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  1. Gix

    Dual back brake

    Ok tech heads, here's one for you. I've just purchased a rekluse clutch and want to convert my clutch master cylinder to a back brake, which is straightforward if you junk the standard rear brake.....However I want to have both footbrake and handbrake 8O ...Any ideas on how to do this??? My...

    Im back

    Hello all Its been a while 8O Got me a new setup for the time being so I should be around here and there! :D Its great to be back Missed this forum very much!!!! Happy new year to all
  3. nsman

    ITs back syracuse mile

    I do not know how many of you are into this but I just read on cycle news online that the syracuse mile(dirt track) is on the 2005 ama schedule.I have been to Gps all over europe,Isle of man tt, world speed way,but for my money there is no racing on this planet like a mile ama dirt track...
  4. 4

    pat on the back for this site i love it '' no squeezers ''

    this is just a big pat on the back to all the guys that make this site so great i am sure many ppl would of sold there zed by now if it wasnt for this site and the great guys here one example ''newby your a champ '' i put up a post asking where i could get a 99 wp pds shock manual he didnt know...
  5. Parsko

    Back in the saddle again!!!

    Back in August, something just wasn't right. Started rough, and ran rough. Top end noises and the such. Also wasn't shifting very well at all. Dissasembled top end. Knew enough to order new rocker bearings before I got into it, since I had never changed them before, nor had the previous...
  6. blackwolf001


    Hi all , just wanted to pass the message . Fred is one of my friend and today he had an appointement at the factory in Austria to talk to the directors. He told us he was bored to race on such an unreliable bike ( He had broken 13 engines this season ) and wanted to go back to KTM . He got...
  7. coop

    back fireing .

    i just found this site. this is great. i have a question. i have a 1998 600 fe and am having a lot of backfiring when i let off the gas and have the engine braking. i get some backfiring while idling also. Is this because i am to lean or to rich. which jets should i start working on and which...
  8. 4

    i gotta flick my switch back and forth...?

    hey guys got a 99 fe600 and the only way i can start it is if i flick my kill switch back and forth while cranking it the switch is not dodgy i get spark the whole time but will only start when i flick the swtch any ideas oh and when i put a new plug in i dont have to for the first 3 or 4 starts...
  9. F

    Back Brake Banjo came loose today while riding (very Scary)

    The metal sheath on my brake line that runs into my back brake under the bleeder nipple came loose today (I think it happened after a large stick hit it). I heard a large crack and thought ohh stick no worries. So I was coming up to a log to log jump it and wanted to wash off a bit of speed...