I also installed my secret (anti-ignition) switch... it is ghetto and the wires are a mess behind the headlight. I also suck at soldering, so that doesn't help the situation.
p.s., soldering is less of a craft skill and more of tick-the-right-boxes
process ... Have liquid flux on hand! It's really the secret sauce. It helps "pull" the solder along onto where it should be, and allows to re-melt and re-crystallize cold joints.
here's a great video that shows the principles:
... albeit in a tutorial for surface-mount soldering, but no matter, the principles are the same. Just a bit easier when it's bigger
Also recommend a decent temperature-controlled iron!, TOTALLY worth it! a good 50W digitally-controlled Hakko clone can be obtained for ... idk, less than $100? heats up super fast and is ROCK stable and accurate. this is a REALLY REALLY GOOD station for not much money:
Hakko (compatible-affordable) Digital controlled soldering station | Let's Make Robots!
also make sure the solder you're using isn't something that's hard to use, i.e. silver solder or low-lead or lead-free, those are more difficult to work with afaik ... (not sure what they use on the bikes? leaded or lead-free? might have to be the same type? idk)
do try a decent iron and liquid flux! soldering isn't really anything that you can suck at, it's just a question of some simple rules of thumb which aren't widely known as they could and should be
(hope I'm not coming across as patronizing here .! if so please blame it on english-as-second-language, thanks
