ok I'm getting PISSED


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husabutt said:
I would think that Montana may be a bit quiet for you :)

Plenty of Harleys (and some Bergs) that need tuning down here.

As you get older one usually wants to migrate to warmer not colder climates. Be sure to talk this over with your wife before you make a hasty decision :)

Missouri. Jefferson City, Missouri. :lol:
Cold winters indeed, however, right smack in the middle of "Dirttrack" country. :D
i agree totaly with husabutt , i wish that we had somebody with dales brilliance and his humble attitude here in oz . dont take it for granted .

regards pull my hair over weep hole mal
husabutt said:
I would think that Montana may be a bit quiet for you :)

Plenty of Harleys (and some Bergs) that need tuning down here.

As you get older one usually wants to migrate to warmer not colder climates. Be sure to talk this over with your wife before you make a hasty decision :)

Missouri. Jefferson City, Missouri. :lol:
Cold winters indeed, however, right smack in the middle of "Dirttrack" country. :D


Well, wherever you finally land it truly is a enviable position to be able to choose when and where you practice your craft. Most of us should be so lucky ( the harder I work the luckier I get :) )
1.) bought a nice dirt bike feeler gauge supplied by WP. 0.004 on one side and 0.005 on the other. Also bought a Motion Pro 6 Piece "Tappet Adjusting (wrench) kit." - thanks to Cisco my friend at Roseville honda for finding that MP tappet kit on the wall for me.

2.) Found intakes exactly at 0.004, left them alone. Found exhaust valves at maybe 0.002, re-adjusted them out to 0.005. - Thanks to Dan's mechanic for showing me the easy way to get my valves closed and ready to be checked/adjusted with the kick starter and spark plug in....too easy that way.

3.) Took out the carburetor, re-installed all of the stock set up and jets as the bike left MotoXotica originally...........except I was not sure about the 200 air jet? replacing the adjustible jet and I got one other air jet left??...... oh well hooked it all back up. - Thanks To Dale for showing me how to work on my Carb. I refered to the "mechanic" earlier above and The "jetting guru" because I did not advance this post as personal towards anyone, I simply found myself in an untennable situation......and needed to explain where I was and how I got there. ..that is why I used the third person...this was not personal...........it was only a story of my place and what I was experiencing.

4. ) bike runs familair now BUT, races at idle and the idle screw does no good to slow it down........so I suspect I screwed up some where in re-installing the old kit.........oh well

5.) GOOD news is I got the Husaberg Valve check adjust procedure all figured out.

6.) adios and thanks to all of you, one does get along with a little help from your friends.

7.) feeling better.

I wish you had done either the valves or the jets by themselves and then tested as then you would have known what might have caused your problem. Now we know neither which caused the first problem and now have a different problem altogether. One change at a time and test sir, one change at a time. Im hoping that someone will come along and sort your idle out now but probably carburetor for sure. I am not confident in giving you advise at this point as jetting is not my forte. Keep your head up, things are starting to look better.

:( :( :(

ok now tell us what the number is on the jet and we'll tell you where to put it.

all huseys come with a #200 main air jet that fits in the open mouth of the carb.

in the carb floatbowl you'll have a main jet, choke and pilot jet.

in the open face you'll have a pilot air jet which will be probably a #75 to #100 and the #200 as mentioned.

your pilot screw must have a spring, washer and rubber 'O' ring on the end.

some people say "never apologise, never explain". me? well if i thought i had to explain then i'd apologise....


Dale, if you move to Jefferson City, Missouri I'll no longer be the Husaberg Guru o' the Midwest [HGM]. I guess I was bound to be de-throned sooner or later! Seriously, though, where did you come up with Jeff City, anyway? Oh, yeah, I'll be getting back to you on that destroker motor real soon. 8) :D 8) :D Cheers, Corey
doctorcorey said:
Dale, if you move to Jefferson City, Missouri I'll no longer be the Husaberg Guru o' the Midwest [HGM]. I guess I was bound to be de-throned sooner or later! Seriously, though, "where did you come up with Jeff City, anyway?" Oh, yeah, I'll be getting back to you on that destroker motor real soon. 8) :D 8) :D Cheers, Corey

Hi Corey,
I enjoyed a very successful 2005 contract with Team Suzuki "Dirttrack" based in Jefferson City, Missouri.


Factory Suzuki SV / DL Dirttracker.

Team Suzuki Flattrack:

Best Regards,
Taffy said:
:( :( :(

ok now tell us what the number is on the jet and we'll tell you where to put it.

all huseys come with a #200 main air jet that fits in the open mouth of the carb.

in the carb floatbowl you'll have a main jet, choke and pilot jet.

in the open face you'll have a pilot air jet which will be probably a #75 to #100 and the #200 as mentioned.

your pilot screw must have a spring, washer and rubber 'O' ring on the end.

some people say "never apologise, never explain". me? well if i thought i had to explain then i'd apologise....



The initial BB report complete with specifications:

When I bought My new 06 Fe450e a couple months ago, the bike was "jetted by Dan at motoXotica", he had richened up the stock Husaberg jetting to

needle one clip richer then stock
FS 2 turns.

Bike ran great "0-5000 feet in 50-75F". electric sewing machine fun

15-20 hours bike gets more bottom end, bike is nice...."noticed just a flutter down low and engine brake pop slight once or twice"........... decide time to go to the Jedi master Dale Lineaweaver as he lives near by

I stripped out my Carb and went to Dales shop. Met Dale, had a great visit, really enjoyed watching him install his mod on my carb and listening to his thinking. Here is the man at work;

Dale at work on my Fe450 e carb

"dales presciption"

his needle 4th clip from the top, mid way on the 7 clips
48/50 pj special Dale pj
150 mj
FS 1.5 turns
new adjustable P air screw 1/2 turn
AC pump rod gone.

I get home, install the carb and run the bike down and out my back alley.........seemed a little rough? hard to start too but had more pep in the throttle. bike was just ok.......Decide I have to wait till the weekend to go riding. I take the bike this weekend to one of my favorite spots in the woods at "4000 ft. It's cold out 40F." Bike starts fine..........but..then I try to ride the bike and well this picture tells the story here I am trying to FIX my Carb

the BigBob lineaweaver field Mod

"Bike was a little lean", cough up and sputtered like a pregnant goat with pneumonia it took me keeping the choke on to run at all. "I dropped the clip two places ,"raising the needle to get more fuel and bingo bike ran well all day. 55 miles of great trail riding. YES the bike is more lively and "brighter" . Dale's mod is an enjoyable jetting mix for sure. The good news is I can feel the Lineaweaver magic force at work in my bike"...... we just need to get his kit, designed for the 550/ 650 more dialed in to my Fe450e and my location riding, etc

Me and Dale are now working thru emails on a better solution for the my Fe450e. Basically we probably just need to "increase that main jet from his 150 to a 160"....or more till I can drop that needle one clip and get back in the 5th position. ill reportr on our progress. I was gonna wait till We got it perfect, but I couldn't resist telling the story

I'll let dale, if he chooses to, explain the rest in technical terms. Fun stuff I'm on the cutting edge! Thanks dale, we'll get it dialed in.

Hey Taffy "Can you hear me now?" :lol:

In Review:

Application: 2005 FE 450E / 39 MM Keihin FCR

From The Service Manual
FOB as delivered:
Main fuel jet = #178
Main air jet = #200
Pilot fuel jet = #38
Pliot ait jet = #100
Metering rod = DVT

BB Quote
needle one clip richer then stock
FS 2 turns.

Main fuel jet = #150 - #160
Main air jet = #200
Pilot fuel jet = #48 / #49
Pilot "Air Screw" = .5
Pilot fuel screw = 1 - 2
Metering Rod = Lineaweaver / clip position 3 - 6
No pump.
Idle rpm = 1400 - 1600

From BB post.
Valve adjustment via BB and Motoxotica:
Roughly .002" exhaust valve lash.

Dale :D
1.) Hint about me and my internet post style: I like to post and bench race. I do so with a sort of silly keystone cops style of bashing about things and leaping high praise on bikes and also venting the lows and busting chops etc, to know me you'll find I do this all in fun spirited way. When I said above I was getting pissed, I meant I was Getting Pissed at ME, not any of you. I was simply kicking my wall mad at me for having a problem and I meant nothing by it. example: when I asked taffy about the romans taking all the England trees I was just BSing having fun. When I said I'm pissed above I was doing my best John Macenroe scream at my situation and that I missed that ball.

2.) the majority of the responses here told me to stop whining and go figure it out - work on my own bike, etc. Yes I was whining but I was pissed. I do that sometimes :). Burned in the DRZ forum at Thumpertalk was glad to see me go, saying good luck on the poor husky forum guys who now have me a mate. :lol: I take it all with a laugh. You're probably right TT is amateur hour compared with Husaberg.org and believe it or not I have Limited my post threads here to a very FEW for me. I kinda got the drift that Husaberg.org is not a play site early on and I do try to respect that and the professional culture here, but what the hell I can only hold back so long, so if and when I make my posts they may be interesting.

3.) lessons learned: I do troubleshooting in my business too and helping a frustrated cooling plant engineer who doesn't even have the basics about pump curves and the corresponding system curves, so that he just doesn't get it that two pumps turned on does not equal twice the flow......well it's hard enough to help this guy in person, impossible over the internet. That is why you all ask me to give you many pieces of the puzzle to help you help me, but I dont even have the rudimentary knowledge to define the pieces. So lesson one: I know now trouble shooting over this site with me in the middle is not expected to yield many results.

