Got a bit further investigating this option today.
A friend just happened to have a 50mm honda TB laying around.
While having the tank off I checked what may eventually fit in there.
The honda TB is keihin too, but its not the same TPS and the angle the throttle wires comes out at is pointing straight at the cooler (have to make them bend pretty much)
I also happen to have a set of ducati 916 TB's (as Im a ducnut) and they seem a better fit for the goal. Upside with the ducati ones is they come with a proper stack plus theyre better shaped than the honda 2009 one as in better machined, throttle wire going up and not towards the cooler is a plus too. Downside is the TPS hysteresis wont go well with the berg ecu. Should be able to fit the berg TPS back on the duc TB, it seems possible with a simple adapter, just dont take my word for it though.
Either way its a lot of work for little return, may have to think it over for a while, just thought Id let you know my findings.
Looking at the oem setup the TB without butterflies flows equal to my heads now, BUT rule of thumb is to have at least 20% headroom for the butterfly, so in theory its too small at 42mm...bugger right

The bigger size itself wont help much but the intake shape will benefit in my eyes.
This could well mean I have to leave the comfy sofa and actually do WORK, yikes!