to say after just 9 posts that a comment must be aimed at you is silly. many of us have had issues with DCR in the past and no longer choose to do business with him. whilst i can only speak for myself (like dozens such as simon have ) we don't wish it to go any further as we love these bikes first and foremost.
there are many of you out there with good things to say about DCR so don't flame us.
Woah taffy , hold on mate.
Firstly I wasn't having a go at Simon and secondly I wasn't flying the DCR banner or ''flaming'' anyone
If you notice I actually agreed with Simon.
I believe people can make their own decisions based on their own beliefs and I have no intentions of trying to influence them in anyway.
My first response was merely to try and help someone who was asking for info.
The reason I presumed Simon was aiming the post towards me is I had put in my first reply that I know dc quite well. If I thought one of your mates was an arse and you asked my opinion I would say ''sorry, no offence but he's an arse'' (this is just an example so don't take it to heart)
Finally, I fail to see how the amount of posts I have left is of any relevance. I stumbled across this site whilst looking for some bits for my berg and luckily found what I needed straight away. I then trawled through the site and found it excellent with loads of information and I log into it on a daily basis.
For what its worth, I spend a lot of my time trawling the internet for berg bits, worldwide cos at the end of the day I too just want the best deal my money can buy.
Maybe you should try getting out of the other side of the bed tomorrow morning taffy :wink: