Billet cylinder head


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Hi again, friends!
Now the piston has found it's new employer. I'm afraid it will turn out to be a quite stressful environment. :wink:

Great stuff DrC!

How much use can you get out off a 82mm stroke crank?
Has any special preparation been done to it?
Would like to use one of those but have been advised otherwise.
Hope you don`t mind me asking.


spanner said:
Great stuff DrC!

How much use can you get out off a 82mm stroke crank?
Has any special preparation been done to it?
Would like to use one of those but have been advised otherwise.
Hope you don`t mind me asking.


Thanks, Spanner!
The crank (pin and mains) is, without a doubt, the weak point of this design! With the existing high state of tune, I need to take the engine apart after every race weekend (max 2-3 hours). If the new stuff then adds some ponies, I calculate with replacing mains (spherical bearings) after every race weekend. I do believe the 80mm (?) stroke crank copes better. I would have liked to use that one together with a larger bore (103-104mm) and a steel liner. For a more std application, you can get a new (82mm) crank, with the new improved support for backing up the roller bearings inner ring. Maybe that would be worth a try?
Pure Porn that video,love your work.
Keep them coming those video's Mats!!
(Funny,I have the same vice,a Heuer right?)
nice one again mats!

just a suggestion one important (to my eyes anyway) and one not so important:
measure your squish in line with the gudgeon pin for valid results and use spagghetti solder in a 'hickledy-pickledy' way. (basically a "figure-of-eight"). mix it into the plasticine (a scottish invention) and always do both sides at the same time.

secondly, I use it in the valve pocket bottoms (not radially) in the same way and then just pull it out and use the jaws of the vernier gauge to measure it and not the heel (or tail). i make sure it is used sparingly as the solder can tip the piston.


Hej Dr c. Fantastic project you are working on. Are you using standard ignition? I am using a special ignition on my 650 02 super moto. might be interresting for you. Its a drag racing ignition, with fully programably ignition curves pre set from your pc. Fires with 3 sparks in a row for better combustion. You can make 2 or 3 different ignition curves for different tracks, weather, training with a swift on the handle bar. Comes with small battery for ca 4 hours racing, ignition coil and pick up unit with jack for computer. It has done wonders to my bike in power and starting. I can send pictures if you are interested. I am from dk by the way. regards akaberg
akaberg said:
Hej Dr c. Fantastic project you are working on. Are you using standard ignition? I am using a special ignition on my 650 02 super moto. might be interresting for you. Its a drag racing ignition, with fully programably ignition curves pre set from your pc. Fires with 3 sparks in a row for better combustion. You can make 2 or 3 different ignition curves for different tracks, weather, training with a swift on the handle bar. Comes with small battery for ca 4 hours racing, ignition coil and pick up unit with jack for computer. It has done wonders to my bike in power and starting. I can send pictures if you are interested. I am from dk by the way. regards akaberg
Tak så meget, Akaberg!
Your ignition sounds very interesting! On my previous engines I have used a reprogrammed SEM and did some tests with a programmable unit from HPI. For this latest DOHC-project, I'm using a Microsquirt EFI, also for the 3D ignition map. I will give that a go before I look in other directions. But there must be many people here at UHE interested to know more about your experience with this system you are using!

Taffy said:
nice one again mats!

just a suggestion one important (to my eyes anyway) and one not so important:
measure your squish in line with the gudgeon pin for valid results and use spagghetti solder in a 'hickledy-pickledy' way. (basically a "figure-of-eight"). mix it into the plasticine (a scottish invention) and always do both sides at the same time.

secondly, I use it in the valve pocket bottoms (not radially) in the same way and then just pull it out and use the jaws of the vernier gauge to measure it and not the heel (or tail). i make sure it is used sparingly as the solder can tip the piston.


Thanks, Taffy!
The clip is showing just some seconds of each moment and is by no means supposed to be tuturial, complete or even showing exactly how I'm doing things. I agree totally to the necessity of measuring squish more careful, as you mentioned. As clay does not require any force to deform and therefore does not affect the result, I will "stick" to the clay (supposed to be a fun comment - ha...)
Akaberg, I would be interested to know more about the ignition you have on
your bike.
Probably best to start a new thread though.

Cheers spanner
spanner said:
Akaberg, I would be interested to know more about the ignition you have on
your bike.
Probably best to start a new thread though.

Cheers spanner

I'm interested too!!
hello again. Sorry my internet has been down. My ignition is from We tested it with compression ratio up to 16 to 1 and still have a strong spark and that is way down from 0 rpm. Not like that f....... SEM . Anyway check akaberg
Thought I just let you guys know I haven't fallen asleep!
I went to the dyno, but there it turned out that the basic fuel map was way off. As soon as some load was put on the rear wheel the engine died (way to lean). Also there was a difference between the AFR-value the O2-sensor showed on the display and what was registered on the Microsquirt. So, I packed up and did my home work more thorough. After some tests in setting up the O2-sensor box and the Microsquirt (TunerStudio) I got corresponding AFR-values on both system. When the roads were free from ice and snow, the other weekend, I decided to take it for a test run and "entertain" my neighbours. I suffered from fuel starvation once any load was put on it. Back to the workshop and adjusted the map. Out again, little better but not good. My hands were tunring purple... Wonder if the laptop stays awake when I close the lid? Ah, it did! OK, so I found out that I should be able to use the "auto tune" feature in TunerStudio. You set up a AFR-table with the AFR-values you would like the engine to achieve. The you activate the "auto tune" feature, which measures the AFR and adjust the fuel map until the desired AFR values are reached! Quite handý tool for getting the first rough setting in place. So i fired it up, connected the laptop and stuffed it in my backpack. On the test runI could notice how the engine was behaving better and better after each "loading"! When I got to the next villaged the engine was running through most of the register on all loads (Alpha N - throttle positions). This was the very first time I actually thought that EFI might be a good thing! :D

Since then I took the engine out of the frame and inspected the cylinder head to make sure everything is looking OK, before I hit the dyno again. Everything was oily and without wear, so I just smacked it together again. So the moment of thruth is getting awfully close! :wink:
interesting Dr-C!

This was the very first time I actually thought that EFI might be a good thing!


the latest powercommander stuff is supposed to have that feature as well, aparently a great thing

I rode my Lifan 125 yz on the beach yesterday, it starves for fuel after 4-5 min on WOT, leaves the rider feeling very inadequate performance wise :oops:
Excellent Dr C :cheers:

By the time you would get to the next village over here you would have the cops on your tail :(

Did it feel like it is going to perform as you would like? a bit early to say I guess.

Really intrigued by the Supermono class bike, something the average rider could get involved in.

When does your racing season start?

Good Luck :D

Cheers spanner
bushmechanic said:
the latest powercommander stuff is supposed to have that feature as well, aparently a great thing
Yeah, not bad at all. BUT, you might get lost here! AFR-value is not allways pointing out were you are have top efficiency. Fx a cam timing with large overlap will let fresh intake gasses get into the exhaust pipe, and give the EFI wrong inputs. The braked dyno is still King.

spanner said:
Did it feel like it is going to perform as you would like? a bit early to say I guess.
Really intrigued by the Supermono class bike, something the average rider could get involved in.
When does your racing season start?
Good Luck :D
Cheers spanner
Thanks, Spanner!
Every first time I take out the bike before the season, it feels like a rocket! This time was no different. :D Although with 14,0-14,5 in compression ratio it sounds a bit more "angry" this time. The large duration cams and high lift do make the front wheel light, which pleases an old man! :D The first race is in the end of May, in Finland (600km drive in Sweden, 12 hour ferry, 300km drive in Finland). I hope to have my new mobile home-project ready by then. Oh yes, the bike sorted out as well...
it is that your project progresses!
good luck for the final mapping, will be the longest ...
I am well eager to see the results to that dyno run Dr C, you are indeed a very special kind of madman :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Dr_C said:
Also there was a difference between the AFR-value the O2-sensor showed on the display and what was registered on the Microsquirt. So, I packed up and did my home work more thorough. After some tests in setting up the O2-sensor box and the Microsquirt (TunerStudio) I got corresponding AFR-values on both system.

Was that an earthing issue between the Innovate and Megasquirt. Had a similar problem with Autronic ECU and Innovate LC1, the Autronic O2 input had a signal ground reference that was not tied to Chassis Ground, and the Innovate O2 Output uses Chassis Ground.

What method do you use to pick the Timing settings in the Megasquirt Timing Map? I guess you are using TPS and RPM in the Timing Map? Just wondering if you use some sort of Knock Detector or some trick on the dyno?

What are you using to control fuel surge in the tank?

Don't worry about answering if you are too busy with your project DR_C, I am just curious. Would like to see more videos of the bike they were great.
Good luck Dr_C
Davo said:
Was that an earthing issue between the Innovate and Megasquirt. Had a similar problem with Autronic ECU and Innovate LC1, the Autronic O2 input had a signal ground reference that was not tied to Chassis Ground, and the Innovate O2 Output uses Chassis Ground.

What method do you use to pick the Timing settings in the Megasquirt Timing Map? I guess you are using TPS and RPM in the Timing Map? Just wondering if you use some sort of Knock Detector or some trick on the dyno?

What are you using to control fuel surge in the tank?

Don't worry about answering if you are too busy with your project DR_C, I am just curious. Would like to see more videos of the bike they were great.
Good luck Dr_C
No earthing issue. After I upgraded the firmware in the Microsquirt, I lost the calibrations, but even after that was corrected, there still was appr. 2 steps difference on the AFR-gauge (LC-1) and what was registered in the EFI. For some reason the default setups didn't work anymore. I had to set up a custom signal from LC-1 and an equal custom setup in TunerStudio. Then it worked!

I'm currently using Alpha-N (TPS) setting for load sensoring on both fuel and timing map. I have no knock sensor installed in the system, but we'll first see if knocking can be detected at all with hand held sensor. I keep my mind open when it comes to the benefit of knock detection.

Fuel surge? My english skills may very well be playing me right now. Do you mean how I make sure the pump allways have proper access to fuel, during braking and acceleration?

With a little luck there will be a video from the dyno on Sunday! 8)

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