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It does not matter what, you will always have to have order when it comes to community.

Manipulation is a everyday thing one comes across, especially if you work for yourself you sure cop it hard from all the crunnts you have to deal with.

I have seen that Hitler was on about stuff before the Jews religion and about Atlantis, I am in my 50's and it ***** me that we were not informed about what Hitler and his mob were all truly about and I have tried to find out just what the fuurck it's truly all about and only come across closed doors on the subject in depth, sure there is a lot of other crap and a lot of BS and nowadays you have people kicking and screaming that no one has the right to look into it, some government prick in England of late was ranting that no one has the right to read Hitler's book and went mental at some ex Mayor of London for just answering a question about Hitler, the dude only gave a truthful reply to a question and this crunnt went mental about it.
So much is all hidden from the public and we are being spun more and more BS nowadays then ever before, the media is just so full of **** that it gone past any credibility worth jack, the schooling system is **** they indoctrinate mainly a lot and lack to truly educate.
Hitler had some type of religion and I asked what it was back in the 70's and that was like pulling teeth, f me dead 60 million people were killed and they truly don't give a ****, because if they did they would f ing be happy to educate you totally about the whole subject in total depth, but they run for cover and hide all they can and spin **** like they are scared that if you read Hitler's book you will believe it all, f ing ******** ! I asked for the book once in the 80's and at the book shop, they came at me with how dare I ask and what was my name where did I live you have no rights to that book, I was like stunned at there position, all I wanted to know was to be educated on the subject, mainly because my Sir name is Hebrew.
I asked for a book called the conservative revolution by Cory Bernardi in 2015 and got the same clap crap, all the spin I had to go through and then they said do you truly want that book 3 months after, yes I would not ask for something if I did not want it now would I.
I get pricks coming at my door trying to sell me all types of **** scams ect 24/7 I never asked for them to come, so I just say who asked you to come here, f off I don't want to know about what you are peddling and don't give a furrck.

I believe in UFO's but that's the end of it, UFO could be anything a glow worm, someone tossing a dinner plate, no other beings are out their in Space worth jack **** and if there were f them, what's the point, we have enough problems with people here to deal with than some other pack of crunnt's.

What ***** me is we are so ill informed by the media and Schooling, f ing hell Nuclear power plants tec have moved on way past what the majority can comprehend, we have Generation 3 and now Gen 4 coming about now that are safe as and use the old spent fuel and we have 150 years of it too power the world without digging up anything and then what's spent is only toxic for 250 years or so, but they don't inform the public of the fact's, all old power plants should be gone as they are total crap, like T model Ford tec just backwards 3rd rate total ****, the new ones can be switched off and Earthquakes is not a problem at all with them because they are that safe that it does not mean jack ****.
F ing Greenies are not truly green at all as they claim, they are only controlled by Communist toss pots.
LOL rosenberg 450 08 Time to go to the US of A and run next term :) Or time to get out and ride as the political stuff can and will make you crazy.

Oh PS: I am German but know very little about Hitler and the Nazi party. Just another crazy junkie who almost ran the world.
LOL rosenberg 450 08 Time to go to the US of A and run next term :) Or time to get out and ride as the political stuff can and will make you crazy.

Oh PS: I am German but know very little about Hitler and the Nazi party. Just another crazy junkie who almost ran the world.

Sure I will go out for a ride.

It's true that people know bugger all truly about Hitler and the Communist and nor do they care, but the fact is that the same foundations of game play is at hand nowadays, but people do not recognise it for what it truly is.

Nowadays people don't want true healthy freedom of speech, they don't respect it. they love political correctness they think it in powers them, but it's a Cancer.

People do not understand the game play of how dictators got to be in powered as they did in the first place.
I am educated on the subject and it sticks out like gods balls to me.

Hitler was not stupid or foolish he was smarter than anyone in the political world, his Party made all of the other Nations look like 3rd rate bumblers, in trade they were set to wiped the floor with Europe, the UK and all would not of been able to compete, he threatened the world Bank and Churchill said in 1960 that was the reason why he had to be stoped.

So when it comes to USA and Trump, well USA is bankrupt, or Trump would not bother to be the Leader. why would anyone want to be the Leader when you are a wealthy as him. the Left want to destroy USA both morally financially and to make it Communist and bring in a one world government NWO.

