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Dec 7, 2002
western NC
:evil: Today I wasted 6 hrs. trying to troubleshoot this thing.Here is what happened as I remember.I got the bike running after 9+ kicks and rode it for less than 10 minutes.Stopped because the clutch cable broke.I repaired the clutch cable and after 9+ kicks it started I let it warm up,pulled the clutch in and the engine died.After more kicking the bike sounded like it was backfireing out the muffler,did this about twice and then nothing.Today I checked the plug{black}replaced it.Cleaned out the carb and then reassembled everything.Kicked the bike 9+times,nothing.Took the plug out and kicked the bike over a few times to clear it out,then put the plug back in.Guess what still nothing.Something is wrong but I have no idea what it is now.Any ideas?I want to ride don`t want a mantlepiece.The 2 things it could be is the carb or it has jumped time.Just don`t know.Thanks
Look for simple things first!

1. Check for a spark. (If you aren't sure how to do this, just ask).

2. Make sure the carb float bowl is getting fuel. A quick way to do this is to simply lean the bike way over for 10 seconds or so (with the fuel turned on of course). Lean it back up and watch to see if any fuel is dripping from the overflow tube. The float valve can stick in the Dellorto not allowing fuel to the float bowl. Believe me, this can cause major frustration if you aren't aware of it. Yes, this can even happen if you had it running just a couple of days ago.

Keep us posted Bill.

Had float valve stick the other day after washing the bike. Float bowl (with floats) was off, gascock on, no flow. Pressurised the tank by blowing into the breather & it started to flow OK.

Also foud that plug was black (I think it's rich just-off-idle) and the spark was jumping across the gap between the centre insulator & plug body, not across the electrodes. Thorough clean of the plug fixed that.
trouble shooting

When I went through the carb the floats seemed alright but I have noticed the vent for the gas tank making a whisling noise,like from a vacum.I will check on that tomorrow.I can`t tell if I have fire at the plug.It is a little hard to crank the bike and check for spark at the same time.I checked the plugwire for conitunity,good,but the plug cap did not show anything.I put another plugwire and cap on,still nothing.Tomorrow I will put the old plugwire and cap back on.Now that you mentioned it either the floats or a stopped up vent would do what I described.Thanks I will see what happens tomorrow and then I will get back in touch here.Thanks again.
things I have found

Here is what I found out today.Did the lean the bike over to see if gas would run out,nothing.Unscrewed the bottom drain to see if any gas was in it.Bone dry,but after going back through everything I now have gas in the carb.I also checked the spark as well as I could.The findings are little or no spark,can hear it pop but no blue spark{barely white when it is seen}.I`am still at a loss on what to do.You will have to walk me through this,not done this before.Thanks for spending the time and for the help.

Have you checked to make sure the plug is wet after trying to start it? Let's absolutely rule out one thing before moving on.

schwim said:

Have you checked to make sure the plug is wet after trying to start it? Let's absolutely rule out one thing before moving on.

Since I checked it today I have not tried to start it but the other times I have tried the plug has been dry.
Hi Bill,

Now that you have fuel in the carb, try starting it, and then pull the plug. If the plug is wet, then we will assume for now that we have an electrical prob. If it's dry, we'll continue to t/s the fuel system.

I think that's your most straight-forward route to solving the problem. No doubt, there are guys here that actually know what they're talking about, but until they hop in, I say attempt to start/check the plug. Let us know your findings.


2 of your posts point IHO to a partially plugged gas cap vent AND maybe partially plugged carb vent hoses . I would check on those. My old Husky vent cap was partially plugged also, and had to be cleaned.

Take plug out
turn fuel on
choke on
kick 10 times
smell gas?? if so you got gas in motor
turn off choke hold throttle wfo** dont let off until you finish kicking
kick 10 times
instal NEW plug
attach plug wire
make sure kill switch is in run possition**** very important
turn on fuel and choke
kick 10 times
it should have started if not
remove plug and see if wet
if wet you got a stator or coil problem
Hope that helps that is what I do when I first go up to a bike that wont start. It is usually something simple. If it farts or backfires you know you got fuel and spark it's just not quite right. Make sure you start with air screw 1 1/2 turns out.
Re: things I have found

Bobzilla's drill sounds good with the exception that after kicking the final "ten times with choke on", I have to turn the choke off for my bike to fire. (Mine just won't start with the choke on but I do kick 7-10 times with the choke on to prime the cylinder, then turn choke off, kick and she usually starts. I say this in regards to my 2002 501. I believe my 97 400 used to start with the choke engaged,,,,,,go figure.

wildbill said:
I also checked the spark as well as I could.The findings are little or no spark,can hear it pop but no blue spark{barely white when it is seen}.

