If your 390 is as loud as you indicate, your factory muffler is probably in need of a repack. But I wouldn't bother, as the factory cans are famously restrictive. I made a series of incremental internal modifications to the factory muffler on my 570, and eventually gave up on the thing. It's just a bad design.
I replaced it with an FMF 4.1 and run it with the reduced noise tail piece and the spark arrester, but I think it would be too loud for you. Without the reduced noise tail piece, the bike is jail bait. Even with the reduced noise part and spark arrester it's pretty raspy. I like it, but then I always ride with ear plugs.
You might give the FMF Q4 muffler a look. It's the quietest unit they sell for our machines, and it probably isn't so open that you'll need the performance map flashed to your ECU to keep it from running too lean and popping on deceleration.