Bushmechanic frame Build pics and Stuff


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nice sig swim, funny thing is your indifference is on a higher level than your moderators .. so much so that i didn't consider you at all when i wrote mine :D
I feel like a child watching my parents squabble over the remote. Trivial on the surface but just needs one poke to become a full blown ugly divorce. We love you both equally. Please get along. Xxx
There's really no animosity on my part, Jimmy. I really am glad to see bushie back. There are about 10-20 super-knowledgeable people that have been a part of the site that you could always count on to be helpful to others, regardless of their level of knowledge and bushie was one of those. Unlike many who modify their bikes at such an advanced level, he didn't ignore or ridicule those asking the simple questions. That's worth it's weight in gold on a forum.

There's really nothing below the surface, at least on my part. Bushie could change his sig to say that the old owner of the site also wore girl's panties while touching farm animals in their naughty spots and I'd still send him kitten hugs. As has been noted by bushie above, I wasn't present for any of the pissing matches that he participated in. I was otherwise occupied.

Sorry for the thread hiack bush, I was just happy to see you and saying hi. The sig was just a lighthearted response to yours. No offense was intended. I thought it was a pretty good one.
no worries gents Tis all good from where I sit ,

Jsons level of intelligent humor is always appreciated, in fact think he does his best work in girls panties, must make it terribly hard to piss 6' up the wall though :lol:

far too much political crap for me already today :oops:

check this out, copied another great bloke who has also stopped posting :(




the book by phil Irving "Tuning for speed" is now available as a free ebook :cheers: :cheers:

download here


hows the anti squat :D no wonder the shock gets hot

Bushie, I haven't thoroughly read the whole thread, but one thing is obvious. You are a person with awesome drive and skills! Hooray! :D :cheers: :D
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Dr_C said:
Bushie, I haven't thoroughly read the whole thread, but one thing is obvious. You are a truly sick person with awesome drive and skills! Hooray! :D :cheers: :D

:D you are a bit of a Slodjer yourself Dr_C... Slodj can involve a CNC machine if you use a stick to push the buttons can't it
Of course! After hours of prestigious calculating, thinking and computing, I start welding on the earth clamp... :D

BTW. You know how Harry Parkinson engines are made? No? Let me tell ya!

You take a large chunk of led and put it into an oven. When it is really warm and "ductile", you take it out and start beating it with a sledge hammer until it starts!
you have an earth clamp ha very flash, we use TEK screws through the wire, the original clamp somehow melted :D

Scored a smoking hot deal on Ebay, absolute best ever internet buying experience, no BS listing good price 4 days to get here from the states beautifully cleaned parts in top condition you could eat off these! and very well wrapped too. never seen anything like it before 8O 8O

lineaweaver big valve racing head


mint 01 650 cases... they are in better condition than my 08 cases :D



check here from time to time as he sells more of that bike 650

http://www.ebay.com.au/sch/mopwer68/m.h ... pg=&_from=

now these bits are mine I gotta turn them into an off its head 628 bit of machining here an there fit kokusan ign 43mm carb lighter crank and spherical rollers, ktm atv oil pump rotor :twisted:
You are welcome. Yes you did get a get a smoking deal.

I may need a favor sometime soon!)

Hi Bushie

Very interested in the retrofitting of the kokusan, I have one complete from the ktm 400.

It's one of the stand by projects :D

Keep us posted.

One thing, not that it makes any difference, but it's a 02 casing, not a 01.

02! nice nearly as old as my son :D

i have a few ideas about the conversion it would be relatively easy for me to make a one off

when i try to think of a way to make some bits that everyone can use easily it gets more difficult
zaga said:
Hi Bushie

Very interested in the retrofitting of the kokusan, I have one complete from the ktm 400.

It's one of the stand by projects :D

Keep us posted.

One thing, not that it makes any difference, but it's a 02 casing, not a 01.


I thought it was a 01 based on the numbers. Maybe made in 01 for an 02 model.


Maybe it's one year frame and one year engine ??

You can check the year of the frame, go to the owners docs to see how.


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