"Roost Boost"


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Mar 21, 2001
Lisbon - Portugal
Did someone knows if a "Roost Boost" from Answer is a good benefit for the spark? This device is used on most MX 2 stroke machines to increase the power. Will this work on a 4 stroke? :? :?
They still make that thing? Having tried one in the 80's on a 2 stroke I can say it did absolutely nothing. As worthless as boost bottles, splitfire spark plugs, and most aftermarket pipes and reeds. Always wonder how the manufacture can refine and test for years and after a new bike hits the market, kazaam... 1 lousy month later FMF and the likes have a new pipe etc. that is so much better than the original. And the louses at dirt Bike endorse the stuff. Something stinks around here, think I'll get some fresh air.
A Gizmo "hall of shame thread" would be good. I'll add the MSR (now Moose) gizmo that decreases clutch pull Easy Pull Clutch System

I give it a 5 Star P.O.S. rating
Don't forget ;
U-groove plugs
Octane boosters
Flying lures
KTM seats
plastic sprockets
8 track tapes
and the AMA
Since the list went all the way down to the AMA, don't forget our compadres at BLM. Those guys are so full of cagada a radioactive barium enema wouldn't clean them out. :evil:
The only thing that eats me on the AMA
is that with all our motorcycle related
problems they spend a huge amount
of time and members money on the
helmet issue.That would be like the
NRA spending money to support big
bore pistol matches with no ear protection.
And them using the old argument that
helmet can hurt you in a wreck is
about as dumb as saying a condom
can give you aids.
You see the AMA is ruled by the big 4 and their money. Helmet laws tend to curb motorcycle sales so....... They won't fight the BLM cause the big 4 doesn't want the AMA into federal politics but when any potential ban on ATV's comes down the pipe the big 4 jumps on the issue lickety split. :roll: All that crap is why I own a Husaberg ! Long live the king :bow:

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