New to me FE570


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backfire and stall problem...

Hi all. Been slowly tracking down all the tiny issues and getting to know this bike. I have a 300 mile dirt ride coming up this weekend. Yesterday I had it stall about 5 times in 5 hours. Mostly just getting off the throttle in 2nd gear. Maybe a bit of engine breaking down a hill too although not in all cases. Almost every time it would immediately start back up and it always ran great except those moments. Plenty of power. Felt great. It would backfire slightly just before it died. I would love to fix the problem obviously but I'm mostly wondering if I should ride it the 300 miles of dirt coming up. Does this sound like something that will cause permanent damage or just be a pain in my ass a couple times a day?
Help!! I don't want to ride my old DR after 6 months of dialing this rocketship in!
Throttle sensor was what I was thinking too from a small bit of research. Fuel pump is a good point. I wonder if I can tough out 300 miles of taking a pause now and again when it stops or if it will just get worse and strand me.
When mine went just a pop and done wouldn’t run again. Coasted for 3 miles and pushed for 500 yards before my friends found My. Maybe if the riding you do is with a lot of airflow that might help? Like Fire roads not 1st gear single tracks.
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Found that the screw on the positive terminal of the battery had rattled out and the connection was super sketchy. Am I safe in assuming that's the issue? I imagine it was connected most of the time but on downhills it would vibrate, disconnect and kill the bike. If this is the fix I am seriously stoked. This weekend will be completely saved. Hoping that's the case!
Mine also had some very corroded battery terminals. After cleaning, adjusting tps, new fuel filter, starts better. Sometime it's easy! Could very well be the fix!
Another update...

I know I've asked this question before on here but just in case I'll try one more time. Most of the bolts on the two plastic tanks (stock and subframe) are stripping out the plastic from the PO over-torquing everything. I've tried the JBWeld ClearWeld I used to fix the leaky subframe tank to fill a hole but it's too soft after it cures to get any real torque on it. Any ideas?

Long story, but after solving the last problem I had with the positive battery connection coming loose, the bike ran great and fired up reliably. So I rode the hell out of it for a day and a half of my 300 mile dirt weekend. I had a ton of fun, and other than realizing my suspension was a bit oversprung (it felt good to me but by the end of the first day I realized my helmet was bouncing off my head and giving me quite the headache) the bike was amazing. I had been riding in fairly slow technical conditions and the 570 is a lot in that context but flying down fire roads and doing more 3rd/4th gear stuff is perfect for this thing (makes me want to get a throttle tamer or a 390). Anyway, halfway through the second day the thing started to die again but in a completely different way. It would just go dead not even attempt to start again until it cooled down. Typical for what I've read about the fuel pump issues. So I quit for the day and trucked it back (after 5 hours in a casino waiting for my buddy to get back to camp and come rescue me).
SO, in replacing the fuel pump (from CA Cycleworks) I ran into two problems. The PO with the heavy hands and no sense of doing anything with any thought or care had not only stripped out the screws on the pressure regulator at the top of the tank, but had also rammed a screw that was a quarter inch too long in there, poking another hole in the damn tank. What a *******. So that whole story just to ask the question again, I need to fix the hole (presumably ClearWeld will do that as it has in other instances so far) AND fix the threads (which ClearWeld is not doing very well), AND the shroud bolts are all stripped too, so what should I use?

(I also replaced the fuel filter in the tank and covered the bottom in the heat resistant tape stuff I've read about on here. Now this thing fires up on the first try every damn time. Super happy. And it runs so great. I just can't fill it up past those screws holding the regulator in.)

Looking forward to your advice!
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August update...

My dad surprised me with the throttle tamer after battling some technical stuff a couple weeks ago. Now this thing absolutely rules! After putting it on last Sunday I was so in love with this bike I decided to do some black diamond trails, which is really the reason I got the bike in the first place. I had been tired of trying complicated stuff on the heavy ass DR and not really learning anything for fear of having to pick it up. Now I feel like I'm in way more control and I can really focus on technique. What a purchase!

One question, the throttle sticks a little. Definitely doesn't snap back. Where would I try to adjust that? I know most bikes have an adjustment on the cables at the grip for throttle free play and I don't have that either. Assuming all adjustment must be on the throttle body. Any tips welcome.

