Breech of Confidence


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Glad to hear your doin good and btw
you just pushed me off the fence.................. better do it too
Well guys,here goes.....I've been laid up for the last 10 days after having what my surgeon called "the largest growth he'd seen" removed from my colon. (don't worry, I wont gross you out with details) He spent several hours in surgery removing just the growth without just doing what is oftentimes done and just remove the entire colon and giving you a "bag" (thank God!) I've been tapering off the pain meds over the last couple of days and actually walking around a bit. Today was my follow-up consultation with the surgeon, and I had prepared myself for whatever it may be. He walked into the exam room while my wife Ricki and I sat in silence, shook my hand and said WE GOT IT! I've never heard sweeter words in my life. He was amazed that by the size and appearance of the growth he was sure it was cancerous, but after removing it and doing a biopsy it wasn't! I still have to stay on top of it with regular checkups, but this was the best of all outcomes and I fell like 100 stone have been removed from my shoulders (trying to act brave when your scared shitless takes a lot of energy!) Mainly I just wanted to send a truly heartfelt THANK YOU to all you motorcycle obsessed types out there who even though you don't know me took the time to say "chin up mate". It meant more than you could know. With the exception of my wife, my business partner, and Mr. Lineaweaver, I hadn't told anyone else, not even family as I didn't want to stress people out, and truth be told, I have this inability to deal with people feeling "sorry" for me, it just creeps me out. This, like everything else in life. large or small has been a learning experience. Anyway, thanks again (wish I could think of a more meaningful way to express myself) I am absolutely sure that everyones good wishes/prayers/juju/vibes are what made the difference. Doc says I can ride again in a month or so, till then it's another week off work. Someday, hopefully soon, I can track you guys down and buy you a Guineas (Dale, I have "special" plans for you!) Thanks again, IT'S GREAT TO BE ALIVE!
SO glad to hear the outcome, thanks for posting.
We have a nice little community here.
non cancerous !!! Great ------ news !!! fantastic !!! Kinda gives you a little different outlook on things now I'm sure.........Cheers to a speedy recovery !
What fantastic news!

This may sound really bad at first, but if you'll persist through the next sentence, it will seem less offensive than it started out as ;)

Since it was benign, aside from the rediculous cost of any medical treatment these days, this may make your life much more fulfilling, depending on how you approach the events(your outlook seems that you'd be the type that this will happen to). In these really scary "I'm gonna die" experiences, when you're given some slack at the end, everything from food to mid day traffic takes on an enjoyable experience. Relish it! Take the fam out for incredibly fatty desserts, and stay in the slow lane on the way home from work. You earned it!

Congrats man, and don't feel funny about hugging everyone you see in the next few weeks. They'll be polite, and not say anything nasty, and you'll feel pretty good about it ;)

Great news Rocky! I appreciate the way you let everyone here know the goings on. You should be proud of yourself by your example you will probably save several of your freinds lives as well as some of us here at UHE. Early detection is probably the single most important factor for surviving these things, had you not caught this bugger when you did it may have turned cancerous. So guys if you are like me and over 45 get in and get that check up. My older brother has had his colon removed and has the"bag" and it is a pain in the a$$, luckily he is a good guy and doesn't let it affect his out look on life(still gets out to ride,just not as fast as he used to be) Be well guys


Great news indeed Rocky Mt! I'm glad you shared the scary as well as the good news with your UHE brothers. We're all cheering for you.

Rock on, ROCKY!

Happy to hear the outcome was good and I wish you a speedy recovery and that a wide soft seat comes your way. :)
Fantastic news Rocky
This site unknowingly makes us a close community.
I feel relieved for you.

Nice 1

RockMT - Glad the news turned out so good, just sory you had to expereince all the worries. Congrats !! The sky is awfully blue isn't it ?

Bran - sorry about your wifes troubles, hope by now she is doing well..

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