Taffmaister..don't buy/trust!


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listen man, you bought a bike from a shop that said Taffy rebuilt it?? youre blaming taffmeisters for dirty oil and mouldy air filter?????
are you insane?????
I've dealt with taffmeisters on several occasions, amd they knew husaberg better than anyone else. not to mention they ship to canada faster than canada ships to canada

if I were you, with zero mechanical abilities, I stick to buying brand new.
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listen man, you bought a bike from a shop that said Taffy rebuilt it?? youre blaming taffmeisters for dirty oil and mouldy air filter?????
are you insane?????
I've dealt with taffmeisters on several occasions, amd they knew husaberg better than anyone else. not to mention they ship to canada faster than canada ships to canada
sounds like you got f______ed cause you don't know your ass from a hole in the ground..
if I were you, with zero mechanical abilities, I stick to buying brand new.

Read all the posts, all of them, especially the one where he shows the link from Taffmeisters and explains that was who he got the bike from!
listen man, you bought a bike from a shop that said Taffy rebuilt it?? youre blaming taffmeisters for dirty oil and mouldy air filter?????
are you insane?????
I've dealt with taffmeisters on several occasions, amd they knew husaberg better than anyone else. not to mention they ship to canada faster than canada ships to canada
sounds like you got f______ed cause you don't know your ass from a hole in the ground..
if I were you, with zero mechanical abilities, I stick to buying brand new.

Wow! Stunning post!
listen man, you bought a bike from a shop that said Taffy rebuilt it?? youre blaming taffmeisters for dirty oil and mouldy air filter?????
are you insane?????
I've dealt with taffmeisters on several occasions, amd they knew husaberg better than anyone else. not to mention they ship to canada faster than canada ships to canada
sounds like you got f______ed cause you don't know your ass from a hole in the ground..
if I were you, with zero mechanical abilities, I stick to buying brand new.

Like the other guy saying read all the post , link and picture I display ...he probably used it for a while before he decided to selling it ....shipping time ''I don't care '' nothing to do here ...how about can chain tensioner? And head?
Ran my ktm 525 15,000 kms before it got rings , husaberg 570 will be no different. There were guys in south africa running 30-40,000 km on their ktms before opening them up.

Why would the rings on a husaberg 570 wear out so much quicker then a porsche turbo? OEM is probably the same (mahle?)

Clearly I no longer race. The reality is that I'll probably never see 1000 hours :(, so don't go worrying about 1500 hours.
Just use synthetic oil. (and I don't change it every other ride either - that's more surplus maintenance)

I been racing since I was young..from a 50cc ciao to 530 ktm ...never had usaberg before...I even had pit bike and they last me more then 6 hrs :) lowest hrs i had in my life was from pit bike 25 hrs (blow) ...and 30 hrs on piston on supermoto but you get easy 60 ....max hrs i had was from ktm 530 160 ...i know people who bring their crf to 120 hrs before piston other blow up at 50 it all depends on how you treat it ...oil change/air filter are the key
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Ran my ktm 525 15,000 kms before it got rings , husaberg 570 will be no different. There were guys in south africa running 30-40,000 km on their ktms before opening them up.

Why would the rings on a husaberg 570 wear out so much quicker then a porsche turbo? OEM is probably the same (mahle?)

Clearly I no longer race. The reality is that I'll probably never see 1000 hours :(, so don't go worrying about 1500 hours.
Just use synthetic oil. (and I don't change it every other ride either - that's more surplus maintenance)

I would like to see the internals of a KTM 525 with 40k on it lmfao.

As for the Porsche. This is a totally different machine lol. It is not a single cylinder and works much differently. The Porsche will not run at temps the Husa does, will not take the load the Husa does and is designed to with hold the km's that it can. The Husa and or KTM is not designed to do this. They are built as High Performance Racing machines unlike the Porsche that is built as a daily driver. Compression, cooling and many more factors. Load and torque ratio ect. To move the husa is allot different than moving the Porsche. Torque to weight ratio has a big factor. Do you think that the RPM of the Husa is the same as the Porsche? Not even close. It has to put force down to make it move with a fraction of the horsepower and torque. It will also work a million times harder to maintain 100kmh than the Porsche will.

