Thank you Taffy for both the re-build advice and the "pep" talk, I can appreciate where you are coming from. You have a vested interest in keeping blown-up Husabergs running. I don't. My policy regarding these types of things follows that of a good friend of mine that I will quote here : "Never get attached to metal".
So with that said, this is all about the financial feasibility of fixing (or not) this blown motor. I got taken when I bought this bike, $4500 USD and it lasted about 25 miles before it seized. The guy I bought it from has no honor, so now I'm stuck with a boat anchor. I have no intention on throwing good money after bad. The bike will be sold no matter if fixed or not.
Here is my question:
So if your shop was down the street, how much would you charge me for the work plus parts you outlined, with me doing the re-assembly? The answer to this question will be the best advice anybody could give me because it will set me in the right direction of to fix or not to fix.
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i get the feeling it is something to do with the balancer teeth - where they mesh into the intermediate gear.
anyway, you'll soon see!
I've found where the problem lies: in the photos below, with the piston at BDC, I can turn the crankshaft from here to here with zero piston movement. That must make it either the top or bottom con rod bearing disintegrated. By the degree more than likely the bottom [emoji21]
Looks like this is going to go what I probably can't do myself, take apart the crankshaft...
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fancy coming on here, talking about your Bayersiche Motor Werke and then calling a Husaberg a piece of ****....great!
Check the one about STD lol