All this crap we hear from the media etc that Hitler and even Trump were just some stupid dumb bumbling fools, is total **** and anyone who swallows it must be a uneducated ignorant total moron.
It's just amazing to hear the media claims that Trump to be a jumped up no body :giggle: he has an IQ of 160. the media has lost all credibility because they are just so full of ****.
I dont know as I dont believe in satan. That is up to you.

I used to agree with your thunking but not regarding satan but gravity.
what I learned is not believing in something doesn't make it not real.
weird huh??
it took Tuts to spot it!

that is both great and worrying all in the same moment. ha! ha!

NICE TO HEAR FROM YOU TUTS! Dez got in touch three weeks ago and said he was cleaning up his old 600. So i sent him a set of brand new factory decals as a thank you for the hotel 10 years ago.

he was really, really chuffed!!!! (that means happy tuts OK?)

all the best

Sure I will go out for a ride.

It's true that people know bugger all truly about Hitler and the Communist and nor do they care, but the fact is that the same foundations of game play is at hand nowadays, but people do not recognise it for what it truly is.

Nowadays people don't want true healthy freedom of speech, they don't respect it. they love political correctness they think it in powers them, but it's a Cancer.

People do not understand the game play of how dictators got to be in powered as they did in the first place.
I am educated on the subject and it sticks out like gods balls to me.

Hitler was not stupid or foolish he was smarter than anyone in the political world, his Party made all of the other Nations look like 3rd rate bumblers, in trade they were set to wiped the floor with Europe, the UK and all would not of been able to compete, he threatened the world Bank and Churchill said in 1960 that was the reason why he had to be stoped.

So when it comes to USA and Trump, well USA is bankrupt, or Trump would not bother to be the Leader. why would anyone want to be the Leader when you are a wealthy as him. the Left want to destroy USA both morally financially and to make it Communist and bring in a one world government NWO.

All this crap we hear from the media etc that Hitler and even Trump were just some stupid dumb bumbling fools, is total **** and anyone who swallows it must be a uneducated ignorant total moron.
It's just amazing to hear the media claims that Trump to be a jumped up no body :giggle: he has an IQ of 160. the media has lost all credibility because they are just so full of ****.

I think you are mistaken a tad with a few comments.

Hitler was not smart what so ever, He was an activist with mental issues and a huge drug problem. He managed to manipulate such as Charles Manson, Chopper Etc. did and nothing more. He managed to sway other leaders who were smart to work on his behalf and rise his party and believe in his action.

As for the USA, They are far from Bankrupt. The people are hurting but the country will continue to rise as it always does. USA is the richest and most powerful country in the world and with this said they will always be able to take what they want from other countries such as oil and other resources. The only reason Trump got to power is due to not having any competition to run against. We are in the same boat in Canada. We have an Idiot who has been elected by way of our stupid election system. We have 37% of Canada wanting him in and he has a majority to make him the leader now. How does this work? We have Parties running such as the Pot Party that should not even be allowed. He has spent more tax money than any other leader in Canadian history. He has opened our doors to anyone who wants to live here and giving them the refuges $28,000 annually for doing nothing but coming in, don't matter if you are a terrorist or one who gives a **** about our country. Our seniors/pensioners who have contributed to this country all their lives receive about $12,000 annually.
Our debt from this leader in the last two years is so high that our children's great grandchildren will still hold this.

With this all said, no leader is better than the other, they all have agendas to what they feel is correct and nothing more. They all suffer from some sort of mental illness as that is how they get into power. Our problem is the majority of people are blind and can not read between the lines and only see the outside and the smoke screen show.

Looking into the past is what it is, It is time to look into the future as one day one of these Hitler's is really going to get away with it and then were all gonna be screwed.
U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

The U.S. is bankrupt. The national debt is almost 20 Trillion Dollars. The only thing that keeps us afloat is the ability to print more currency. Once the government prints it and spends it into existence, the currency devalues even more. Since 1913 the dollar has lost 93% of its value. The State of Illinois has just declared they are broke and are unable to meet its financial obligations. A bankruptcy filing will probably ensue. California is next in line and it is the worlds 6th largest economy. Some of California's civil servants are making over $500,000 a year. Government employees are receiving huge salaries, benefits and pensions that the private sector cannot even come close to matching. A few CA cities have already declared bankruptcy.

