great bike but when i bought it i was told it had bad gas and the spark plug was bad,it ran but it hesitated something fierce right off idle, changed the plug and put fresh juice in her, but still this awful hesitation, took some time looked at some posts on this site, and tore into her, has the same fcr that was on my honda crf so i wasnt to afraid, float level was ok and all jets clear 178 main jet, other jets were 85 and 40, mix screw 2.5 turns out, so i turned mixture screw in 1.5 and checked the needle and he had it on the second slot from top, so i moved it down to slot 4 from top, and put her back together i love this bike i did this all in less than an hour. bike now runs like my old crf 450 awsome!
the weather warmed up here in michigan to around 65 dgrees f and it still wont start on choke, choke in, starts right up cold is this right?
thanks for all your responses