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  1. Bif

    99 fe400 erratic throttle

    I have posted this question in the electrical area of the forum recently, but I haven’t gotten much of a response. The suggestion I have so far is to check the float bowl spec, I intend to take the carb back off and check this just to rule it out, however while I’m in there I was...
  2. Bif

    99 fe400 electrical or fuel?

    I originally posted this in the general forum, but I think this is a better place to look for help with this. I also tried to explain a little better what is happening. Does any of this sound familiar or typical? I'm wondering if I should also post this in the fuel forum, as I'm not sure if...
  3. Bif

    fe400 fuel or electrical problem??

    Hoping someone can assist with this. I have a 99 fe400 with super low hrs. It ran fine 6 mos ago, but now I have a problem with high speed running. It starts fine, choke on 2 kicks , choke off - 1 or2 kicks and it starts right up on idle. Throttle response is great thru 1st , 2nd, 3rd gear, at...
  4. E

    FE400 - Starts but won't run off choke!

    My FE400 starts fine, but only runs for about 5 seconds when I take the choke off. If I give it some gas it will stay running but backfires like hell - even shot some flames! I just had a terrific day long romp on her last week and she was running sweet! I started it up so as to warm it up...
  5. S

    updating my fe400 tank plastics frame 97

    hi all wishing to update my 97 400 is this possible what can you change tank? rad shrouds? would i be looking for a frame change due to the airbox anyone got any ideas thanks seb
  6. N

    Worn intake valves seats on FE400.. Suggestions?

    Hi all, I bought a 2nd hand FE400 and found that the intake valves are tuliped.. From what I derived reading though posts, I need to buy a pair of intake valves from KTM. Would anyone know which size/part number I should get for the FE 400 head? I will also need a pair of valve seats...
  7. R

    FE400 Clutch

    Hey, sorry to bug everyone again... But I've got another issue... I took the clutch out of my '03 FE400 (according to the books it has the 2002 clutch) to replace the starter motor that had been removed by the previous owner and now after reassembling I cant get the clutch to disengage at...
  8. E

    Street Legal Off-Road Tires, FE400

    I'm looking to plate my bike so I need a street legal tire. The bike will rarely be ridden on pavement so I'm looking for the best enduro tire out there that's street legal. Any suggestions?
  9. D

    FE450 parts in FE400

    I purchased a 04 FE450 Motor in bits recently thinking beauty I'll upgrade my 400 with some later goodies. The 2 piece clutch cover went on but must use matched waterpump cover, gearchange lever and the kickstarter had to have a small washer put on the end of the shaft or the kuckle hit the seal...
  10. F

    blown FE400 :( pics added

    Hi, I am rebuilding my FE400 because of the chronic top end problems and other issues after 9 months I got it second hand. Actually I have not been able to drive it for long due to recurring mechanical problems. Recently I take the cylinder head off and the picture was depressing. You can...
  11. G

    2003 FE400 Wont kick start???

    hi, My bike has just had a few parts installed by a mechanic including, auto decomp, sledge mod, stronger starter and few other small bits but now it wont start on the kick start. Mechanic that fitted the parts doesnt want to help now! It starts on the elctric start but it genrally has to...
  12. F

    Not sure about the power of my FE400

    Hi, I am not sure if my FE400 makes enough power.I got it second hand and after some time I got it I reliased that the oil pump had been stuck and thus it had been hardly lubricating. I fixed it but I doubt if it makes good power. I am not able to compare mine against any other 400. Thus I...
  13. J

    Sold my fe400, thinking of a fe350, help

    well my 400fe 2002 is gone due to money issues. I found a 350, all electrics are new, FCR installed, and much more. I'll tell you the price when I know, but that is not my question. I want to know is there was something wrong with that bike. Should I take it? Will it work forever or I'll have to...
  14. J

    Breaking 2003 FE400

    I am breaking a complete 2003 FE400, i have the whole bike. PM me for more details, what parts you want and i'll email you a price etc. cheers, John
  15. J

    Flywheel magnets FE400

    hi, i am having trouble getting a spark from my FE400 2003, the statro has come back tested as fine, the flywheel was couated in crud, well a very thin layer of crud on the magnets, i have cleaned this up and when doing so i have noticed of the 3 ignition magnets only the two smaller ones...
  16. J

    FE400 Lost its spark!

    2003 fe 400 starts 2nd kick- revs up fine,warm it up, click into gear let the clutch out and it stops. kick kick kick kick kick kick kick no start, get it back in the workshop and now it has no spark?! had a new stator in july and has done 10hrs (ish) since, had it tested...
  17. E

    FE400 '03 to 470 questions

    I am planning to rebuild my FE400 '03 engine (100 hours) this winter and to convert it to 470cc by boring out the barrel to 100mm and fit a 470 piston. I have a few questions about this, especially after reading this Thread ;) 1: Should I use this headgasket (from the doc): 21 200 321-01...
  18. J

    gearbox stuck in FE400

    Problems keep on and on... very dissapointing... messed another ride today... While riding, the bike kept on kicking to neutral, and I had to change gears all the time in order to go on. After a while the rear wheel was stuck and the bike stoped. The bike was not moving even when pulled the...
  19. E

    FE400 Brake Pads - Same as KTM XC?

    Are the brake pads for my '03 FE400E tha same as a KTM 450 XC?
  20. S

    FE400 ´01 - hot start issues

    Hi! My friend just picked up an FE400 ´01 - and went out with me yesterday, only to spend a fair bit of time trying to get it to fire up. When cold it started fine, but after 20 minutes worth of driving, we stopped to regroup, after that it didn't want to play no more. He's going to go...