Billet cylinder head


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Dr_C said:
I'm currently using Alpha-N (TPS) setting for load sensoring on both fuel and timing map. I have no knock sensor installed in the system, but we'll first see if knocking can be detected at all with hand held sensor. I keep my mind open when it comes to the benefit of knock detection.

I purchased a Knock Box but have not used it yet
It's still in the box it came in :) I just went for what I thought is a safe advance but I am guessing you will want every bit of horsepower out of your engine and need the timing as far advanced as possible.

Dr_C said:
Fuel surge? My english skills may very well be playing me right now. Do you mean how I make sure the pump allways have proper access to fuel, during braking and acceleration?

Yes that is what I am asking. I know there is not much room in a bike for 2 x fuel pumps and a second small tank to remove air, so I thought you may have made some baffle system in the tank or a small reservoir gravity fed under the tank?

Dr_C said:
With a little luck there will be a video from the dyno on Sunday! 8)
Excellent, I look forward to seeing it :)

Thanks for taking the time to show us your project Dr_C in such detail. I really appreciate it.
contiman said:
no news from this crazy engine mats :bounce:
Yes, it has come a little step forward. I was at the dyno last Sunday again. It took a couple of hours to find out that when the fuel got way to rich, the lambda sensor bottomed out and showed very lean (AFR >18)! Once I realized that, we began to run out of time. A couple of runs were made without hickups. Above 7k it sounds like a grizzly bear being kicked on the jewels! The best recorded run was 78 RWHP, but that was before we got it to run properly. On the last runs the fixation for the front wheel vibrated backwards, so the rear wheel was spinning on the bench as well as the roller! So I believe the those results (70 RWHP) are at least 78, and then some. It propably already gives a top power above 80 RWHP! 8O

I will strip the engine, before going to the dyno again, hopefully for a final tune. Maybe then I finally got some video and chart to display.
Dr_C said:
contiman said:
no news from this crazy engine mats :bounce:
Yes, it has come a little step forward. I was at the dyno last Sunday again. It took a couple of hours to find out that when the fuel got way to rich, the lambda sensor bottomed out and showed very lean (AFR >18)! Once I realized that, we began to run out of time. A couple of runs were made without hickups. Above 7k it sounds like a grizzly bear being kicked on the jewels! The best recorded run was 78 RWHP, but that was before we got it to run properly. On the last runs the fixation for the front wheel vibrated backwards, so the rear wheel was spinning on the bench as well as the roller! So I believe the those results (70 RWHP) are at least 78, and then some. It propably already gives a top power above 80 RWHP! 8O

I will strip the engine, before going to the dyno again, hopefully for a final tune. Maybe then I finally got some video and chart to display.
hmmmm. That's it! I won't enter any races this year that you are doing :(
Some cool facts: Your bike weighs 105kg (?) and you weigh 75 (?) maybe 80 with gear. That gives 2.3 kg/ hp. My bike puts out some 60hp and weighs 150 and my weight with gear is... hmmmm well lets just say that I end up with some 4.2 kg/hp. And if adding rider skill into the equation would tell me that I'd better stay home and taking care of the garden or something :cry:

Ah well, all kidding aside. I'll love to get passed by you and the black missile :mrgreen:
Great work Mats. Now we just need to see the graphs and some cool pics 8)
Jocke_D said:
hmmmm. That's it! I won't enter any races this year that you are doing :(
Some cool facts: Your bike weighs 105kg (?) and you weigh 75 (?) maybe 80 with gear. That gives 2.3 kg/ hp. My bike puts out some 60hp and weighs 150 and my weight with gear is... hmmmm well lets just say that I end up with some 4.2 kg/hp. And if adding rider skill into the equation would tell me that I'd better stay home and taking care of the garden or something :cry:

Ah well, all kidding aside. I'll love to get passed by you and the black missile :mrgreen:
Great work Mats. Now we just need to see the graphs and some cool pics 8)
Thanks, Jocke!
Now, we both know there is a lot more parameters in winning races, than having flashy numbers to brag about. Did somebody mention reliability? :D I may very well be still in the pits, studying my engines' internals, without having to disassemble the crank case, while you are out on the track having fun with 4,2 kg/hp! :wink:
I believe this is what we all have been waiting for concerning this project:


There are for sure more things to do to smoothen the power, especially around 6,5k, but the top power is.... 8O
Nice, very nice. This would make a superb road-race engine characteristic...

Have you any AFR data for the run? The torque-curve dips look to be harmonic effects, but it would be good to eliminate the possibility of erroneous fuelling first. Have you done any ignition timing loops yet? Cam timing?

Intake or exhaust length would likely have the biggest response, but that'll depend on what you see from the timing shifts.

Congratulations on work well done, and we all look forward to the next instalment!!

Cheers... Paul
salut ami français!

He has stock ignition I think,
it can be a good idea to test an hpi cdi and more advance around 6.5k
contiman said:
salut ami français!

He has stock ignition I think,
it can be a good idea to test an hpi cdi and more advance around 6.5k

Hey, un autre Husaberg français... Salut! Où en France êtes-vous?

Sorry, we should stay in English!!

I'd prefer an inductive ignition solution rather than CDI, but yes I completely agree using the OEM is silly and there is likely much to come from playing with the ignition advance.

