well maybe, maybe not I have a 550 in my shed that failed early with that setup
the idea is good but perhaps the ball "locking" the crank in place is not such a great thing when the crank can still move on the ball inner when hot or if it takes a thump. in that case it can send end float to zero and kill the roller.
IMHO if using a ball on one side it should be locked in place with a collar betwen its inner and the drive gear and use a different seal. these parts are OEM berg I think. the outer can still move in the cases.. ive seen pics of berg "factory" bikes with screws to hold the outers in place, the KTM 530 has lil brackets to do the same and uses 72mm OD ball bearings. JBS racings hardened sleeves for the berg also fix everything in place without excessive crush, this fix is the bees knees just MHO.
if using a ball with a collar with one side "locked" then on the other side you could use an NU206 c4 the NU means no inner lip so endfloat is not an issue. the excessive crush that husaberg use to try and hold the outers in place is not as big an issue with C4.
while everything that shouldn't move still isn't really locked down properly it should have less problems than not using a collar.
all the failed rollers Ive seen and all the pics show that the spalliing and wear occurs near hard up against the bearing inner lip.
to me that means that regardless of how the engine was built something happened (read moved when hot) to make the endfloat go to zero. misalighnment could also cause this as besides the stress on the bearings from the misalignment itself, the axis of the piston and bore may not be perpendicular to the main bearings axis.. if so misaligned the thrust of the piston results in side loads on the bearing inner lips.
my endfloat changes all the time and not just cause I check it

next time in Im using C4 lipped rollers held in with super duper high temp locktite on inners and outers , 16mm RHS and 20mm LHS.
just my take on the issue ATM, don't take me too seriously as its likely to change at any time