Brand New 390 dying!! Help


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I can't believe it but it is still happening!

Dealer is picking up the bike again to work on it but we really have no idea why at least 2 of the bikes from his dealership are having this problem. People from Husaberg USA have been emailing him with suggestions but none of them make sense.

1) at least 2 bike from this dealership have the same problem
2) the problem starts when the bike gets hot (but not really hot, well within normal operating temperatures)
3) once the bike starts stalling it seems to continue for a long time even after it should have cooled down a lot
4) Stall feels like someone is holding in the kill switch
5) once the bike cools down a lot (5 min of open fire road riding with the outside temperature just above freezing), it will run normally.

Any ideas? Anyone from Husaberg or KTM out there listening? Anyone want to buy an almost new Husaberg 390?

Thanks for any help or ideas,
What your describing I see a lot in cars... Mainly it's due to a faulty Crank or cam sensor.. They get to operating temperature and fail... I would also check the sensors and see if they have any magnetic debris on the end of them.. Clean it off if they do..... I'm sure they would have done this already , but it's worth trying..

Another test is to put cold water on the outside of the sensor when the bike fails. If the sensor is faulty it will start straight away once cold again....

Must be a nightmare, but once it's fixed you will be sweet....
Anyone know where the temperature sensor(s) is(are)? I've poured cold water on the header pipe and it seems to help a bit but this is usually at the point that the bike has already started to cool off. Never seems to be a creek around when the problem starts.
First of all your temperature sensor is on the head just above and to the left of the spark plug.

Sounds kind of weird, two bikes from the same dealer with the same problem. Did this dealer happen to re flash both of these bikes? Has any of the bikes he sold not been reflashed and work okay?
I contacted the Husaberg North America Tech specialist today and he will be contacting your dealer to give him a hand. He told we have had no such problems with the 390's sold here in the states so your problem will get sorted shortly I'm sure.

Wow, Thank you so much DaleEO. My dealer is great but I'm hoping for a little more support from someone higher up at Husaberg. I think we need someone with a bit deeper technical expertise. Hopefully that solves it. I really don't want to get the bike back to 'try' a new map or some other experiment. I want a definitive answer so I don't have to get stuck in the woods a fifth time.
Thanks again
I'll keep you posted
Dealer is returning bike in a few days. He installed a new map from Husaberg. Apparently they checked 'everything' and it was all OK. I'm disappointed because it does not make sense to me that the map that seems to work fine all over the world is causing the problems in my bike. I suspect I'm going to get on the bike and have it dead in the woods one more time. I bet this has nothing to do with the map but is related to a mechanical or electrical problem. Once it dies, I am going to have to wait another week for bike to be picked up, looked at, sent back ...etc. I would give it back in a second to get my money back.
luckaz said:
...etc. I would give it back in a second to get my money back.

We get that you would happily give it back, you have a lemon, you're hating the bike, etc. ad nauseum... Please keep in mind that none of us are part of the Husaberg network and we're simply trying to help you out of the kindness of our hearts. Telling us how bad you want to be rid of your bike is kind of a kick in the teeth to the fellow enthusiasts that are going so far as to hop on the phone and chase down potential solutions for you.

We understand your frustrations, but those types of comments are sorely misdirected and tend to actually hurt your chances of people trying to help you after reading them.

Hey luckaz,

Sorry to see you are having problems with your new beast it's the last thing any one wants with a new toy,
I'm sure you will have it sorted soon, meanwhile have a look at Lookis excellent videos it may just re-inspire you. :bounce3:

First check the sparkplug for a very small crack in the upper white glass part (don't know what it's called in english), or just change it to be safe.
If not check your sparkplugcap, first you need to get the bike so hot that the misfiering starts, then take it into a dark room, if it's gone you'll se sparks going from the cap to the cylinderhead. Common KTM-problem. Or just change it to be safe.
If none of these things work, I would try a new ignitioncoil (the one at the other end of the sparkplugwire), it's eather this or the pick-up coil. But probably the ignitioncoil.

I don't think a mapping would be themperature-sensitive.
omo said:
I don't think a mapping would be themperature-sensitive.

Unless it was a corrupt map upload, I would agree. It may not hurt to beg/demand cajole the crew showing up to bring a coil, as omo suggests.

I see in the post where you agreed that the plug was a good place to look, but no mention of it being changed. Have you done this yet?

I have been relaying all the suggestions to the dealer. He is the one doing all the work to find the problem and has been in contact with Husaberg a lot. He says he checked the spark plug, temperature sensor..."everything". I got a suggestion from Thumpertalk by someone with a 390 who had the 'exact' same problem and it was a clogged fuel filter right at the fuel pump. When i get the bike back, I will probably take the tank apart to make sure the fuel filter is clean. I actually noted a fine, dry, white, powder-like dusting inside the fuel tank when I picked the bike up from the dealer on day one. I didn't do anything about it because the bike was new and I assumed it must have been normal.
I will also talk to the dealer about this.
Will keep you posted.
Thanks for the help.
Try calling Ken at Kenco in Victoria they have been selling H-Bergs for yrs It looks like your dealer sells anything and everything They might not be up to speed on the bike

Don't get me wrong a lot of guys have bought bikes from them and are happy

Here is a coomment from one of our members

They are good, I got 6 bikes so far from them, All from Rick who isnt there anymore. I am sure Zack can help you.

The service dept isnt a service dept. Its only for the shop to do basic things on the bikes. I dont think they do anymore than a tire or oil change and bolt on a few accessories.

Cheers ... 84607&pg=1
Just talked to the Dealer. He inspected the fuel filter after I told him about the experience of the Thumpertalk person. The filter was completely clogged with a white paper-mache like substance. He cleaned it out and apparently the bike was immediately completely different. He found the same issue on the other 390 he had. He contacted Husaberg and they are looking into the issue. The two bikes affected were 8 units apart on the assembly line. There is a good chance that other bikes may be affected as well. The dealer (and others on this form) have noted that the 390 needs a tiny bit of throttle to start. Apparently, after the filter was cleaned the bike started easily with no throttle.
I suggest that everyone should consider cleaning their fuel filter, especially if you need a touch of throttle to start your bike.
I will ride tomorrow and give you a ride report.
Thanks for all the help, I Hope this solves the problem.
Hey, this is potentially fantastic news! I hope this completely resolves your issues.

Since you got to see the contaminant, do you think it might be some material left from the molding process of the tank? Maybe it wasn't properly cleaned after forming?

If nothing else, this might help others that have vins close to yours.... Not that it makes what you went through any less of a hassle...

I hope you get to enjoy some riding soon!
ive been following this thread and the TT thread as well, hoping to see you resolve your issue. Its never good hearing problems like this with new tech. It sounds like youve got it sorted
Just in the first hour of running in the 390, the owners manual isn't avialable in the country yet (bit weird),or so I am told from the dealers. I have down loaded the lattest manual for 450/570 from the official site.Most is the same.I havnt had the tank off yet, but got that in the manual, can some one give us a verbal descript or a photo of the fuel filter,or is it obvious once the tanks off ,in the fuel line.I want to check, because I got the retarded start, needing a small amount of throttle.
Also with the fuel injection, the diagnostic tool, is that something that afordable for the average punter to own,I have seen it advertised as an aftermarket item (husaberg official).Or do you have to rely on getting readouts from dealers/service agents when faults occur.I like the ride with FI but fell lost now... :!: when I go to think about solving fuel problems(gone are the easy fixes like drain the bowl and check the float).

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