The rings are working more, moving faster and wearing faster than any Porsche designed. A stock 2010 911 Carrera puts 385hp down at 6500rpm. A normal everyday driver will pull 3 to 4500 k shifts at most. Pull 15k shifts in this Porsche all day long and see what happens, but you don't get arount the block twice without a catastrophic failure, bet the Husa outlasts it. LOL

Basic mechanical math my friend.
Must have imagined my first brisbane to cape york 7500km trip on my ktm 525exc. it only had 7000km on it before I started.
ktm 570 motard was re-ringed at 150 hours for performance purposes. I wanted every one of those 62hp way back when.
Anyway, Did a quick search came up with half a dozen pages on longevity. So it wasn't just me getting lucky. Have one riding friend on a berg with 8000km, and hasn't had to adjust the valves yet. so you keep laughing.

I am happy for you to continue your servicing/rebuild regimes. So are the people that sell you the parts/labour.

Oh, and it is interesting that you think longevity of rings is based on torque to weight and RPM. Yes the forces increase non linearly,as rpm increases, but an engineer would tell you wear is a function of friction,abrasion corrosion, and scuffing. Keep them under control.....

Back to the thread. Canadians seem angry today
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I don't mean to hijack the post either. But I have seen a KTM 400 exc with close to 40,000 klm's on it getting its first top end job. Bottom end was still in spec.

There is a bloke on KTM talk who claims to have gotten 111,000 miles out of his 520 before rebuilding it. He did go through a lot of water pump seals and cams he claims.
LOL, Yes it is based on friction but also friction is created the hotter it gets the more friction the more wear, the more rpm the more friction and so on. Weight vs Torque also come into play as this creates load on the engine and with load is friction creating wear. lol. So when a machine is working to a maximum load as per torque, weight and other factors it works harder and thus by working harder wears more. As for the work, parts and labour, I am a technician who maintains my machines above OEM specs so I will do nothing but benefit ensuring my machine is maintained to the fullest. Yes I do believe the mileage is possible, but allot of wear will be present as well. It is fact that valve seats wear and a machine that is untouched will not perform to one that is within spec. No possibility what so ever that valves could have no wear,rings and cylinder will also have wear even if you use snake oil in the engine. I have seen machines that have sat a half century and fire right up and work, but this does not mean they are running within spec and or don't need to be rebuilt to spec. Just because the machine runs and continues to run does not mean it isn't worn and maintenance is not required. If you ride the KTM to the purpose is intended such as racing as the exc is designed. It will be worn for sure and when in is operating the load on the motor will be at continual peak. If you put around the streets then it will wear less as it is not being worked. Allot of factors are involved. It is also huge risk running a machine not within spec as a huge failure is more likely to happen.
Preventative maintenance replacing little parts and spending time vs parts is much better than replacing the whole thing.

I am sorry I didn't get into detail on wear and engineering when replying prior as I was unaware you were an experienced engineer with the Porsche comment you questioned.
Did you deal directly with Taffy, or did you buy the bike from someone who told you the motor had just been rebuilt by Taffy ?

Are you certain, no one has played with it between leaving the workshop and now ?

Mechanics can't win sometimes - to do the job properly costs to much- "can you just do the minimum please, I will do the rest I'm on a budget."
(This is why Porsche only sell replacement engines. Porsche dealership will not rebuild motor, just swap it out as these style incidents can cause reputation damage)

air filter and battery would be the owners responsibility in my mind unless specifically asking the shop to replace.

I only write this post because it reads to me like a second hand bargain was purchased from someone with a rebuild receipt furnished from some time ago that doesn't match the current condition. This has resulted in disappointment and public airing of grievance

And for what's its worth lol. (This is why Porsche only sell replacement engines. Porsche dealership will not rebuild motor, just swap it out as these style incidents can cause reputation damage)

I must say this is totally incorrect.

It has nothing to do with reputation. I have worked at numerous dealerships as a Tech and No dealership will rebuild an engine unless it is a rinky dinky shop and or manufacture. They days of cost efficiency to rebuild vs swap out have left us 30 years ago. It is based on metrics "Cost and Time" Nothing more. They replace with a new engine and with this said mostly remanufactured by the manufacture if you chose to put a so called new engine in vs replacing the auto. They can also give warrantee with it and ensure it is all within spec. They also use all the old parts such as intake, fuel system, electronics etc. It is not new by any means unless it is a warranty swap out and then it is brand new from the manufacture. They will also replace parts as required when it has a defect such as a head or piston or rings if this is only what is required. So engines are torn down all the time by the dealers to replace parts that are required, So yes they rebuild what is required"even Porsche" you break it and we fix it as this is the most cost effective solution. All engines fail and are designed to do such to keep the automotive economy alive.
I have seen engines come right from the manufacture with defects and engines pulled down with replacement parts and the engine is the same as it would have been from the manufacture.
It all depends on how you ride, your maintenance regime and luck.

