Fuel sensor out of time? I'm not familiar with that one.
Excerpt from the first page of this thread:
Pay attention experts and you may learn something. Light load high rpm provides excessive advance.
How much is too much you ask? Such depends on many variables including jetting. However, 50 degrees plus is possible under certain conditions .
Excerpt from the second page of this thread:
Just for fun I should point out that I was quite serious regarding the possibility of excessive ignition advance during light load cruise.
You automotive technicians know what happens with excessive light load advance, indeed, irregular running and consequent surge.
The Kokusan uses TPS as an indication of engine load. Under light load ignition advance does increase considerably.
Do you suppose every TPS is in the exact same position regarding throttle opening and engine rpm? I doubt it.
In any event, disconnecting the TPS will eliminate load based advance and as stated earlier often does improve performance albeit @ the expense of economy.
Simply disconnect the three wire TPS. Mileage will decrease, however, manners most often improve.
What part did you not inderstand?