Bike is 96FE600E that had been sitting for a few years. Front brake locking while on the trail and I waited untill pressure realeased - couldn't even move lever. Got it home and cleaned master cylinder, line and caliper. Fulid was pretty bad so I flushed with brake clean and used DOT 5 to fill. Manual said DOT 4 or 5 and I didn't know what was in there so I took a shot. Checkout ride went fine - 30min dual sport - and then today after ~1.5hrs on the trail it started locking up again. Took 3 cool down/pressure release stops one of which I bled fluid to releave pressure to get ~10 miles. After I got it back I pumped the break and let it sit for several hours after which it was still locked up. Took salve cyclinders out and marred one with pliers (used compressed air after that) little dirty but bike is 15yrs old so nothing shocking. Now I'm thinking of replacing the following parts - #'s from
Master cylinder - repair piston 11mm 50213050000
Slave cylinders - reapir piston 28mm 54613206000
Slave seals - 28mm 54613205000
Are they the correct parts and will they fix my problem?
Thanks in advance for your responses
Master cylinder - repair piston 11mm 50213050000
Slave cylinders - reapir piston 28mm 54613206000
Slave seals - 28mm 54613205000
Are they the correct parts and will they fix my problem?
Thanks in advance for your responses