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  1. ede

    FE 501 2002 - Ignition Timing - Decomp - Starting Problems

    Hello, I'm from Germany and already a member for a while (2015) and reading your posts with interests. I bought a FE 501 model 2002 a while ago. Since I own the bike there's permanent trouble with it. I had it already in a former Husaberg workshop to get the engine fixed (ball bearings...
  2. H

    Husaberg 650 timing question Help please!

    Husaberg 650 timing question (Solved rooky mistake) Hello i have recently had problems getting the bike to run properly/at all after i removed and reinstalled the cam/cleaning carb etc. Its hard to start and when it fires it only runs with throttle on and easily dies, and also getting pop...
  3. F

    02 501 timing chain issues.

    I'm trying to get into the engine, to check the cylinder head. I have run into trouble getting the timing chain off. whats the best method? I'm considering splitting the chain but any other suggestions are good.
  4. S

    97 501 timing chain

    While I have it tore down this far is it good to replace the timing chain and cam gear? And what are some good resources for finding such parts or cross overs to something else that will work in it. I have a 2005 fs with a 97 501 motor.
  5. D

    08 fs650 timing help

    Still having trouble getting it started, does everything look good here?
  6. B

    Timing question/issue

    Hi guys, I've got a timing question......I pulled the clutch basket on my 2008 FE550E because of an kickstart issue. Obviously the piston was almost at top dead center when I pulled the basket, so when the gears lost touch the timing chain sprocket turned backwards. So, to get the right...
  7. D

    08 fs650 timing help

    Hey guys, had a broken valve spring on my berg so have replaced with a dvsk and new valves, new cam chain etc. Have put it back together twice now and still she won't fire. I had it at tdc with the markings lined up. What have I done wrong?? Cheers
  8. D

    Timing the motor

    Husaberg FE450E 2008 Tuning the motor at the right timing. I have 2 logos on the crankshaft and 1 on the timing chain wheel how do i tune it right? Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk
  9. D

    08 fs650 timing help

    Hey guys, having a bit of trouble setting the timing after replacing valves and valve springs. Have put it back together twice now and can't get it to fire. How do I tell when its on the compression stroke? I had the dots lined up on the casing the first time and it didn't go so I flipped the...
  10. J

    Setting timing on 1992 FE350 - am I doing this right?

    Hi all, following on from my previous thread about the snapped tappet. I have now got two new exhaust valves, new stem seals, water pump seals and other bits, the valves are lapped in and head is back on. All seems to be in order. Now I am trying to get the cams and crank timed up. I...
  11. B

    1989 to 2004 Timing Chain and Cam Gear

    With engine parts becoming hard to source its becoming increasingly difficult to understand what parts will work with others when you locate NOS in some of the old Husaberg dealerships Point in case is the timing chains fitted to bikes from 1989 to 2004. My understanding is that Husaberg (and...
  12. D

    Timing chain comparison

    With a 'supposed' 90 hours on the meter I decided to check the timing chain, tensioner blades and the tensioner on my recently acquired '04 FE501. My first discovery was that the tensioner was within two clicks of fully extended, but that the chain and blades looked OK. The chain was no where...
  13. husabutt

    04-08 Mounting The Timing Chain

    What is the best way to mount the timing chain on 04-08 models? The workshop manual has a procedure but it is with the clutch basket removed. I would like to leave clutch in. The head has been removed and reinstalled. I can get everything to line up O.K., TDC, balancer to primary...
  14. W


    Hey guys, new to the site and to husaberg in general. I've browsed the service and repair manuals offered in the forum but have been unable to find anything helpful about timing. I'm the second owner of a 06 450fe. The previous owner got a new timing chain installed by a non berg dealer and...
  15. A

    DJH timing chain tensioner..

    Hey there folks, Just wondering if anyone knows how to contact Dave at djh? I've tried contacting thru the web site but can't seem to get a reply..I need a new tensioner for my berg urgently and wanted the djh manual tensioner..but if I cannot get hold of Dave I may have to use dirt tricks...
  16. D


    Im working on calculating octane requirements for my motor as it undergoes mods. One of the requirements in timing? any one know what the degree is for a 570?
  17. W

    2007 FE550e Ignition Timing questions

    I have read/searched the service and owners manuals, and the owners doc, but I have not found any information regarding checking the ignition timing. There is no window in the stator cover through which to check the timing, and the generator coil is mounted in the cover. Sooooooo, how do you...
  18. W

    05 650 Timing Question

    I had to remove my clutch basket in order to fix the kick start ratchet return. After putting the basket back in, and rolling the motor over a few times with the kick start, I attempted to set the engine to TDC. This is when I noticed that my alignment point on the idle gear and pinion gear...
  19. H

    96" FE 501E ignition timing

    I have some problem for ignition timing my berg...When the engine is cold then there is no problem with the ignition, but when you warm and crackling flame comes out of the exhaust.I think the ignition is incorrect and should be set to the ignition.The question is how someone would describe the...
  20. Skjetvingen

    Timing chain

    My timing chain on my FE 501 did just break.... And now I'm wondering where I can get a new one and if its smart to use the old one? It was only a link that did break if I get a new link it will be as good as new? And how should i fit the new one?