Trump was elected as a last ditch effort to try and fix the corruption that has been going on for so long. Most U.S. citizens feel that time is running out and the U.S. financial system is going to collapse under the weight of its own debt. 43 million U.S. citizens are on food stamps. A record number.

A republican just won in Montana in spite of all the bad press (mostly lies, ask CNN). It would appear that this movement has just begun despite what CNN has told you (they gave the debate answers to Hillary and she still could not win).
I think you are mistaken a tad with a few comments.

Hitler was not smart what so ever, He was an activist with mental issues and a huge drug problem. He managed to manipulate such as Charles Manson, Chopper Etc. did and nothing more. He managed to sway other leaders who were smart to work on his behalf and rise his party and believe in his action.

As for the USA, They are far from Bankrupt. The people are hurting but the country will continue to rise as it always does. USA is the richest and most powerful country in the world and with this said they will always be able to take what they want from other countries such as oil and other resources. The only reason Trump got to power is due to not having any competition to run against. We are in the same boat in Canada. We have an Idiot who has been elected by way of our stupid election system. We have 37% of Canada wanting him in and he has a majority to make him the leader now. How does this work? We have Parties running such as the Pot Party that should not even be allowed. He has spent more tax money than any other leader in Canadian history. He has opened our doors to anyone who wants to live here and giving them the refuges $28,000 annually for doing nothing but coming in, don't matter if you are a terrorist or one who gives a **** about our country. Our seniors/pensioners who have contributed to this country all their lives receive about $12,000 annually.
Our debt from this leader in the last two years is so high that our children's great grandchildren will still hold this.

With this all said, no leader is better than the other, they all have agendas to what they feel is correct and nothing more. They all suffer from some sort of mental illness as that is how they get into power. Our problem is the majority of people are blind and can not read between the lines and only see the outside and the smoke screen show.

Looking into the past is what it is, It is time to look into the future as one day one of these Hitler's is really going to get away with it and then were all gonna be screwed.

I believe Hitler to of been a Zionist so called Jew and a New World Order type nut.
Hitler plays the game of what ever the Game wants him to do, no one has said that he was stupid in any books I have read about him, he was a good orator became the rank of Corporal and Iron Cross.
He sure was good at manipulating and he is in the class of the ratbags like you have said of the Canada Leader and he sure had an agenda.
What they say and what they do can be in fact two different things in reality, playing the people for fools.
There is no proof that Hitler did die in WW2 as is claimed, not one bit of evidence was found worth jack ****, it's a cock and bull story.
He did the job for his Zionist mates to get the land back and that's what he was all about supporting a Zionist State, he was the only one pushing for it in the beginning full on at the start of it all, it's all due to him, or they would never of got the land.
Jews mean nothing to Zionist, they killed 6 million of them not to mention 60 million goyim, it's all about power and the power to control the whole world under one government.
They are not on about the Old Testament Zion at all, but are the ones who creep in to Judah unawares to Judah and only worked as to destroy them.
They created the tool Political Correctness and this is the key to the enslavement of the people, it works slowly like a cancer possessing the peoples minds and then it becomes a pox on the people and you end up getting all the pricks who start pushing others around with, you must this you must that and the government control the people with an iron rod, what it says goes and you have no hope of speaking out, because you will become an enemy of the State and them socialist cunnts don't muck around, the Nazis got my grandads eldest brother and it's no joke they were total cunnts, I have pointed this out to aussie people only to be laughed at, Ill be fuucked if I can see the funny side to it:furious:

Some claim that I don't know what Political Correctness is about, they say laughing that it's not about Hitler or communist, and go on with babble babble, and I say I understand everything you are saying and much more, but this new age PC crap is being done in a fabian way and it will end up with the same result 'Enslavement' under totally deranged madmen.

