I'm dredging up this old post from long long ago to add my experience.
I have a 2002 550, my sprague was worn so I read the doc (over and over). In the section titled "Amber alert", it advises about the changes in sprague gear designs that cause the infamous whining noise if you don't match the correct parts. The doc states that you have to match all the sprague parts "as a set", so I ordered all the later model parts for >2004 (inner, outer, and the sprague itself)... I did this thinking I would just replace everything and do it as a set to avoid the whining problem. Well, the damn thing sounded like a jet engine and the inner gear broke three teeth off after about 5 hours of use.
So... the doc is a bit misleading in my opinion. What seems to be important here is that the pitch of the teeth on the clutch basket, the inner sprague gear, the crank and the counterbalancer must all be compatible with respect to the pitch of the teeth, otherwise it will whine loudly and potentially break things as happened in my case.
So, I'm a bit unsure now if I can still use my new sprague setup, but simply install an older style inner gear. I would think that the only thing that matters is the dimension of the "drum" that the sprague gear grabs on the inside... the older part would have the correct gear pitch to prevent whining.
Anybody know if the older inner gear will work with the other >2004 sprague parts? I haven't pulled mine out yet to measure.
It did e-start cold/hot, no matter what conditions (for the 5 hours before it broke).