reformulated low-emission delo ???


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How something is described can skew hard data. Legal and accurate are not the same.

It really makes little difference to me what oil people run if I did not build the engine.

Take the advice, process it and make an educated decision.

Best Regards,
If you read the oil company papers you will also want to read the following classical textbook:
Will teach you what doctered facts and truths are worth. And you will learn to recognize the doctering when you see it. Buy the book, read it and then we'll see what oil you want to buy. :lol:
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Smorgasbord said:
If you read the oil company papers you will also want to read the following classical textbook:
Will teach you what doctered facts and truths are worth. And you will learn to recognize the doctering when you see it. Buy the book, read it and then we'll see what oil you want to buy. :lol:

I don't know about statistics, but burn't black oil in a test tube vs. light amber to brown does not look like a stat to me, and when I worked at a company years ago in Northern Calif. that rebuilt compressors for large companies including Food processing plants. I wathced a salesman from a synthetic lubricant company, take his product in a tablespoon and put a torch to it, and then did the same with the product we were currently using in the compressors, and although maybe it would not rank very high on the scientific scale. the difference was quite dramatic. But I will check out the link to the book, it may be an interesting read. :)

The bottom line for me is: Amsoil's warranty, which is in writing !!
As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.
The topic of oil is always a hot one.
Two or more times a year such a thread is generated.
The archives are full of such.

A thorough UHE search would likely provide one with enough data to write a book.


At the risk of asking you to repeat yourself, are you saying that the new LE Delo 400 sold in NA is unsuitable, or just not as good as the Standard, recently superceded version?

I'm trying to find out what is the current situation here in Australia, but to the best of my knowledge, there has been no change yet.

steve said:

At the risk of asking you to repeat yourself, are you saying that the new LE Delo 400 sold in NA is unsuitable, or just not as good as the Standard, recently superceded version?

I'm trying to find out what is the current situation here in Australia, but to the best of my knowledge, there has been no change yet.


Hi Steve,
The "Extreme Pressure" package has been trimmed to be more enviornmentally friendly.

DELO LE is good, just not as good as Standard DELO.

Our world rotates on DELO 400 and like oils hence only the "over the counter" transportation oil has been altered.

Military and other fleets which require the highest protection will purchase in bulk.

If a pickup fails it really is no big deal. If our military and / or freight lines fail, we are in deep trouble.

It's a compromise.

If it does not state "LE" then it is standard DELO.

Hope this helps.

Nominally 5 hrs. Depends a bit on what's planned and what I've been doing, ie casual cruise with the wife or headbanging with the boys or racing. I use an hour meter to keep tabs. Might go to 7, maybe 8 but I get nervous then. prefer to change at 2 or 3 if a big ride is coming up. Only do filters at 20 hrs and buy them in lots of 10 from Ballards for $A75

Could be overkill, but my 98 501 is still going strong with the Delo 400 and the valve gear is OK too with about twice the hours on it that I got out of Mobil 1 4 t previously in that bike. This has been confirmation of the merits of the Delo for me as the Mobil 1 is still supposed to be good stuff.

Just spoken to the Caltex lubeline guy who said the LE version is coming but doesn't know when, or how it will be marketed. He did say that the existing product will continue to be available but couldn't say how it will be packaged.

So, in Oz we still have the good stuff available off the shelf at your local and no LE to confuse the issue yet. Keep an eye out for a version with a prominent LE on the package and maybe stockup in the meantime.

Maybe at Louee in 2008 we can bring along a 200l drum and decant it?

Good on ya Steve. That is what I suspected, the LE not being here in Oz yet.

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