Taffy said:5910517-001 it's $500 or £300 or whatever $500 is in euros. the end of the crank can be repaired.
we had a member join named squirrely scott from edinburgh. never did see what he did with his but same problem.
ola, you can actually clean up the end of the crank which i did once for someone. if you look, allyou need is the thread and the shoulder for the gear as well as the woodruffe key slot. but it doesn't matter if the end of the crank chipped a corner off.
The problem with the crank, is just that the rear side of the key slot, is damaged after ripping off the key.. The shoulder and the thread is ok.. But i dont think the slot for the key does the job it`s supposed to anymore
If this is fixable, i guess it needs welding and some sort of machining to make a new slot?! I`m rather handy with motors and mechanis, but that is above my skills..