this bike has been updated for 2006 but the small touches and finish are still deemed iffy in the latest three way shoot out in our UK magazine named TBM. however, for the first time ever, the KTM400/450 has been knocked off the top spot by this model.
they pitted the orange one against a honda CRF450X and a sherco 4.5i. it was very, very close but to one tester the sherco pinched it and the guy with the second opinion hedged his bets with the honda.
the katoom had crap brakes, awful and these are the same as we have. they were fed up with the headshake, the stiff suspension, the low seat and riding position.
they thought the sherco had the perfect riding position, that the bike could be braked much later and with better feel whilst the suspension was excellent.
plush but no pitching (can i just say that i had nothing to do with the development of this bike...) it is superb when scrabbling for grip and they love the fuel injectionand reckon when in trouble the FI was there for the rider EVERY time!