I had a 86 year old bloke come up to me down the beach and said he just had some loony woman who nasty attacked him at the club, who just butted in over to his conversation at his table, saying that what he was saying was politically incorrect, the rudeness of such PC people to push their weight around like some sort of nazi was upsetting for him, I talked with him for about 4 hours and only went because the sun was going down, he was an Italian but of an American mum and he was the one who pointed out the madness of where we are heading politically with all this socialist madness, as he had seen this crap all before as a kid living in Italy.
Generation ButtHurt where everyone is offended by everything and if they're not, they try to be....... Now that You know this F politics and let's go riding!!!
U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

The U.S. is bankrupt. The national debt is almost 20 Trillion Dollars. The only thing that keeps us afloat is the ability to print more currency. Once the government prints it and spends it into existence, the currency devalues even more. Since 1913 the dollar has lost 93% of its value. The State of Illinois has just declared they are broke and are unable to meet its financial obligations. A bankruptcy filing will probably ensue. California is next in line and it is the worlds 6th largest economy. Some of California's civil servants are making over $500,000 a year. Government employees are receiving huge salaries, benefits and pensions that the private sector cannot even come close to matching. A few CA cities have already declared bankruptcy.

Trump was elected as a last ditch effort to try and fix the corruption that has been going on for so long. Most U.S. citizens feel that time is running out and the U.S. financial system is going to collapse under the weight of its own debt. 43 million U.S. citizens are on food stamps. A record number.

A republican just won in Montana in spite of all the bad press (mostly lies, ask CNN). It would appear that this movement has just begun despite what CNN has told you (they gave the debate answers to Hillary and she still could not win).

This is all what is learned on CNN and other media sources. Just because people are on food stamps and states are not paying bills does not mean anything. This is a way of getting out of debt responsibilities. When the country can pay govt employees huge wages and the private sector hospitals can charge 10 bux for a cotton swab tells us there is all kinds of money to be spent. When the USA can spend billions fighting wars and starting task forces on things to make work only means one thing. The USA has tons of money to spend. The money lost its value the day it was no longer backed by a treasury, but this does not mean the USA is broke. We have more Americans purchasing high dollar homes in Canada at resorts than any others in the world. Your dollar is strong and then some. We went through this years ago when California purchased hydro cheaper than our own people can buy it here, they claimed the state was going bankrupt and didn't pay the bill still to date, millions of dollars. But the US Forces can spend 100 of millions on fighter jets? How does this work? Our economy in Canada is no different with our Govt spending, but this does not make us poor. Resources is what makes it strong and the USA has tons. The people are poor not the country and if for one minute you think the people are the country than you have no idea as this is the farthest thing from the truth. The business sectors are the country, the politicians and other huge sectors, the people fund them and the country thus allowing the business sectors to get larger, the reason the USA has and supports strong fighting power is to protect the business sector not the people.
We live in a different day now. The land of the whatever and free is a crock of **** and nothing more. Those proud Americans have nothing to be proud about as the govt is breaking you down, taking your money for their agenda and it is not about you the people. USA is strong its the people who are weak and helpless and suffering.
We in Canada are now on that route as you were years ago, it is now about Govt agenda and the people are starting to suffer. Business is getting bigger and people poorer.
If your Govt can budget enough money on Forces each year to feed the entire country for ten years and sit back and watch people starve than this is the issue and nothing more.
we in canada are now on that route as you were years ago, it is now about govt agenda

That would be the U.N Agenda 21 or now its 2030 I believe. The U.S. does what its told to do by the U.N. The country is being eroded away by giving control of large chunks of land to the U.N. under the guise of World Heritage Site protection. The Grand Canyon is a Unesco World Heritage Site. Not only the Canyon itself but a huge "buffer area" around it. This is designed to push the population into certain areas where you are allowed to live in your Soviet style cramped apartment. The World Heritage Site list grows larger every year. Soon most everything will be a World Heritage Site. There is very little difference between the two parties but then came Trump. He wants to kick the globalists out and help take the country back. It has been hijacked for quite some time. Evidence is easy to find, just look at our own banking system, the Federal Reserve sets interest rates and in a way loans money to the Federal government. Seems pretty innocuous except that the Federal Reserve is a private bank and no one knows who owns it. Stockholders receive a 5% dividend per year but again its a private company therefore they are not subject to an audit. So whoever the major stakeholders are in our banking system, the Rockefellers perhaps, they constantly suck money directly out of the system. Trump has said he wants to audit the Fed but I don't think that the puppet masters will put up with that one. Trump is truly the only hope we have at taking back our country before the globalists merge it all together into their one world government new world order.
Australia is for sale as well and we roll out the red carpet as if it were the Queen to look after all the trash boat and refo's that come here, not to mention that the younger generation detest hard work but will get totally all irate and want to fight you if you look down on political correctness, it was the same why with the kids in Nazi Germany as they got all pushy and made sure that everyone followed the brainwashing PC dribble that Hitler pushed.
It's not the same as Nazi Germany but the Game play is the same bag of tricks, empowering 3rd rate people to be morons to do the dirty work of deranged mad men who want to rule over everyone with a iron rod and leading all astray.

