Check the the O-ring that seals spacer/collar to the shaft is definitely installed and in OK condition. If the collar sticks inside the seal the shaft will spin inside the collar & chew up or wear out this O-ring quicksmart.
When I had mine apart I put a dob of weld inside the bore of the spacer/collar and filed it to engage into one spline on the output shaft. This guarantees that the collar spins with the shaft and greatly reduces the wear on the O-ring.
Is it a Husaberg or 2 stroke Husqvarna front sprocket that is installed? 4 stroke Husky ones fit on but they are 1mm thinner through the centre boss, making them loose. If the sprocket is very loose then chances are the abovementioned O-ring will not have any clamping force on it and leak. If the thinner sprocket is fitted you can still use it but you have to fit a shim washer beween the sprocket & circlip to take out the movement.
Either way, oil would leak out between the spacer & the shaft them come out right beside the sprocket - not out between the collar & seal. Can you see where it is coming out?