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  1. W

    Want To Buy Snowbike conversion kit.

    I have a 2011 Husaberg 570, and I'm looking for a complete and in excellent shape Snowbike conversion kit.
  2. Shanuss

    electric start conversion

    2003 470. what would i need to do to as electric start to my bike? is it worth the cost? how much would it cost?
  3. FraserThompsom

    17MM LC4 Front Wheel Conversion (Hopefully this light save you a head ache)

    Just thought I'd write this journey for anyone with a 17mm axle LC4 Front wheel doing a conversion to 20mm and hopefully this will prevent a few trial and error bits along the way. To convert the 17mm front wheel it is intensive but this is what I've learnt... The speedo side bearing is (from...
  4. Taffy

    44mm Keihin conversion kits

    I've had a batch of these rings made and put them up for sale. known at the moment as a "44mm venturi ring" I have them for sale through the web shop and on ebay. as you can see, the ring is nearly square to give it strength in the corners. you basically have to completely strip...
  5. Bengy22

    would a 2010 Fx450 make a good street bike.

    I'm looking to convert a dirt bike to a street legal dual sport/ supermoto, the Fx450 caught my eye as one in my area appeared for a good price with a few tasteful mods done to it. I figure I need a speedo/tach, dualsport kit from sicass racing, radiator fan, and some more street orientated...
  6. P

    08' FE 450 W/ aftermarket street conversion.

    The way I bought this bike was a converted FE 450 to a plated bike. I like the LED turns & tail light, but not so much the controls. So, I have a complete 06' FE 650 harness including all sensors etc. Id like to implant this factory harness & switches to my bike & keep the led stuff. Does...
  7. Taffy

    44mm conversion

    I carried out this work two years ago and was let down for testing continuously by people that promised to run the carb conversion with my jetting kit on it - but didn't. This Spring and Summer a Dutch customer ran my carb and loves it! he loves the 4" stack on it even more but even with my...
  8. B


    I'm rebuilding my 01 fc 470e, I decided to put a fcr carb on her. The Delorto worked good just wanted to update it. My issue is getting the ballpark jetting to start from. I have read all the old post and I'm not really sure which direction to go with? Currently I have 165MJ 45PJ 85SJ...
  9. L

    supermoto conversion question

    Hi all, I had a dealer convert my husaberg to supermoto for me, and in the invoice they stated a few things which I thought may be concerning. : They left this note: "It is recommended that attention is paid to brakes and suspension. As intended, the factory brakes are designed to deal with...
  10. D

    2007 fe650e tire size conversion

    Hello, I read that different tire companies have variances in tire fit. If I buy a KENDA or SHINKO dual sport set of the specific size specified by Husaberg, will the KENDA and SHINKOs fit on my 2007 FE650E? Is anybody aware if any other sizes work besides the ones listed here? SPEC says...
  11. P

    2004 fe550 ≥ 450 conversion

    Hi guys, I'm a newbie from Melbourne and was wondering if any one had converted a fe550 back to a 450and what's​ involved, any help would be appreciated Thanks Raf
  12. O

    FC->FE Conversion

    Hi all, Now i'm not old, just outstandingly lazy. My berg, an '04 FC 450, kicks over just beautifully. Two or three when cold, every time when hot but I'd love an e-start. Nothing better than 'There's a button for that'. Plus, i'm pretty fed up with the left kick as I ride an XR every other...
  13. F

    Stainless steel valve conversion

    So I just pulled my engine on my 2011 fe570 for the first time while doing some other work to the bike and I'm considering changing out the valves. From what I understand the intake valves are titanium and the exhaust valves are steel. I've heard a number of KTM riders have swapped out titanium...
  14. D

    berg te300 2013 number plates conversion from headlight

    hello guys, i intend to change my current original headlight with a number plates, but i am not sure that it will fit with my fender, what do you say? have anyone did this? i know i have to take off the black plastic thing between the headlight and the fender. btw i intend to get a husqvarna...
  15. S

    5" rim conversion on OEM FS570 hub

    Howdy Folks, I've got a 2011 FS570, and I'd like to move to a 5" rim. Bunches of folks here just buy a whole new wheel, and I'd rather avoid that expenditure to ease approval by the wifey. My theory is that if I buy the 5" Excel rim, (PN ENJ412N or EMK422N are 32 and 36 hole...
  16. bergmann

    Lazy Monday cdi conversion

    Have a crf 450 in pieces that I'm doing up soon. As I'm putting a programable cdi in it I thought I'd have a crack at putting the old one in the 650 to see if it will work and possibly put a programable one in it to if it works.
  17. tourist

    4CS to open cartridge conversion - TT thread

    Hey, Just stumbled upon this: 4CS FORK OPEN CHAMBER PROJECT - Suspension - ThumperTalk Thought it was kinda interesting as it applies to the difference between the early and late 70-degrees. Only skimmed the first few posts so far.
  18. E

    Blocking clutch slave after lhrb conversion

    Did a search and couldn't find an answer. How did you guys block off the clutch slave cylinder after doing the lhrb conversion? Did you just get a shorter banjo bolt and do it up or did you remove the cylinder all together and fit a blanking plate?
  19. F

    Fuel tank conversion

    Okay so I didn't get any response to does anyone have or know of a 70deg underseat tank for sale So Does anyone have a link or a what has worked well when the original underseat unit is converted
  20. bushmechanic

    SEM KOKUSAN Conversion

    has been done by a few people I like this one more threads HRBmans pics are in the gallery so they don't show up