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  1. canolman

    Engine, which year?

    Engine number; 65-13255 Not come across **-*****? 651= 650cc. 3=2003? I would expect to see 651-3? Engine has oil filler at 45° angle :unsure: Many thanks
  2. B

    fe400 engine knocking

    My fe 400 has developed quite a loud knocking, it started quite suddenly so I stopped riding it and I'm using my other bike for now. I've recently stripped the casings as I had a problem with the camshaft beairings collapsing, it rode fine for a few weeks after that, now it's started knocking...
  3. H

    How to lock engine 650 motor 08

    I am busy dissasembling engine and used a 2005 workshop manual I found on this site now the first page I am already in problems... On the photo in pdf theer is a locking bolt that is not on the 08 engine look at the pics. Can someone show/tell me where it is on the 08?
  4. madmenno

    For Sale engine cases 650 SEM

    I have two engine cases for early 650 SEM ignition model One empty and One with shifter parts and oil pump I cant post pics here , so send me a email for pics [email protected]
  5. D

    Engine no workie!

    So long long ago in a place far far way my 11' FS570 quit working. There are some things that happened that Im not sure if they are all related.... 1. My 570 is a snowlike (google timbersled if you do not know what this is) 2. For reasons I can not understand It burped oil out of the air box...
  6. K

    470 engine ... 380 kit?

    Im looking at a frame and parts I have sitting in my shop. I have a running plated 650 but I'm thinking of something smaller using the spare frame and parts. I have everything to build another 650. I'm considering purchasing cases and parts to build the extra 650 into something smaller. I was...
  7. S

    Engine number

    I have just picked up what I think is a 600cc engine number 220049 6 speed pattern on engine case can anyone help me out kind regards Scott
  8. B

    450 fe engine casses

    Hi can anyone tell me if the 400 eng case will fit the 450fe I have a crack all the way across from the strater cover to where it meets the othe casing and it's pouring oil so a bit fubar me thinks.. Any help is much appreciated thanks.
  9. B

    Engine knock 2013 FE450

    I have the KTM based FE450 and since I got it, it knocks like a bastard in the bottom end. Had it back at the shop twice and they said it's fine, maybe even one of the quieter ones. Checked filters and oil and no debris coming out, but does make me nervous. So given they are noisy and I need...
  10. J

    1999 FE 400 Engine Issues

    Hi Guys, Just got a *cheap* 09/1999 FE400 with an alleged ignition fault. Found a broken wire on the coil pack and voila good spark restored :) A 12mm plug has been bodged into the head, so a heli-coil back to 10mm needed. The real bad news is... still no starting or even a fire off ether...
  11. K

    Noisy engine?

    Hi guys, well just got myself a husaberg fe 450 2009 70 degree engine, its sweet yet to take off road though. been doin some road riding and notice engine is a bit noisy, am gona post a video soon but am not sure if these engines are quite rattly normally. had the vavles go out of spec on my old...
  12. hacker33

    2004 FE 450 E cracked engine case

    After last ride I noticed that I had cracked engine case. The previous owner already welded that place. And the weld broke. The question is why? And whether it makes sense to weld it again? Can be welded without opening the engine? Engine is 9mth after rebuild.
  13. canolman

    2004-2006 650 engine differences?

    Any major changes? Would '06 fit into '04 chassis and vice versa? Ignition? Exhaust? Many thanks;)
  14. S

    For Sale Husaberg 501 -02 engine

    Thinking of parting out the bike to get more money out of it. First thing to go is the engine. Then i will sell the rest of the stuff. The engine has 188 hours on it. Engine was rebuild at 150hours by previous owner with new crank bearings, piston etc. At 175 hours i rebuild the cylinderhead...
  15. Jorge

    New to 70 degree engine Club!

    Recent owner of an FE450...Too much fun in the open desert. Cheers to the Forum!
  16. M

    Jammed kickstart??

    Hi all I have come across a very good priced 2000 model Husaberg fe 501 with a couple of minor things that need fixing but there is one im not too sure about. it wont kick over, it feels like the kick start is jammed in position and wont move. has anyone heard of this happening? or is...
  17. Skjetvingen

    Hole in engine block

    Is it possible to just weld this hole? And continue to ride? Or do I have to open it up look for the bits? It works just fine with the hole in there
  18. N

    For Sale wanted engine gasket kit 2005 FE450

    I'm re-building my 2005 FE450 and am in need of a complete engine gasket kit. The OEM kit is way too expensive and I need some help from the 'Berg riding community.