Now that I know this bike can do what I was hoping it could I'll just hope that with 12000 miles on it I can make it last a while before I have to get into any rebuild stuff. That'll be a fun project when I get there but I'd like to just ride for a while. That is after I solve the perpetual gas leak problems! The gas is still boiling on the slow stuff in hot weather despite the heat shield stuff, but my radiators are old and beat and I don't have a fan kit yet so that's probably next.
Prob needs some lithium grease.

Re the throttle tamer. You can modify the original with a chainsaw file. Google Throttle Tamer then choose images at the top. Modify the original to match the cam.
Oil leak from filter screen bolt...

...or maybe the drain plug? I think it's the filter screen bolt. Either way I just replaced both bolts and all the o rings and a crush washer a few months ago for the same reason. Pretty serious leak. Both were dry for 500 miles after that but the other day something gave way and suddenly a fairly serious leak again. I rode for a few hours in 80 degrees or so that day. Bike ran great (although I could hear and feel a vibration in the lower end when it idles in gear with the clutch in. It stopped when I put it in neutral. Maybe not related?). I loaded it on the truck and saw it wet with oil at the bottom of the engine. A week and a half later I finally had time to clean it up and it had a whole skid plate full of oil and a puddle on the garage floor. All dry before that last riding day. Super weird. I drained the oil and looked at both bolts. Both had a good amount of torque and the o rings and crush washer all look good.

Any ideas on causes and fixes?

Stolen! Oakland strikes again...

Hey all. My 570 was stolen out of my garage. It was locked to 2 other bikes and a pole. They popped the lock and stole the 570 and a crf100 I just bought. Super bummed. I found out recently they recovered it but it's been hit by a truck. I haven't seen it. My question is does anyone think I can get anything out of it? Parts? It'll cost me 600 bucks if I leave it or take it home so if taking it home might get me a couple hundred in parts it might be worth it.
Let me know if anyone has any thoughts. Thanks!
Hey all. My 570 was stolen out of my garage. It was locked to 2 other bikes and a pole. They popped the lock and stole the 570 and a crf100 I just bought. Super bummed. I found out recently they recovered it but it's been hit by a truck. I haven't seen it. My question is does anyone think I can get anything out of it? Parts? It'll cost me 600 bucks if I leave it or take it home so if taking it home might get me a couple hundred in parts it might be worth it.
Let me know if anyone has any thoughts. Thanks!

Wait, what??? Your bike got stolen, the police found it and it's going to cost you $600 to get it back? Please tell me I'm not reading that correctly.
I think the insurance payed off the bike then if the owner wants it back he has to pay the insurance company $600.00. Unless the bike is complete loss he should be able to get double that back parting it out. Just a shame though!
Wait, what??? Your bike got stolen, the police found it and it's going to cost you $600 to get it back? Please tell me I'm not reading that correctly.

Yup. It's a seriously messed up system. It was in an accident after it was stolen. Then it was towed. Someone has to pay for the towing and my name is the only one associated with the bike. So I owe $260 for the towing and $100 per day for storage until I pick it up. The police are investigating so it's on hold by them. I'll be lucky if the police waive all the storage fees for the time they won't release it. It makes absolutely no sense.

I appreciate the info that I can part the bike out for some dough to make the towing fees back though!! I was so bummed on the whole situation I almost just let them have it. As soon as I get the bike released and get it home I'll check back in.

Thanks everyone!
Wait, what??? Your bike got stolen, the police found it and it's going to cost you $600 to get it back? Please tell me I'm not reading that correctly.
a coworker's car was stolen, and then later, when he was overseas, it was found burned out

by the time he got back and could deal with it, the tow yard wanted a couple grand or else they'd send him to collections

I think he haggled it down some but it's a ****** up situation

I hope the thief was seriously hurt
Hey all. My 570 was stolen out of my garage. It was locked to 2 other bikes and a pole. They popped the lock and stole the 570 and a crf100 I just bought. Super bummed. I found out recently they recovered it but it's been hit by a truck. I haven't seen it. My question is does anyone think I can get anything out of it? Parts? It'll cost me 600 bucks if I leave it or take it home so if taking it home might get me a couple hundred in parts it might be worth it.
Let me know if anyone has any thoughts. Thanks!

Jakee, sorry to hear this.

Good thing its covered by insurance.

Buy it back mate.

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