regarding my statements about 80's 600's:
1. The 82 TT600 was wieghed complete, but my bro was a "lighten it up" freak, so was stripped as possible, including a custom made, strait down pipe which terminated right in front of the crankcase. It was weighed on a 200.00 "Mannix" professional digital scale, on which I also wieghed myself to check accuracy, and it seemed to be true to my wieght on other scales. On this scale, yes, indeed, and suprisingly, it did weigh about 265lbs, with no fuel.
2. Look up Cycle World, or other mags from the 80's I still can dig them up, my memory is not foggy, it's people's modern thinking which is foggy. Looking up the tests, XT600's and XL600's both ran mid to high 13's in the quarter, and I am fairly certain, both topped out over 100mph. Not only so, but I think I recall doing an actual high 13 on my own XT at the local track, about 2000ft elevation, here in Vegas. I have owned about 3 XT600's and never got less than 105mph indicated on the speedo out of them with stock gearing.
3. To Stoveguy, if "even a modded 650 is still a pig", then is there a better choice to win the Baja 1000? Or did it win so many times because it was still the best choice in spite of it's piggishness?
Believe me, I would like nothing better to hear that "Husaberg wins Baja 1000!" (or KTM, or Husky.. anything for a change from Asian domination! Can't you euro drunkards and tobacco addicts make anything to hold up in the great southwest? Hey... calm down, just joking, I was once a euro drunkard and tobacco addict myself)
Thank you again for putting up with my heresy and hate crimes against the almighty Berg.

Please spare my life.
Maybe one day that yellow Austrian/Swede will squash that big, fat, reliable, red Sumo wrestler.