What, no WiKi?


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Mar 6, 2005
Mesa, AZ
Fellows, we need to write something on here:


Example of what was done by others:

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KTM_%28mot ... acturer%29

Goal: get more people to know the brand. It will also show up in good position in Google. Bring more visits to the Web sites.

IMHO, it would be a good thing to have the following:

1-History of the brand
2-A nice photo
3-Links to www.husaberg.se, www.husaberg.com and www.husaberg.org


what do we want that for? it would take a dedicated team hours upon hours upon thousands of hours to put up anything worth reading!

in the meantime, over at TT and katoomtalk every single interested owner gets sent here!!!! FOC!

now that's the best advertising you'll ever get isn't it?

it'll never catch on.


There will be a WiKi article eventually whether we do it or not and better we do it.

Apparently you do not know WiKi... yet.

WiKi is one of these things that make the Internet a great place.

Ok, call me a geek, I don't care.
Im sure there is some kind of legal crap that would prevent a person, or a group of persons from defining what Husaberg is as this would more than likely be a patent infringment or something that might get panties of someone in a bunch. If Husaberg AB wants their product in Wiki-bling-bling than they will have the legal right to put it in, not the UHE.

Looks like a good way to get a lawsuit buy defining someone elses product...... no muy bueno!

Brett, I think it's not a bad idea to put something on wikipedia before some idiot like me does it. Or Taffy. At least it will be in English.
And BANG! There you go, a copyright infringement has now been flagged and being investigated by the wiki people. These kinds of things need approval, authorization, or just pure avoidance IMO. Im sure at the very worse they will delete it but if the other party is contacted and woke up on the wrong side of the bed, they may choose to charge someone with copyright infringement or plagerisim. To some people this is very serious, hope this gets sorted ok.....

Hi Keith,

in spite of how they make it look, it's not a big deal. A lot of pages that get added to the wiki get flagged. Now I'm going to say some stuff that's not the nicest below, but I can because I visit the wiki site daily, and have added and edited a few pages myself, so I can say these things because I are one :)

The wiki site is run by geeks who need something to do. Hours upon hours have been wasted on that site by people fighting over a page's content involving things that don't matter one iota to a normal person... but this is what they do. Many are also waiting on an excuse to flag a page, so often pages do get flagged until it's passed muster.

We could say that these guys are truly worried about copyright infringement, but after being a part of the site for quite sometime, I know otherwise ;)

It will all get sorted in time. Sometimes it takes a little work(like approval from the originating writer), but rarely does their designation of infringement stand. In the end, you're happy because the page got posted, the person with the originating content is happy because it's posted to a larger audience, and the geek who flagged it is happy because..... well, because he got to flag something :D


thanks for the clarification and explination. I see how the game is played and it makes sense to me..... are you one of these geeks you speek about? :lol:

Great Job By All!

For what it may be worth:
late model KTM and pre 2001 Husaberg camshafts are indeed interchangeable. :D

This looks great (not Taffy's Wiki, I am talking about the Wikipedia page).

Json already got 10 hits from this page today.

Now we need a couple photos, at least one, so I would like to know who would accept to have a (good) personal photo published on the Husaberg Wikipedia page?
Hi Dan,

Think of it as an online encyclopedia that anyone can add to or edit, and is constantly being updated and in flux. Book encyclopedias take years to be updated whereas the online version is intended to keep up with updates and changes that are required of it.

There was a great article on it in Wired magazine recently(link goes to actual article).

The official definition.

It is an open-source rather than proprietary (like Adobe's PDF or Microsoft's Help files) format of documentation specifically designed for the Web.

You can use it to publish your own documentation, as a part of your own Web site, like The Doc! or as a part of a global documentation repository like Wikipedia, which is becoming a major source of information more and more everyday.

Creating a Husaberg page on Wikipedia ourselves will not only help publicize the brand but also prevent anybody from writing something unfair or wrong about it.

It is not an extremely important project but it's out there along with being listed properly on Google.
Aha, finally found a useful internet site for the daughter to actually use for term papers etc. Now if she will just stay off of MTV and MY Space things might actually get done.

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