My Bergs have never seemed to have a real bright spark. Sometimes it's best to look for spark in a fairly dark surrounding. I'm still wondering if you are getting gas to the cylinder. Try Bobzillas test!

I`am starting to get good at this :lol: after a lot of trial and error I have gas in the carb.I rechecked the carb where the jet shuts the flow of gas off at the floats.I cleaned it good and made sure the action was smooth.I put everything back togather and then turned the gas on.Gas ran out the little hose on the bottom until I tapped the carb side with the handle of a screwdriver.The vent tubes are clear as well as the gas tank vent.I think I`m pointed in the right direction too tired to mess with it anymore today.I will try it again tomorrow evening and let you know.Thanks
kickstarting and results

I followed your advice and here is what happened.The bike will backfire 1 time and thats it.Took the plug out could smell gas on it.I tried different air screw settings but the bike still will not start just backfire 1 time and thats it until I put another plug in and it does the same thing again.Any indeas?What about the plug cap?At least I tried this in the shade to hot in the sun.Thanks

me? i would have a tow rope round that left peg and hooked up to the truck so quick you wouldn't see me for dust.

Taffy said:

me? i would have a tow rope round that left peg and hooked up to the truck so quick you wouldn't see me for dust.

That`s a good idea the only problem is I`am the only one at home who knows how to drive the truck right in this kind of situtation.I would come closer trusting her driving on the berg than the truck if you know what I mean :lol: .I decided to recheck a few things and found out the tank had pressurized again.All I did was take the vent hose off.I do know that it shouldn`t do that.I still think the problem is in the fuel system somewhere.I will do some checking and I will get back with you as soon as I find out anything.Thanks
Valid point Bill....

From someone else's point of view it sure would look funny to see your bike being dragged on its side behind the truck (which may actually be doing a bee-line for the shops!) with you clinging for dear life atop of it, screaming at th' top o' ya voice at the missus to STOP! :lol:
bill's on his side scraping his arse whilst his missus has re-arranged the mirror for a touch o that ol' lip gloss!

poor bill! :twisted: :twisted:

Taffy said:
bill's on his side scraping his arse whilst his missus has re-arranged the mirror for a touch o that ol' lip gloss!

poor bill! :twisted: :twisted:

:lol: Actually it would be far worse.She drives eyes straight ahead{like blinders on a mule},fingers white from gripping the steering wheel,tachs the engine up to 3 or 4 thousand rpm.and then pops the clutch.If she drives the truck I don`t want to ride with her. :!: Actually today I rechecked everything and still nothing.No gas in the engine.The vents are open including the gas cap.I have fire.The air filters are clean.The bike is easier to kick over than before.I don`t know if that has anything to do with it or not.What else should I try?Not that Taffy I don`t have a death wish :lol: .
wildbill said:
....I cleaned it good and made sure the action was smooth.I put everything back togather and then turned the gas on.Gas ran out the little hose on the bottom until I tapped the carb side with the handle of a screwdriver.....

if you have to hit the carb to 'fix' it, that means its not ok.
something is wrong [stichy float, worn seat, dirty gas,..]
i bet the carb is not right. it doesnt take much to foul the plug and a carb that drips out an overflow is not going to work. so i would get the carb correct before you try any more kicking.
wrt visible spark....its not a good way to test the spark. its too hard to see the weak spark. and if the plug is fouled you will see no spark even though there is one.
focus on the carb. leave the plug out of the motor so it can dry out. get the carb working so it doesnt need to get 'fixed' with a hit.
good luck
Hi, Bill............
I just went through similar problem with my bike. Hard to start, either wouldn't idle, or very erratic (1580 to 2200 rpm) if it did start, very erratic at all throttle openings, sounded VERY lean, snapping and crackling through exhaust, occasional backfire (through exhaust, not carburetor), but not a big one. When it wouldn't start, plug was dry. Ended up taking carb apart (twice!) taking all jets out, plus float needle, and removed choke housing; ran very fine wire through all passages, then blowing out with a compressor. I blew out in all directions, through all passages. Also went back and cleaned petcocks on tank, and blew out the fuel lines ( even though I could see through them!). Reassembled everything, put in gas (same gas I took out of tank, just filtered it), checked for leaks, lifted the choke, and kicked twice. Voila!!! Bike started and ran cleanly. Let it warm up, kicked off the choke, set idle to 1580 - 1600 rpm, and went for a ride. All ok, throttles cleanly, no hiccups or popping, restarts on 1 or 2 kicks.
This has been a fairly common routine with the Dellorto carb since I got it. Bike was running badly when my son-in-law brought it over, and I go through this a couple (or more) of times every season, especially if I take a couple of rides in very sandy conditions.
Hope this helps!
Gary, in Maine

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