I bought this bike not running . It had carb. problem's I put a new one on it and it started up and ran great. Now it just depends on if it wants to start or not. Some times you choke it kick 3 times and it starts then the next time you might kick the thing twenty times before it will start. I got tired of this so I pulled the fly wheel to check the timing . The marks are not even right When I pull the plug and put it on top dead center on the compression stroke the key way is at 12 o clock that puts the hole at 7 o clock on the flywheel the factory mark at 9 o clock and the stator hole is at 6 o clock this is not even right by what it is in the book . So what is wrong is it the wrong flywheel'stator or is it in the engine and I check it a few times to to make sure. I don't even know how it started when it did I know this is not right. ANY IDEAS or if any body has a picture of a flywheel or a stator for a 400fe to see if these are the right parts for this bike its hard to get help around here. If you say Husaberg they run