up to and including '03 they steering head angle was 25d i believe and it's now 23.5 degrees. i don't think that that is right but someone may know. there is a picture in chapter one of the doc of the difference.
the trail changes with each set. the 14s become MORE stable, they jave mre trail, but make it harder to turn the bike at corners. below a certain speed, like 5mph and you go from lock to lock the bike is easier. the reason for this is the lifting mass/weight.
if you remember a guy on a harley at a stop, when he went from lock to lock he actually had to raise the bike up to steer ahead and then it dropped to the other lock.
with the 14s there is less lifting so at 5 mph it's lighter and easier. the main disadvantage of the 14s is that to drop the bike into a corner you have to throw it down instead of falling in.
i'm sure you understand that when you turn into a corner, you fall off centre and steer ahead until you drop low enough and start to press on the bars to start the arc around the corner. well with the 14s the wheel doesn't move as far offline as you turn, it means you needed to fall further over and of course that takes time.
when in the corner the wheel is under you more and with more weight on it giving you better grip.
oddly enough, if you leave the sussies, you'll get more weight on the front, this results in more dip, this helps it steer sharper! however now....too much dip and nod and on acceleration - more yaw - means you're unstable.
i described it on ktalk the other day as thus:
take an imaginary line from the steering stem down to the ground. it would go through the front wheel and strike the ground well infront of it. imagine a wiper blade pivoting on that point infront of the bike with the arm and blade back toward you. the 22s mean that the wheel would be at the top of the rubber away from the pivot. so when i turn the steering, the wheel arcs out further. with the 14s the wheel is at the bottom of the rubber: the bottom of the blade and therefore nearest the pivot. it doesn't travel as far off the centreline when you turn the steering the same amount.
sounds like MMs and it is but it gets exagurated by the dip in the forks so the difference will be over an inch and that's a lot.
phew! i'm knackered!