Cheers... Paul
I`m very sorry i couldent be with you yesterday:( the sound 7000+ were amazing and addicteble... Mats is using a Microsquirt EFI controller and it take care of ignition also. And with the components that are in use I cant imagine there will be. Ignition problems its totally adjustable and capeble to produce serius sparks. I have helped Mats to design the Efi-system. And a can asure you that this minor dipps will be sorten out in the future.(it was the first dynoruns that worked spottless) so i think there will be more in the future. Trying more inlet and exhaust tuning etc. I havent meet any this dedicated to a (hobby) and with the motto (failure is not an option) (not in mecanical failure but to get true with the project.)this project as you probably can think of 99,8 of the guys here would give up ending up in a dream... and also nice that my time in the project ended up in this beutifull creation... and not just in a dream... Congratulation Mats :cheers: :cheers: :cheers:
I think we would all like to hear the engine on the dyno. A single cylinder engine at high speed is something quite soulful...

I'm familiar with the Microsquirt (a very good piece of kit in my opinion), and I agree there will not be any ignition issues providing you are using a reasonably powerful, fast ignition coil.

Mats' work ethic as well as his approach is without doubt very impressive. I'd just love to know where he finds his time!

Please pass on all congratulations and encourage Mats to post a video or sound clip!!

Cheers and regards... Paul
You are most kind! Of course there must be a video!
Tell me what you think!

i think that this is nuts and you may consider letting me test your engine
this weekend in pleven bulgaria in my supermoto race.
i am only doing this favour to you for research reasons only.
i think that this is nuts and you may consider letting me test your engine
this weekend in pleven bulgaria in my supermoto race.
i am only doing this favour to you for research reasons of course.
oyk said:
i think that this is nuts and you may consider letting me test your engine
this weekend in pleven bulgaria in my supermoto race.
i am only doing this favour to you for research reasons of course.
Oh, thanks, professor Oyk! Very kind of you to offer your services to science!
absolutely fantastic. I want one. I've been a good boy. Could I have one for christmas please if I eat all my green vegetables?

If you can fill in the holes in the torque curve it will be seriously, seriously impressive. If your data are stable enough to be able to see small effects, try playing around with the exhaust cam timing to see if your 'holes' move around too. If they do it will confirm the exhaust length needs a bit of tuning. Alternatively, play around with an adjustable length open pipe. More fun, more noise!!!

Now tell me please, where do you find your time? After a full-time job, house renovations, family and a (very small) bit of time spent playing on my bikes, I've nothing left... Do you just not sleep? What's your secret??!!

Cheers and regards... Paul
tinwelp said:
absolutely fantastic. I want one. I've been a good boy. Could I have one for christmas please if I eat all my green vegetables?

If you can fill in the holes in the torque curve it will be seriously, seriously impressive. If your data are stable enough to be able to see small effects, try playing around with the exhaust cam timing to see if your 'holes' move around too. If they do it will confirm the exhaust length needs a bit of tuning. Alternatively, play around with an adjustable length open pipe. More fun, more noise!!!

Now tell me please, where do you find your time? After a full-time job, house renovations, family and a (very small) bit of time spent playing on my bikes, I've nothing left... Do you just not sleep? What's your secret??!!

Cheers and regards... Paul
I have meet him many times and i havent figure that out myself. But it can bee that he "IS THE DURACELL BUNNY" in disguise :D
tinwelp said:
absolutely fantastic. I want one. I've been a good boy. Could I have one for christmas please if I eat all my green vegetables?

If you can fill in the holes in the torque curve it will be seriously, seriously impressive. If your data are stable enough to be able to see small effects, try playing around with the exhaust cam timing to see if your 'holes' move around too. If they do it will confirm the exhaust length needs a bit of tuning. Alternatively, play around with an adjustable length open pipe. More fun, more noise!!!

Now tell me please, where do you find your time? After a full-time job, house renovations, family and a (very small) bit of time spent playing on my bikes, I've nothing left... Do you just not sleep? What's your secret??!!

Cheers and regards... Paul
Haha, thanks Paul! The thing is, most people want hardware with this performance. Very, very few accept the cost and almost none will put in the effort in creating it! But hey, write a letter to Santa about DOHC-head/EFI and put some 3000€ in the envelope! :wink:

We changed intake length by adding 10 and 20 mm to the original design. It moved the harmonics by 300rpm at each 10 mm step. This is too large steps, but enough for the very first, real, dyno run. I'm using the same exhaust as with my previous billet head. It needs to be somewhat smaller in diameter to fit the ports. It has adjustable joints, so exhaust length can be varied almost 100mm.

Now I want to try it out on the track. I'm thinking that 6,5k might very well be in the early exit of the corner, where a smooth power delivery is needed. Closer to the exit of the corner revvs have picked up, the bike is a bit risen from max lean angle, and I normally twist the throttle to 100%. We'll see.

About the time. It is not possible to do everything yourself. In a project like this, you are very much depending on access to skilled and dedicated people. Within an hour drive, I have fx theese specialists:

For sure, without the efforts put in by "Swedish Steel", this project wouldn't have been decided at all! Remember I'm an old fart clinging on to simple, well known things like carburettors. I needed to be convinced that the plastic bag full of wires and black boxes, really should be attached to my bike.

But most important, I have a very understanding wife! Big kisses to the love of my life, Tinna!

Ok... I confess to being a tiny bit stubborn aswell. Tiny bit.

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