The hard working citizen is treated as a fool, work for yourself and get f ed around by some prick and can't pay you tax on time and you are treated as if you are not a citizen, but all the trash get a free ride, even when they are not a bloody citizen.
Some pricks turn up get feed housed and then get payed to do nothing, not to mention burn the place down and don't get f ed off home for doing it.
Pricks like such even sue Australia $70 million, some I have been informed by one who works their that some were given $500,000 f me dead !
Not to mention that some of our pensioners and true abo's get the ruff end of the pineapple, as well as some who lost their job due to the government not backing our National interest.
Such NWO want to get rid of our sovereignty and our borders, so as to have a free for all of extremely rich f us over, swamp us with people from the 3rd world treat us like crap and pay us f all.

I think that the world will go into a depression and people will loose all of there super.
Husabut knows that the Federal Reserve is one big con job because he has looked into it I would think, but most people have blind faith that all is well and above board and will never look into anything at all or it's because they could not handle the truth as I have seen with many.
There is so much bizarre **** going on it is almost unbelievable. We also have "migration problems" due to the NWO's agenda. We have foundations that set up shop in Central and South America and encourage people to migrate to the U.S. and get on public assistance. One big one is the Ford Foundation. They are huge backers of NPR (National Progressive Radio) which is the voice of the progressive liberal movement. Mainstream republican's are not much better than the left and far left its just that the left will get us to the NWO agenda end game faster.

I don't think the migration issue will stop until western governments are so broken financially that their citizens will be begging for the U.N / NWO to usher in their central world government and save us all.
I am thinking we should just all get together and say screw it to the Govt and form our own society without asking for any help and or paying any taxes. Its called Revolution. I am sick of Govt BS. We have a child running Canada. He got in on his dads name and allot of promises to allow legal Pot in what he is not doing, He posed for the camera and all the girlz got wet and voted. He by far is worse than anything we have ever had. In another 2 years our country is done and that's when he leaves unless someone stops him by way of stretcher. We have no way out, he has lived his whole life smoking pot and snowboarding on Daddy's dollar. He is educated and could not find any other job than teaching drama at the local high school, go figure and now he is running the country. WTF are we in for?
I pray for the kids of today as they will have nothing. We are being run like the Game Of Thrones?????
I am thinking we should just all get together and say screw it to the Govt and form our own society without asking for any help and or paying any taxes. Its called Revolution. I am sick of Govt BS. We have a child running Canada. He got in on his dads name and allot of promises to allow legal Pot in what he is not doing, He posed for the camera and all the girlz got wet and voted. He by far is worse than anything we have ever had. In another 2 years our country is done and that's when he leaves unless someone stops him by way of stretcher. We have no way out, he has lived his whole life smoking pot and snowboarding on Daddy's dollar. He is educated and could not find any other job than teaching drama at the local high school, go figure and now he is running the country. WTF are we in for?
I pray for the kids of today as they will have nothing. We are being run like the Game Of Thrones?????

And Trump did not come from Daddy's Money,Or is Harper and his band of Bible carries were a better choice.

Lets See , No health care , no support for schools , tax the **** out the poor and reward the wealthy, oh yeah **** right down on the Native People, No environmental protections, you no the good old white conservative way of life RIGHT!!
You live and breath in one of the best Counties in the world right now! Buddy get a grip!

It's Called Canada buy the way!
And Trump did not come from Daddy's Money,Or is Harper and his band of Bible carries were a better choice.

Lets See , No health care , no support for schools , tax the **** out the poor and reward the wealthy, oh yeah **** right down on the Native People, No environmental protections, you no the good old white conservative way of life RIGHT!!
You live and breath in one of the best Counties in the world right now! Buddy get a grip!

It's Called Canada buy the way!

