I was only gone for a week! :?:
Hi y'all, looks like a spot of controversy here so a few replies may be in order. :idea:
Berger look forwards to your independent, factual and insightful evaluation instead of the hyped up ******** some people spread around.
DezDuster- Do the KTM's have two overdrives in the six speed gearbox or are they just 5 speeds. I'm not hugely faster in a straight line than my mates xr400 (old cam) until I hit 6th, then I'm gone and he's topped out. See if you can find out the following ratios- primary drive ratio, top gear ratio and sprockets. My berg has the following.
Primary 29/78
6th gear 27/20 0.74:1 overdrive
final 13/50
All the revs in the world ain't worth nuthin if you ain't got the gears.
Taffy you old grump. I was bored so I thought ok lets see how full of s... I really am and I came up with the following figures.
176 km/h = 11340 rpm assuming a 1.98m circumferance tyre and no wheelspin.
Make it a 2.05m circumference and the revs drop to 10380.
My bike is in the shop but it has a half worn S12 90/140 on the back. If someone can measure the dia or circ i would be grateful. As to the feel I think I will need to up the front sprocket one tooth coz it feels too slow in fourth and way to fast in third. Stall resistance is still there and ****** riding is a pleasure with much more subtle low end control.
T-jet- refer to Dez and please remember it's just one blast my comments are judged on. I wasn't "trying to go fast", I just let the husaberg do what a husaberg does. If you own a berg you know what I'm talking about, if you don't then I'm just a wa....!
Bobzilla- you run a small rear sprocket. Apart from better fuel economy and engine longevity, why? Do you ride on the road a lot? what is it like in the snotty stuff, can you get slow enough?
jjw 501- GO THE BERG!!!
Simon- even cuckoo's have a purpose. They make pidgeons look good.
Thank you Dale. So there just may be an element of truth in my claims. It may not be a very big element tho.
Simon- a 650 would be the slowest revving engine husaberg make wouldn't it. what gearing were you running to get those figures?
Dale- thanks for the offer to do a speed check but you are a tad far away to be useful but your conversion of unaccurate bragging to useful fact is appreciated.
t-jet- you should be closer to 100mph
Powerfiend (I like that one), I went on Dale's recommendation of the X1 and have found the bike much happier. I know someone about to try an X2 in a 550 so stay tuned!
Thats about it for me. To say I was surprised when I clocked on would be an understatement but thank you to all who replied. 100 mph should be effortless on any berg. It's just not that useful.
Cheers Ice.
Hi y'all, looks like a spot of controversy here so a few replies may be in order. :idea:
Berger look forwards to your independent, factual and insightful evaluation instead of the hyped up ******** some people spread around.
DezDuster- Do the KTM's have two overdrives in the six speed gearbox or are they just 5 speeds. I'm not hugely faster in a straight line than my mates xr400 (old cam) until I hit 6th, then I'm gone and he's topped out. See if you can find out the following ratios- primary drive ratio, top gear ratio and sprockets. My berg has the following.
Primary 29/78
6th gear 27/20 0.74:1 overdrive
final 13/50
All the revs in the world ain't worth nuthin if you ain't got the gears.
Taffy you old grump. I was bored so I thought ok lets see how full of s... I really am and I came up with the following figures.
176 km/h = 11340 rpm assuming a 1.98m circumferance tyre and no wheelspin.
Make it a 2.05m circumference and the revs drop to 10380.
My bike is in the shop but it has a half worn S12 90/140 on the back. If someone can measure the dia or circ i would be grateful. As to the feel I think I will need to up the front sprocket one tooth coz it feels too slow in fourth and way to fast in third. Stall resistance is still there and ****** riding is a pleasure with much more subtle low end control.
T-jet- refer to Dez and please remember it's just one blast my comments are judged on. I wasn't "trying to go fast", I just let the husaberg do what a husaberg does. If you own a berg you know what I'm talking about, if you don't then I'm just a wa....!
Bobzilla- you run a small rear sprocket. Apart from better fuel economy and engine longevity, why? Do you ride on the road a lot? what is it like in the snotty stuff, can you get slow enough?
jjw 501- GO THE BERG!!!
Simon- even cuckoo's have a purpose. They make pidgeons look good.
Thank you Dale. So there just may be an element of truth in my claims. It may not be a very big element tho.
Simon- a 650 would be the slowest revving engine husaberg make wouldn't it. what gearing were you running to get those figures?
Dale- thanks for the offer to do a speed check but you are a tad far away to be useful but your conversion of unaccurate bragging to useful fact is appreciated.
t-jet- you should be closer to 100mph
Powerfiend (I like that one), I went on Dale's recommendation of the X1 and have found the bike much happier. I know someone about to try an X2 in a 550 so stay tuned!
Thats about it for me. To say I was surprised when I clocked on would be an understatement but thank you to all who replied. 100 mph should be effortless on any berg. It's just not that useful.
Cheers Ice.