Yeah you been unlucky. But I think you should put it in a corner for now until one sunny day in the future when you miss it and fixing it will be fun.
I'm in a similar situation right now. My friends are constantly on me to fix my 570 enduro, but I don't want to do it because I have to fix a friends 570 that are in pieces and is getting more and more expensive for me to fix (quite a lot of that money is due to tools I need anyway for my bikes). And to fix it cheaper now I'm slaughtering my 570 motard, which I must fix one sunny day in the future... So all I have is work work work, and things take time because I have tools that I must have made and bought, I also must visit "Husaberg-Gert" so he can help and learn me how to fix, balance and install a crank. At the end I will, hopefully, have a happy friend (I'm doing it for free as a 50th birthday present). I will also have a slaughtered 570 motard too expensive to fix for some time.
But I will never sell it. I will just put it in a corner for the future.
My hope is that one day I will manage to do something fun and big bore out of it. I will see what's possible in Sweden as thumperracing means sending stuff to US. So that bike will be a project that will take what time it takes.
So I suggest you do the same. Maybe we can find some fun solutions for the future?
Maybe instead of selling it you should find another 570 for a good price?

Then you can do like me, drive one and keep one to ponder about.
So in short. Dont sell, buy more!!