Want To Buy 105mm Wiseco Piston Group Buy - Who is in?


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May 21, 2010
San Francisco, California
So this seems to be the proper place to put this (See 105mm Piston Group Buy thread for info under the Mechanical Section - Please limit responses to the following info so I can keep things straight):

Please state your interest; and 1. the number of pistons want; and 2. your commitment to purchase (ie., ready willing and able, or not now, but if there are extras I'd like on down the line sometime).

I'll hold the order open until May 2, 2016. Thereafter, assuming we have sufficient commitment and funds deposited to cover the required 12 piston min, I'll place the order.

Those wanting one after the close date may contact those who bought more than one. I'm currently buying 4, but that leaves me no extras at this time. If fortune favors some payment of bills, I'll spring for a few extras.
All for now
Yes please two for me, one finished on top with coatings.
One not finished machined on top if possible.

Thanks Goose
Total thus far:

Goose916 4 Pistons
Bushmechanic 2 with skirt coating (no dome)
Spanner 2 (1 finished with skirt coat; 1 unfinished (skirt coat?);
Husaberg 644 1 (skirt coat? Dome coat? uncoated?)
Spanner 2 (1 finished with skirt coat; 1 unfinished (skirt coat?);

1 complete with skirt and top coating.
1 complete except top, with skirt coating.

I'll take 1 with skirt coating. I'm ready to pay, just message me with details where to send.

One for me

I am in for one with Skirt coating only
Thanks Bushie for contacting me for this but
Payment details , and will pay straight away !


2003 Husaberg " FS670"..... with spare "700cc " engine
1986 Honda CR500RG
2001 Ducati 996R
2006 Ducati Paul Smart LE..... " long term loan " ;)
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Put me down for one piston with skirt coating please.

I'll probably just send you a check if that's ok as I don't speak PayPal.
That's fine Idle, I'll cover your piston and send you instrictions for the check.

It's looking like the end of the first week in May (I have a slow paying client that is supposed to make good by then - even if not, I'll have the dinero from other resources). I'll finalize the list on Friday, complete with "specialty issues" such as coatings and so far, spanner's request for a blank top (haven't heard back on that yet, will call al tomorrow).

Which reminds me, I'll post up paypal instructions too (Piston only) so we can get the ball rolling on contruction. Thereafter, I will request address info so I can calculate shipping rates to the various addresses and send you option on that too! Is that ok with everyone? Frankly, without the darn thing, I can only guess at the shipping anyway. Would rather give complete info than hypothetical and then have to change. I'll acquire quotes from various providers, type (express, semi-express, slow boat to china) rates and send them to everyone specifically for the provided shipping addy.

Sorry for the delay on my end, client owes a substantial chunk of money and only now am I able to offset the delay and pay for the pistons I've comitted to. Again, my apologies, but I'm firm with respect to May 7 commitment. Look for private messages on Friday! Your patience and input has been greatly appreciated (so great it hard to express). BTW, did anyone check if we can get a group rate on the liners?
Thanks folks! I'll update payment info on wedsneday. for now, gotta get out from the crushing weight of backlogged work. Check in Weds Night
send payment via paypal to:

k xxgqxx uist @ gxm axx[dot] com (without the xs and spaces spaces)with a tagline of some sort that says Husaberg Piston

Please provide the following:
1. Full Name and Address where shipment is to go (absent a selected shipper, I'm going to try and find the cheapest that I can find where delivery times may be delayed but not stupid long);

2. email address I can send updated invoice to (ie. including shipping costs - I'll eat the paypal costs if any);

3. Preferred shipping company if you have one or if you want expedited service (I'll shop and deliver various rates once the pistons are done) I have no problem with anyone willing to pay more or whatever for a preferred carrier.

4. Please nderstand, I'm not ordering anything til the full 12 are paid for. Once they are (yes, including mine). I'll place an order and may elect to cover stragglers pending my own financial situation. Also:
a. It is up to you to designate Piston add-ons. Otherwise anticipate that your order will include Piston skirt armor only. Want nekkid? better say so (Sorry spanner, they wont include blank tops as part of the original 12 though they will make after the 12 are made for same dinero - let's see where we are Next Wednesday). Want tops armor coated? better say so. Otherwise I am anticipating payment for Piston with skirt armor.
b. Please understand I am doing my best to make this happen in a timely manner. Purchaser bears the risk of 3rd party delays (Wiseco) and loss by shipper. Any delays on my part will be posted here [though I have cash at the ready now]. I will provide tracking to each purchase so long as the method of shipping chosen provides such info. Once is leaves my hands, well . . .

c. Finally, (now that i've typed that), I will also provide insurance rates for everone.
d. This is a bit more complex than I thought, however, I'll do my best as I am excited for the project.
e. Thank you for participating and showing faith in me to see this through. I'm friggin STOKED.
f. If the whole thing falls apart or we have too many that cannot make the initial deposit covering piston costs, I will first alert the group of options, then, if no solution can be reached, we cancel and I refund all moneys sent ASAP. If there are fees, I'll eat them.
Kexxvxi n Grxex exn xqx uxis xt (same story, take out xs and spaces)
1-41x x5-4x x66- 55xxx96 (take out most spaces and xs)
45xxx2 Oax xk Strxxxeet, #xx4
Saxxxn Francxxxisco, Califorxxxxnia 94xx10xx2 (without the x)

electronic mailing address is: k gqxxuixxsxxtx[at] gxxx mxx axx il (dotxx)co xxm (without the xx's or spaces and include the symbol for at and a dot where the dot goes)

(I know, not the most sophisticated coding here but enuff to keep the spam sniffers off my ass)

So, I'd like to deadline this thing (though it depends mostly on the original 12 pistons). Say, payments to be made by May 15, 2016. Order out on May 16? Doable? Thoughts? Should I pm everyone to confirm order or just post it up?
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Any questions or concerns, drop me a pm and I'll do what I can to answer. It's late and I still have a bunch of work to do IRL. Still, exciting stuff I tell ya!
Unfortunately Im out Goose. I have family issue as of today taking up the funds I had planned to use for the piston.


No worries Pollo.

I've had a minor rethink of the process to avoid issues after ordering. I'll update this Saturday (nothing major - just manner of ordering and paying for those still interested)
Haj!I have some difficulty understanding your code to the payment, it shall be kgqu_____ and so on. Now to the important pistons,, if I understood correctly, so the price will 135dollar about each. My original barrel from JBS has a measure of 104.83 never used. The measure of the original piston 104.75. A piston skirt with armor would in that case be about 104.79. Is it right. Minimum measurement gets in my case 104.75 mm. I want two pistons please .Can transfer the money tonight. How much is 2 pistons (270) + shipping Sincerely Husaberg 644
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