I know I know there is a million posts on these goofy things but I gotta tell ya looking back on old posts just confuses me as there are really no definitive answers.......so I'll be brief ! :roll:
1) when the bike is cold the starter will turn the engine once or twice and
disengage and spin freely....Zzzzing !
2) When the bike is hot and between heats the e-start will spin it easily
but will not fire or when the battery goes down it will fire up....
3) The bike kicks over easily..... I use 15/50 motrex
4) Last night I put the bike in gear and let out the clutch just a bit to drag
the starter just a wee bit with the front tire up against my work bench
the engine was dead cold and the starter DID NOT disengage, but
turned over the motor, I was just screwing around w/o the gas on nor
choke on, just to see what it would do ???
I was told by a friend once that it has something to do with turning over too fast with e-start and auto decomp..... ???? (yes I have read the 24 VDC starting battery etc) starting to make sense.... :idea: :idea: My KX500 likes to get kicked like I'm killing it, second kick cold always... the Berg I have learned likes a slow follow though all the way, making sure you have TDC etc......(the berg is a cream puff compared to the green bike)
So, either I get this @@##$$** e-start figured out or I'm tossing it in the garbage....as most of you know I race the bike and really don't need the extra weight If not needed........
The bike is a 2003 with a 2002 550 engine and runs like a ***** ape !!! so the starting appears to be my only problem...well with the bike at least :?
help........help.......... :cry:
1) when the bike is cold the starter will turn the engine once or twice and
disengage and spin freely....Zzzzing !
2) When the bike is hot and between heats the e-start will spin it easily
but will not fire or when the battery goes down it will fire up....
3) The bike kicks over easily..... I use 15/50 motrex
4) Last night I put the bike in gear and let out the clutch just a bit to drag
the starter just a wee bit with the front tire up against my work bench
the engine was dead cold and the starter DID NOT disengage, but
turned over the motor, I was just screwing around w/o the gas on nor
choke on, just to see what it would do ???
I was told by a friend once that it has something to do with turning over too fast with e-start and auto decomp..... ???? (yes I have read the 24 VDC starting battery etc) starting to make sense.... :idea: :idea: My KX500 likes to get kicked like I'm killing it, second kick cold always... the Berg I have learned likes a slow follow though all the way, making sure you have TDC etc......(the berg is a cream puff compared to the green bike)
So, either I get this @@##$$** e-start figured out or I'm tossing it in the garbage....as most of you know I race the bike and really don't need the extra weight If not needed........
The bike is a 2003 with a 2002 550 engine and runs like a ***** ape !!! so the starting appears to be my only problem...well with the bike at least :?
help........help.......... :cry: