I fully acknowledge that the bikes you own and ride are something else again! And I understand that I cannot even conceive what it's like to ride them without actually trying.
But!: I will stand by my statement that a correctly operating Husaberg 650 will hardly feel like it has no acceleration available

I find it highly likely that it was down on power, and I find it especially likely because the motor stopped within 30 minutes.
Comparing the power-to-weight ratio of a 650 with a rider against a car with driver, the Husaberg 650 has about the same power to weight ratio as a 2007 Porsce 911 GT2. I challenge you to find anyone who finds that to be a slow vehicle, even given any comparison
Buuuut I hope this doesn't come across as a pissing match. I'm just enthusiastically suggesting that you ride a known-good, intact 650 'Berg *at least once* before you decide to get rid of it or keep it
No, it doesn't come across as a pissing match at all. It comes across as a VERY enthusiastic owner of a motorcycle that it's a shame that the brand is extinct, because you would be a great candidate for the Husaberg cheer mascot. Don't know if it would be a paying job though.
So here we go. Here is some data on a fs650 berg performance figures (came from this forum):
Looks like 4.42 in a 0-100 kph, which to be fair is 0-62 mph
The 0-400 m is a little more telling since that is almost exactly the same as a 1/4 mile.
13.02 seconds. Ouch. Of course I'm sure it reached top speed of 161 kph or 100mph before the 400 meter mark.
I'm not saying that is slow compared to most vehicles. Any car with a 0-60 under 6 seconds is going to brag about it.
You are convinced that I'm just going to be all blown-away by how fast the bike is after I fix it, which BTW I am planning on doing, so I guess I can report back to you then. What I think I will find is this: the Husaberg will be able to out-corner but will get its ass handed to it on every straight. But this is why Supermotard is one race and Super Bike is another. I don't recall ever seeing either type bike trying to race in the other. Besides which, I don't race I ride for fun. I don't commute but I do travel. I don't have to worry about BMWs that blow-up at 8600 miles since warranty would cover it, or need the oil changed any sooner than 6000 miles/once a year either. My touring bike has 37k on it. ABS pump went out at 30k, otherwise flawless. I traded in a '96 beemer with 51k on it. Nothing but the recommended service. Just a puppy since there are shaft-drive BMWs out there with over 200k miles [emoji102]
I wouldn't have bought a Husaberg if I didn't like it, and even after the motor problems I STILL like it. Even if it did feel like it needs another 50 hp. Now THAT would be awesome: 250 lbs AND 100+ hp. It might have to have ASC to keep it from looping when you punched it along with a 100 lb weight on the front end. Probably need another 100 lbs on the back tire too so the rear tire doesn't just light-up. Wait a minute...now it's starting to sound like a super bike. Except for the horsepower. Now you need 150+.
See. You just can't have it all. And the boss aka the wife says 3 are too many. Since I'm not ready to get rid of her OR the touring bike, it's down to Husa vs s1000r.
I'll tell you what Tourist, just for you I'll keep an open mind. Peace Bro [emoji111]
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