4.) I chose to follow all your group advice, work on it myself and get the bike back to the leaving the shop conditions. like I said before I finally got the ability to set my valves and did so.

5.) when installing the MotoXotica set up last night, I installed the ac pump rod backwards, causing my bike to race, while panicing I unscrewed the ide adjust knob way out like 10 turns, surprized it didnt fall out.

6.) Finally got out the exploded parts diagram and USED it - duh. saw my pump rod install was backwards. Reinstalled carb, bike runs perfect, but still had a slight dying problem......Thought it thru, experimented ........ so then started it and turned that idle adjust knob a bunch of turns......I was gonna turn it til.......it stopped if need be and guess what finally after 10 turns it had an effect and raise the idle.

BINGO case solved, Bike is all back and running like day one.

7.) lesson learned 2: I am too much a newbie squid to play with my carburetion. I have strong faith that Dale's (Lineaweaver's) Kit will improve the bike's performance as I said I am witness to it running brigher, but I am also withness to wierd things too and becasue Dale's mod is different and I am a moron, I can not sort out the necessary fine tuning that dale wants me to do. so I decided to go back to what the bike had originally and that is where I will stay.

8.) I repeat the bike is running, starting and idleing all back to normal now. all is well.

9.) are we having fun yet?

10.) I did have the correct 100 pilot air jet and 200 main air jet in the bike last night. Dale was good about giving me back all the parts, what threw me was I had one air screw left and with no markings - ah that must be a fixed 50 air jet Dale gave me if that adjustible one made me spooky. I examned it and it looked 50. Studying the pump rod mechanims and got it installed right too. Practice makes perfect.

11.) last item, exploded view of pilot fuel screw assembly looks like o ring sits on spring and silver washer sits on top o ring, but friend says no, I swear it came out that way. he said I can see a larger view on Sudco site. he says washer is to stop spring edge from eating into o ring. I'll check the sudco diagram to make sure.

Finally, yesterday while riding in the Nevada desert on my Te-510, I crashed and Hit my head real hard spliting my lip too inside my helmet face gaurd. I hit that hard. Pay back I guess for titling a post like this, venting and screaming ( at my self and my situation) and then leaving for 12 hours to let it simmer with all of you. Sorry, for that I apologize.
Works for me Big Bob.
No hard feelings on this end. :D

keep us posted and please do not hesitate to ask questions as such is indeed the true nature of this Forum.


Hint about me....
Nice outfit Dale, while the welding mask and gloves are "California", the woodsman jacket is very canadian,only thing is could you smear a little spruce tree sap on it and possibly tear a hole in the elbow :D
nsman said:
Nice outfit Dale, while the welding mask and gloves are "California", the woodsman jacket is very canadian,only thing is "could you smear a little spruce tree sap on it and possibly tear a hole in the elbow" :D

When I drag my mobile Dynamometer North I will indeed be certain to do so. :lol:

im glad yourve got the bike running no harm in changing jets as long as you have basics to go back to and the most basic is the compression

a engine only needs three things to run




i hope i was some help and if you had been 10 miles away i would have been there and probaly the rest of those that posted l
Thanks everyone's posts including the ones telling me to stop whining were helpful. I want to clarify one thing: Dale was very helpful since day one. We were in contact by e-mail and by phone, he sent me a long email to help me understand the fine tuning process. I was excited to try and get his kit right for my Fe450e at my conditions/elevations. even though I have little technique (remember the pencil :lol: :cry:) and can't sort thru the issues, I thought I was getting there, but then that valve adjust day happened and it seemed all my efforts were now gone haywire........and I could not sort it out. It was a major accomplishment for me to get back to sqaure one. That is the success story here.

I still have Dale's kit, I do remember that brighter feel that first day. I liked that. I found the initial settings too lean and I dropped the clip two places that day. WE suspected I need a 160 mj not the 150 we started with, but then the other day with the valve adjust and poor running freaked me out, still don't know what happened........for now I need a calm six months of ownership before venturing into that carb again............I bet this summer with warmer temps the jetting I have may show it's weaknesses at elevation, I may start to play with it again.
Glad you got back to step one. Do what you can one step at a time that way you can always start over. When you try something new read up on it and if you can watch somebody else do it and explain it. The pros can make it look real easy. Later on you can try jetting again but thats later on. Ride and enjoy.
Glad you got the thing running and you are calmed down some.
Now I suggest you learn some YOGA exercises that are relaxing or maybe try Prozac.

I know both worked for me! :D

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