That pretty much sums it up. Nothing lasts forever, eventually even your bike will be like grandads old axe.

But back on topic.

If the OP was my customer, I would at least investigate the issues with the bike and come to some sort of an arrangement. A happy customer is the cheapest form of advertising, ironically there is a paid add on the top of this page that would pretty much get cancelled out by a disgruntled customer venting their issues. If like the OP is doing, and posting clips on Youtube that will come with a search of the business. Well then there's a monetary loss far greater than the cost of the repair.

Of course you can't please everyone, but if there is a genuine issue it's in the better interest of the business owner to rectify it. they call it 'Goodwill'.
That pretty much sums it up. Nothing lasts forever, eventually even your bike will be like grandads old axe.

But back on topic.

If the OP was my customer, I would at least investigate the issues with the bike and come to some sort of an arrangement. A happy customer is the cheapest form of advertising, ironically there is a paid add on the top of this page that would pretty much get cancelled out by a disgruntled customer venting their issues. If like the OP is doing, and posting clips on Youtube that will come with a search of the business. Well then there's a monetary loss far greater than the cost of the repair.

Of course you can't please everyone, but if there is a genuine issue it's in the better interest of the business owner to rectify it. they call it 'Goodwill'.

I am not trying to be a dick in this post and I do understand most of you followed taffy for years ... but there has been too many things going wrong on this rebuild ...things people point out like oil and filter i personally dont care even the battery ...i had a bill of 450£ for work on clutch, cam chain ...plus more for re-checking engine head and probably work on it ...that engine head was for me what really pissed me off to find out that has been repaired and I was told that no damage was occur in the head ....after that i started questioning all the work he has done (are the valve new or used? is the piston new or used? was it on tolerance? ) ....I dont want people to lose business or money ....but what would you have done if you were in me?...i already contacted him even before to make it public ..nothing was done properly.
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I'm sorry, but I'm not buying it. he never said in any context the he purchased the bike directly from taffmeisters...
and chang ones story though out a thread doesn't add any credibility, it gives you a life time sentence..
his orginal post basically stated he purchased the bike from a third party source.
personally, if I'm going to attack someone that does their best to provide parts and labour for these bike then let get a pic of the invoice with the bike year model, and our Italian friends name. otherwise I stick to my original comment......
thank you, take care, comb your hair, and don't let your meat loaf.
I'm sorry, but I'm not buying it. he never said in any context the he purchased the bike directly from taffmeisters...
and chang ones story though out a thread doesn't add any credibility, it gives you a life time sentence..
his orginal post basically stated he purchased the bike from a third party source.
personally, if I'm going to attack someone that does their best to provide parts and labour for these bike then let get a pic of the invoice with the bike year model, and our Italian friends name. otherwise I stick to my original comment......
thank you, take care, comb your hair, and don't let your meat loaf.

I am really curious to why Taffy has not responded to this post with his version of events? Not like Taffy at all?

I am having a real hard time with the tensioner spring being doubled up???? I really cant believe Taffy could or would do this even with the fact we don't see eye to eye. If he was selling this machine and it was his and not a commissioned bike? Why would he slap it together and miss represent being the salesman?????

Taffy this is a first, I am standing up for you :) Let us know your end.

Come on Taffy, tell us the story from the dealer point of view?
well either way I still feel bad for you....it sucks when you wanna ride and can't. .it feel your pain man.
stay positive and. you will be back in the saddle in no time
There's an old saying. 'In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king'.

A friend of mine once opened his own bike shop. He was a trained motor mechanic, but in my opinion not a very good one. A lot of his engines blew up, yet it didn't stop him from having a thriving business. He cut a lot of corners and overcharged wherever he could, and his business continued to grow. To a point, karma always wins out in the end.

paolo6, your not the first to complain or have a grievance.
Now I don't know Paolo from Adam but IF his complaint is genuine and he's tried to address his grievance with the vendor through the normal channels but has got nowhere there can be no complaint if he goes public.
The vendor in question uses a public forum to sell his products and promote his business.
IF the complaint is genuine then Paolo in my opinion has been more restrained.
4 pages of bad publicity and no response. In my business I'd be down the road for that alone.
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