Yes we are in one of the best countries but it wont be long until we don't if the idiot doesn't stop spending our tax dollars on stupid ****. I do not think we can afford to just give money away. I for one would like to see my tax dollars go to those who have contributed before going to someone who hasn't. If we cant afford to feed ours than we cant afford to feed others. As for Harper I am not a supporter but for sure anything is better than a kid on a spending spree. Any idea how much has been spent on personal **** such as advertising, moving, holidays to visit as a new leader. Millions and millions. He is giving money away when we don't have it.
And as for "It's Called Canada buy the way!" It actually is called Canada but owned by the USA. When was the last time you shopped Walmart or Home Depot?" What happened to Woolco and Lumberland?????? The US of A purchased almost every major store like Best Buy etc. All our Hydro is sold to the US cheaper than we who live here can purchase. We don't have a real Canada anymore. We have toll bridges in the Vancouver area that the US collects on. What is wrong with this picture? All our crown owned businesses have been sold to privateers, our land to foreign investors Canada is now only a name and nothing more. As for health care, we pay for it dearly so it isn't free. I pay approx. $200 a month and been to a doctor twice in five years that is 10,000 I am forced to pay as one can not opt out. I somehow don't think it would have cost me 10,000k for the two visits. Schools are also paid for in my taxes, Canada does not offer anything unless you are newly immigrated then its a free ride.
So I got my grip as I see outside the box and what's really happening to this country and don't like it or the way my money is being spent and the way my land is being managed.
As far as the bridges at Vancouver who maintains them if it's Canadians then your right if not and it's the US that maintains them. that's not a good argument. Medical I pay almost $700 a month that's med , eyes and denial. And I'm retired. My taxs are close to 50% but at least when I come home it's still there! Unlike some places in the world. It's not Nirvana but it's not bad. Don't put your money into anything you don't like and keep voting for people who will do the best for Your Country. I buy US first Canadian second Europe third then Australia after that it's a crapshoot. If when I get to 65 med insurance my drop to $500 a month if I'm lucky.
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There is so much bizarre **** going on it is almost unbelievable. We also have "migration problems" due to the NWO's agenda. We have foundations that set up shop in Central and South America and encourage people to migrate to the U.S. and get on public assistance. One big one is the Ford Foundation. They are huge backers of NPR (National Progressive Radio) which is the voice of the progressive liberal movement. Mainstream republican's are not much better than the left and far left its just that the left will get us to the NWO agenda end game faster.

I don't think the migration issue will stop until western governments are so broken financially that their citizens will be begging for the U.N / NWO to usher in their central world government and save us all.

We have a Police Service for a reason, so I would think that in a healthy democracy we should have a service that answers all questions to do with anything, like what do they think they are doing with all the debt they are racking up, if there is no solution they have no right to be in government, it's called incompetence and such should be given the arse.

Why give the UN or any other mob any rights when the people have not voted such pricks in at all, to me it's no way f off ! no one gave them any rights at all to anything. It's communistic to have some bunch dictate anything without a vote on it.
The NWO is a dictatorship organisation and the last time some cunnt was running around like that was Hitler. is to say f off and recognise our borders to harsh nowadays, or even to say we don't want all trash people coming into our Nations, for good reason, one is some do not like our way of life 2 most of such will never get a job and 3 not to mention cause more problems than you can poke a stick at and the major problem is Political Correctness that is just that moronic that it's just unbelievable, hell they are even pushing for other peoples laws to be valid in our nation f off ! we had a pack that can rape a girl because they think it's their right and get away with it and our law go soft on pricks like them. hell no I say.

But what's the real underlying problem that we are facing here ? The future is going to be hell the way things are heading.
We have no go places where the cops just do not go in the USA I hear, their is just no excuse at all for such a thing such is criminal madness and here we are getting the same, I know of a place where the cop cars get destroyed on a regular basis every car were being repaired and the media sure as hell don't say diddley, the top of the police work to cover a lot up for what the government want or they will loose their job and it's being going on from the 70's that I know of, If you go to the cops and point out who is doing what and they don't want to know about it, because the real bad ass trash people have the media on their side and no one in government has the guts to say it as it truly is, because many people will not believe the truth and believe everything the media say.
So cops go for the easy pickings like some dirt bike rider like poor old mate Wildman got caught on his 550 berg with some little defect, poor old Wal was spewing that we did not wait up for him, the name is Billy Hunt :cold: Wal. Weedy and me did not come down in the last shower :giggle:, but the cops will look the other way when some prick on a Harley goes past making a hell of a noise and will not deal with them because they know that the chance of getting punched in the face are high.

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