Buy Buy Buy!!! and enjoy.
say hello to Mark, Chester and crew
05 or 06?
json is the only one that you have to wonder about following a night at the "ring", don't want to start anything, but he is sneaky
all the while in Moab you gouged me for my minimalist protection. So Taffy sends me this cool aluminum jobby that protects the water pump, I thnk your 470 has one. And I'm just a wrecking ball with it and no worries. Untill this sunday.
I take out my new 06 550, sans BOSS skidplate with w/p protector, sans Taffy's gift and what do I do. I ride 20 mins and then I have a fountain of glycol. Rat $)&@, so I shorten up the hose and add crick water and off I go. An hr and a half later another spear pinches the hose against the cases and I have another fountai, this time I have to ride to the truck with no juice.
So I'm sure you've jinxed me and I've learned my lesson. I will never leave home without protection!!!
And Tuts, yes you are the king of the monster, I am not worthy and your petty heckling only pi$$es me off, so beware if you come north next year.
I am too weak to face you and your 650, my weak demeanor and charactor cannot withstand knowing you will be faster.
In all honesty I wouldn't really love the roost either, but it would be cool to hang out for a few rollin rocks and listen to how you kicked my keister in the dez.
You guys all rule and I hope you have a hoot