What to do with nuciance kids?


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It's a **** situation to be sure. I don't recomend the vigilante approach for all the reasons stated; it's likely blow back in yer face.

So, how about community action? You can't be the only one around who is feeling this way so try arranging a public meeting, invite all the locals you know and post notices, get the local cops there to give support. If the offenders can be identified and located get a group of locals to go round there with signs and do a (peaceful) protest outside their house. Make it clear to the parents just what is happening and make it clear that the community is sick of it and won't stand for it any longer.

I really think that the best way is to show solidarity in the community to these lawless brats. It all comes down to accoutability and if you can find a way to get to the parents in a way that they will find unpleasant and shows them up to the community at large as being idiots who can't raise their kids well it might just get them to take some action.

This way it's not just you against them and it's all legal. You may even get support from the cops if you get the mix right.

Good luck.

ps I moved from the UK to Canada 3 years ago and it's a different story here.
RE: Re: RE: Re: What to do with nuciance kids?

I think it's the same where ever you go! Even in the countryside! I'm lucky enough to have not experienced it but my best mate had a problem with some 15/16 year olds and he went through about 6 months of the cowards breaking his car windows and throwing stones at his house! Even though we all knew who it was the police said they can't do anything cause they can't prove it! BUT... They did say to both me and my mate that if these lads (about 6 of them) mysteriously aquired a broken nose or a few bruises they probably wouldn't be able to follow that up! (wink wink!) Yep they actually said that! One of them also said keep a stick in a handy place incase they come back! Which we did but luckily for them it just died off once they got bored or found another decent bloke to torment!
My advice... Just stick it out for a little while mate, young lads get bored very soon especially if they think they're not getting a reaction! Get yourself a punchbag to take your aggression out on and don't show the bastards they're getting to you! If you retaliate you're only putting your family and belongings (which can't put up a fight) at risk!

Re: RE: Re: What to do with nuciance kids?

edited -

not advisable to go posting an admission like that on the web. never know whos reading.
RE: Re: RE: Re: What to do with nuciance kids?

ello ello ello, whats all this then....little toe rags giving you the run around...thinking of revenge...you're knicked.

Serioualy though Pete, you know what I think - said it all in the lounge last night over a beer - it's bear bating - try to let it go if poss.

Anyway, obviously touched a nerve here....come the revolution...........................................

PS hope to try your starting remedies tomorrow if time. Will let you know.
RE: Re: RE: Re: What to do with nuciance kids?

Be strong Pete mate, same **** goes on down south (despite us bleeding you up north!) they even have security guards in my local co-ops!!!
You could always aim for the ring leaders house/parents.

Good luck mate, Carl
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Smorgasbord said:

When I first started reading this thread I thought of the devices listed above, I believe they were pioneered in the Mother Country of Brittan.

Then, over here the teenagers were using that tone as their ring tone on their cell phones so teachers couldn't here them getting texts in class! Brilliant!

Pete, totally feel you baby........ My folks had the same problem when I was a kid with the neighbors kids and all the freaking foster kids they took in to get state money. We ended up moving as my Dad knew his patience was limited, and as he used to always tell me, "no one is worth going to jail for".

If the little ******s are annoying others as well, as stated earlier, try to get a coalition going.

Over here one of the ways that they have dealt with gangs is to file civil nuisance suits in court. I'm sure you have the same sort of thing under a different name in your country because it has become just a Litigious as my country.

So, in essence here is what it is/does. You basically file this suit against these kids and then you get a court date. Yes you have to show up in court, but, so do the kids and their parents. This cycle can be maintained indefinitely over here and basically what you are doing is costing the parents time and money. Pretty soon those parents are going to bet mighty tired of having to pay for an attorney and take time off work to go to court.

Next idea, get a video camera with night vision, readily available and not too expensive these days. Be very sneaky in it's placement, and don't let ANYBODY know that you are doing it as people like to talk. You'll have to grin and bear it for a while, but, you should be happy in your work knowing that the little b*stards are incriminating themselves. We call this "feeding them the rope to hang themselves" over here.

Talk to an attorney to find out exactly what you need as far as total evidence. You can even just get the camera and route it to hard drive for recording purposes. Yes it's a pain in the arse. However, once you have gathered enough evidence you will probably be able to sue them in court, their parents anyway, of being deprived of the reasonable enjoyment of your home.

I am not a fan of suing, or attorneys. However, if you really want to hurt them, and hurt them bad, and not end up in the slammer, it's going to be through their pocket books, this is about your only avenue to success. The rules have changed mate, in the old days we didn't do that stuff for a few reasons, #1 being the way we were raised. If Mom or Dad had the police come to the door asking about your activities the ass whoopin' would be meeted out by the old man, in addition to loosing all privilege's. #2 If you got caught by the person receiving your mischief you would get an ass whoopin' by that person, and then get another when your Dad found out.

We have the same problem over here. All the coddler's whining about how all our jails are full and something is wrong with the system blah blah blah. It's obvious, you broke the law and now you are in jail. It's starts at a young age, and has a lot to do with how your folks raise you. Same thing with our schools over here, they just keep throwing more and more money at the problem and it's not getting fixed. Why? b/c they are putting a band aid on a bullet wound. We had great schools over here back 40-50 years ago, I'm sure the same is true for the Britt's as well. Then we had all the introspective navel gazing and "change" that went on in the late 60s and 70s and every started slipping.

However, there are still kids doing good in school here, and that's b/c it's a priority to their parents and has been since day one, they didn't let the tele raise their kids either.

You can't be the only one who is dealing with this mate! Have a look about on the net and see how they have dealt with these wanna be Mods.
It can happen anywhere Pete. I live in open country and the yahoos use to walk two kms just to harass myself and my nieghbours. Stolen trucks left in the bush between trees, lawn furniture set on fire in the middle of fields, broken windows, crops destroyed by tearing up the fields with stolen autos.

The local police said they could do nothing, even when they pulled the kids out of rolled over vehicles they only got a slap on the wrist and then returned for more trouble!

My nieghbour caught one and gave him some nasty bruises. Once the boy healed he came back with more troups and stole everything they could from the man.I know if I caught one I would be in jail right now. I thank God everyday for not giving me that chance.

The only way it stopped is when they grew older and found more criminal activities to do.

Now we are waiting for their little buggers to grow up and start the problem all over again.

I know this does not help you Pete, but please do not do something you will regret later. They are not worth it!

Do what we did. Dog's and nobody comes around here.Three not scary dogs just ones that like to act the part when someone strange come around.And post a sign beware of dog's this will cover your butt in the event that somebody gets bite.Or trespassers will be eaten.
bergiebearlike said:
capture them and put them i your dungeon, then experiment on them, if they seem to be enjoying it try it dry

:twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

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